Frequently Unanswered Questions, FUQ it. |
Frequently Unanswered Questions, FUQ it. |
Dec 10 2008, 10:19 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 647 Joined: 9-September 03 From: Sorř, Denmark Member No.: 5,604 |
Don't ever try NERPS. Look what they did to my character: He was fine for many years, improving his martial arts, but then things went downhill. He got a datajack (lost touch with his magic as a result), was mortally wounded (lost even more touch with hios magic, it was hard in the olden days), started using drugs (lost even more touch with magic), started becomming obsessed with material things. In the end he had nothing and ended his life in the gutters in Berlin. All because of NERPS. Lars |
Jan 7 2009, 04:05 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 21 Joined: 17-June 08 Member No.: 16,061 |
What the heck are you talking about? well since i check these forums rather irregulary and this thread even less often, i dint stumble across your quote earlier, sorry. to clarify my then-only-short-packed post: our most beloved Shadowrun doomsday cult Winternight (Threats) had two major groups of toxic shamans within the awakened members: the toxic wolf shamans (defilers [Magic in the Shadows], focused on combat/assault strikes/magical backup) who follow the fenris-like-aspect of the wolf totem and the toxic raven shamans (avengers [Magic in the Shadows], the schemers/leaders of the cult) of which Wednesday(iirc? or was his totem different?)(System Failure) was probaly the best known (at least by gamemasters). the fluff text and rule section of Threats(pages 23 to 30) show the usage of Winternights God-/Berserker-Chips to brainwash the victims and indoctrinate them to the cult's goals. now to the other stuff: as most of you will know there is the (in)famous/(un)popular (depends all on who you ask (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ) link between Shadowrun and Earthdawn, where Earthdawn is the 4th world predecessor of our 5th more mundane world, which is followed up by the 6th world that is Shadowrun. in Earthdawn Second Edition's Horror sourcebook Scourge Unending there is a female Horror called Cauthrunne (pages 13 to 15 gor fluff text, pages 31/32 for game information). some of the parallels i noticed: (ill put them within spoiler tags cause they are rather long) [ Spoiler ] wouldnt be the first group of people worshipping a horror (Nebis anyone ?) whew, this should explain my NEBIS post, still hoping for AH and/or one of the DEVs to NEBIS this one. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) note that NEBIS didnt use any sr4 material since Winternight seems to NEBIS bit the dust in the events that NEBIS to the 4th NEBIS T_T hope it was readable, sry that NEBIS suck at english NEBIS NEBIS, NEBIS, NEBIS #"$%&&/!ar67d@MnN3b!$11!!1^12 /nebis off damn viruses (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
Jan 9 2009, 03:09 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 87 Joined: 14-March 07 Member No.: 11,228 |
What are the leads concerning FastJack's meeting with Saeletra ? (Good morning world. Welcome back. Play nice.) Was the name mentioned elsewhere ? I wouldn't be so certain that Saeletra is a she, it could be an elven name of either gender. *almost used any gender, wouldn't that have confused the issue?!!* (IMG:style_emoticons/default/devil.gif) |
Jan 9 2009, 02:19 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 825 Joined: 21-October 08 Member No.: 16,538 |
Is there a fairly detailed description of the UCAS military running around anywhere? We're (the group) all scratching our heads on this one. Ranks, professions, etc.
Jan 11 2009, 01:48 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
QUOTE (p. 52 @ Corporate Enclaves) The Artificial Kidz, or A-Kidz, are stars of the hit show Gang Life and high-rating P2.0 personalities. Like the Steppin’ Wulfs, these kids are a booster gang. (emphasis mine) What the heck is "booster gang" supposed to tell me? Do they have "boosted reflexes"? Are they "boosted" by a third party? Help, plz (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
Jan 11 2009, 02:30 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 663 Joined: 30-June 06 From: Memphis, TN Member No.: 8,811 |
What the heck is "booster gang" supposed to tell me? Do they have "boosted reflexes"? Are they "boosted" by a third party? Help, plz (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) Booster gangs are small time gangs that get there cash by stealing (AKA boosting) stuff. Generally seen as being poser rich kids buy most REAL gangs. |
Jan 11 2009, 03:21 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
Hey, thanks! With this information, however, I wonder why the Steppin' Wulfs are considered a "booster gang" as well.
Also, I cannot see what the A-Kidz are actually "stealing" (aka "boosting" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ). They get their money from Horizon for minor vandalism, a little bit of soap opera and posing in general. |
Jan 11 2009, 04:09 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 732 Joined: 21-July 05 From: Seattle Member No.: 7,508 |
What the heck is "booster gang" supposed to tell me? Do they have "boosted reflexes"? Are they "boosted" by a third party? Help, plz (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) A "Booster gang" is one that uses a lot of augmentations and drugs to "boost" their members' natural abilities. (Not a gang that steals stuff as an income generator.) |
Jan 11 2009, 04:10 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 663 Joined: 30-June 06 From: Memphis, TN Member No.: 8,811 |
Hey, thanks! With this information, however, I wonder why the Steppin' Wulfs are considered a "booster gang" as well. Also, I cannot see what the A-Kidz are actually "stealing" (aka "boosting" (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) ). They get their money from Horizon for minor vandalism, a little bit of soap opera and posing in general. Stealing is just where the term boosting comes from. They only sell very minor drugs and generally act they they are bad ass-gangers. They tend to be in better areas (middle lifestyle or better) and from decent families. None of them are homeless (unless by choice), none of them are hard up for cash, and almost ALL of them think that they are real gangbanging hard asses. Real gangers look at them the same way that the Bloods from O-Town would look at the "gangbangers" who live in Beverly Hills. |
Jan 11 2009, 04:14 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 663 Joined: 30-June 06 From: Memphis, TN Member No.: 8,811 |
A "Booster gang" is one that uses a lot of augmentations and drugs to "boost" their members' natural abilities. (Not a gang that steals stuff as an income generator.) We always took the term "booster" to mean poser wannabe's. I have never really heard the term "booster gang" in any manner that is threatening to a runner. Booster gangs roam the schools and food courts of the world. They might use Jazz or Bad Billy might have a cyberarm, but combat skills are low. The Holloweeners would be a booster gang by your definition. Of course you right the rules so you win (IMG:style_emoticons/default/grinbig.gif) |
Jan 11 2009, 04:41 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 992 Joined: 23-December 08 From: the Tampa Sprawl Member No.: 16,707 |
The term "Booster Gang" originally saw heavy use in the game Cyberpunk (especially Cyberpunk 2020) and was used to discribe gangs that were heavy into cyberware and performance enhancing drugs.
Mockery's page of Cyberpunk 2020 gang goodness Here is a quick little excerpt from the page. The stuff writen there actually works just as good for Shadowrun as it does for CP2020. [ Spoiler ]
Jan 11 2009, 06:19 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
Now that were some useful responses! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Thank you all!
Jan 11 2009, 06:23 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 825 Joined: 21-October 08 Member No.: 16,538 |
The a-kidz are poser wannabes, though. Their description reads as thought you took Home and Away (or your countries Teen/Young Adult Soap Of Choice), hopped it up on PCP and gave the actors metal bodies and kleptomania.
Christ, most of them are corp runaways, and it says right there that most of it is soap opera. |
Jan 11 2009, 06:32 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
Still trying to make sense of Corporate Enclaves, so here's another one I could need some help with (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
Context: The "reactions" of surface-mana with the strange kind of mana emanating from the Deep Lacuna, resulting in manastorms and all kinds of weirdness. At least that's what I think is referred to by "those flare-ups" in the following piece of shadowtalk: QUOTE (p. 55 Corporate Enclaves) > Dr. Rosemont mentioned the Fall didn’t cause any known metahuman victims, but there’s been repeated glimpses of survivors wondering lost in some strange landscapes during those flare-ups. Nothing’s ever come of it, but it makes you think. > Skinny Dipper (emphasis mine) I don't really get what they want to tell me with that highlighted part of the first sentence. Has anybody figured out? |
Jan 11 2009, 06:39 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 825 Joined: 21-October 08 Member No.: 16,538 |
Ghosts. Illusions. People who might have been trapped in the Alchera. Maybe it was a Kaer.
Jan 12 2009, 10:40 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
And the "survivors wondering lost" thing - isn't there a spelling mistake or a grammatical one in there? I simply cannot wrap my mind around the grammar in this sentence, there must be something wrong with it. |
Jan 12 2009, 11:31 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 825 Joined: 21-October 08 Member No.: 16,538 |
Wondering. Wandering.
Jan 12 2009, 11:53 AM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
Thought so. So there was something fishy about it. Thank you! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)
Jan 12 2009, 08:05 PM
Target Group: Members Posts: 49 Joined: 19-November 07 From: Passau, Germany Member No.: 14,268 |
Remind me to pay Mr. SysOp the rent for threadnapping the FUQ. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif) Once more with feeling!
QUOTE (p. 60 @ Corporate Enclaves) Giri is the self-sacrificing devotion to duty and obligation that fuels Neo-Tokyo. When a wageslave refuses to drink anything but his megacorp’s beer, or your server at the local cyberclinic prac- tically falls over themselves being formally polite to you until you feel like they’re being a wiseass, or the bag runner for the local gumi pulls one more job at er being on his feet for eighteen hours straight, that’s giri. It’s giving a hundred percent, all the time. Anybody willing to give me a quick-and-dirty paraphrase of "bag runner"? |
Jan 13 2009, 10:16 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 228 Joined: 5-January 09 Member No.: 16,733 |
I remember reading in an ED book (not an SR reference I know, but a close cousin) that the so-called 'Immortal Elves' are actually dragon/elf hybrids that the dragons sired to run their estates for them (at least until the elves rebelled). That's why Harlequin told the Big D they were traditional enemies (for the life of me I can't remember where I read that) in one of their conversations. Now in this ED book there was reference to a dragon that was cast out of dragon society (such as it is) because this dragon had broken an agreement that all the dragons made not to sire any more offspring with the metahumans. So my questions:
1. Has anyone read anywhere any reference to non-elvish dragonkin or immortals? (I'm pretty sure that POST MORTEM stars two immortal elves slumming as non-elves rather than an actual example of non-elven immortality) 2. Are 'Immortal Elves' actually immortal or do they just live really long lives (like dragons?). 3. Are the offspring of 'Immortal Elves' also Immortal? And most important of all: 4. Did anyone else see Sally Tsung in Penthouse magazine in the early 90's? |
Jan 13 2009, 11:26 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 343 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Birmingham, UK Member No.: 13,515 |
Jan 13 2009, 11:27 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 343 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Birmingham, UK Member No.: 13,515 |
Jan 13 2009, 01:13 PM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,078 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 67 |
- Is Summer Blossom Hestaby? Jog my memory on the Summer Blossom reference. I'm not sure if I'm getting it confused with another secret or not. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif) |
Jan 13 2009, 01:29 PM
The ShadowComedian Group: Dumpshocked Posts: 14,538 Joined: 3-October 07 From: Hamburg, AGS Member No.: 13,525 |
I remember reading in an ED book (not an SR reference I know, but a close cousin) that the so-called 'Immortal Elves' are actually dragon/elf hybrids that the dragons sired to run their estates for them (at least until the elves rebelled). That's why Harlequin told the Big D they were traditional enemies (for the life of me I can't remember where I read that) in one of their conversations. Now in this ED book there was reference to a dragon that was cast out of dragon society (such as it is) because this dragon had broken an agreement that all the dragons made not to sire any more offspring with the metahumans. So my questions: 1. Has anyone read anywhere any reference to non-elvish dragonkin or immortals? (I'm pretty sure that POST MORTEM stars two immortal elves slumming as non-elves rather than an actual example of non-elven immortality) 2. Are 'Immortal Elves' actually immortal or do they just live really long lives (like dragons?). 3. Are the offspring of 'Immortal Elves' also Immortal? And most important of all: 4. Did anyone else see Sally Tsung in Penthouse magazine in the early 90's? 1. wasn't ryan mercury human before he became a drake? are drakes immortal too? 2. they die like you and me, if you put enough lead into one. they just don't age or get sick. 3. all signs point to yes 4. sadly, no. find us some pictures for future references please ^^ |
Jan 13 2009, 02:32 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 732 Joined: 21-July 05 From: Seattle Member No.: 7,508 |
I remember reading in an ED book (not an SR reference I know, but a close cousin) that the so-called 'Immortal Elves' are actually dragon/elf hybrids that the dragons sired to run their estates for them (at least until the elves rebelled). That's why Harlequin told the Big D they were traditional enemies (for the life of me I can't remember where I read that) in one of their conversations. Now in this ED book there was reference to a dragon that was cast out of dragon society (such as it is) because this dragon had broken an agreement that all the dragons made not to sire any more offspring with the metahumans. So my questions: AH has a great essay floating around on DS where he explains this. QUOTE 2. Are 'Immortal Elves' actually immortal or do they just live really long lives (like dragons?). They are immune to aging and disease and toxins... but yes, bullets or being digested by a dragon still makes 'em dead. QUOTE 3. Are the offspring of 'Immortal Elves' also Immortal? Not all of them. Harlequin's adventure details this... |
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