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> Sniper rifle power to high vs hvy machine gun
post Jan 27 2006, 08:44 PM
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If I have my stats right the Walther MA-2100 has a 14S and a heavy machine gun has a 10S. The Barrett is a 14D attack. The Barrett and the heavy machinegun are .50 caliber weapons in the real world. Does anyone else think the the power levels of the Barrett and the heavy machine gun should be closer togther?
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post Jan 27 2006, 08:52 PM
Post #2

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i think it's ok considering that iirc both of the snipers are SS guns, while the machine guns you can toss into full auto.
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post Jan 27 2006, 09:39 PM
Post #3

Neophyte Runner

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It's a game balance over realism issue most likely
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The Stainless St...
post Jan 27 2006, 09:41 PM
Post #4

Moving Target

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Think about it like this: In general you can consider that armor values reflect not only the toughness of the armor, but also the area covered. It could very well be the case that the sniper rife has a higher damage code because it is more likely to put the same round into a more vital area - effectively adding to your skill and upping the damage.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 27 2006, 09:49 PM
Post #5

Great Dragon

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You are absolutely right that the damage code of the HMG is crap compared to other guns. The standard excuse would be game balance -- 14D on fully automatic tends to make people very dead. Of course, a god damn heavy machinegun should kill people.

In my games, 12.7x99mm FMJs out of a long barrel did 14D with -10 to target body armor, regardless of whether it was shot from an anti-material rifle or a HMG.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 27 2006, 09:52 PM
Post #6

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QUOTE (The Stainless Steel Rat)
It could very well be the case that the sniper rife has a higher damage code because it is more likely to put the same round into a more vital area - effectively adding to your skill and upping the damage.

In SR3, where accuracy (as in lowered TN) directly leads to greater damage because of additional successes on the attacks, there is simply no reason at all to go about it like that. And if it did work like that, why don't accuracy enhancing firearm modifications increase the damage instead of providing increased range or reduced TNs?
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The Stainless St...
post Jan 27 2006, 11:38 PM
Post #7

Moving Target

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Hey, I'm not trying to justify it - just offering a possible explanation that conforms to other parts of the system.
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post Jan 27 2006, 11:47 PM
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The calibre of the round isnt the only consideration when determining the damage it will do. A sniper rifle has a longer barrel, with less wear, and more precise rifling. This raises the muzzle velocity significantly. Also, as I believe the barret is an anti-material/anti-tank rifle the powder charge is probably significantly more powerful than that of an HMG, as you dont necessarily want a 3 mile range on an hmg, and the friction of a bullet going 150% faster through the barrel might cause warping, heat and wear issues.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 27 2006, 11:47 PM
Post #9

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My point is that it doesn't conform to other parts of the system. Otherwise it would be a likely excuse, and one that has certainly been used to ruin dozens of FPS-games.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 27 2006, 11:57 PM
Post #10

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QUOTE (lumikant)
The calibre of the round isnt the only consideration when determining the damage it will do. A sniper rifle has a longer barrel, with less wear, and more precise rifling. This raises the muzzle velocity significantly. Also, as I believe the barret is an anti-material/anti-tank rifle the powder charge is probably significantly more powerful than that of an HMG, as you dont necessarily want a 3 mile range on an hmg [...]

Sniper rifles do not have longer barrels. In fact, they have much shorter barrels than HMGs: the M2HB has a 1140mm barrel, the Barrett M82 has a 737mm barrel. The muzzle velocity on an M2HB will be significantly higher when firing the same cartridge.

The rifling will be the same assuming they fire the same ammunition -- and they do fire the exact same ammunition, including primers, cases, propellant weights and types, and bullets. Sniper rifle barrels might be manufactured to stricter tolerances, but this only improves accuracy and has no effect on the muzzle velocity.

QUOTE (lumikant)
[...] and the friction of a bullet going 150% faster through the barrel might cause warping, heat and wear issues.

No. The bullets travel just as fast through machineguns as they do through sniper rifles. Heat and wear are problems with MG barrels, but that is not solved, nor has anyone ever seriously tried to solve it, by cutting down on the muzzle velocity.
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post Jan 28 2006, 12:21 AM
Post #11

Running Target

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In 2063, sniper rifles don't use the same ammo as HMGs. This is supported by the rules concerning ammo. :P
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post Jan 28 2006, 12:52 AM
Post #12

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It speaks for itself.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 28 2006, 12:52 AM
Post #13

Great Dragon

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Right. Some time in the 21st century, all firearms designers got together and decided that from here on HMGs should suck ass, sound suppressors have to self-destruct once they've had 300 rounds fired through them, and every firearm in existence has to be fed with the exact same kind of detachable box magazine.
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Robotech Master
post Jan 28 2006, 02:16 AM
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To change the topic slightly, has anyone ever written a realistic ruleset/damageset for firearms?
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 28 2006, 02:20 AM
Post #15

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post Jan 28 2006, 05:17 AM
Post #16

Moving Target

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I don't think the HMG in Shadowrun was actually designed after the Browning M2.

I think based on the damage rating, it would more likely be something like a .30-06, or maybe a 7.62x54R.

Now that I look at it, the description in the SR3 rulebook labels the HMG as an "RPK". That doesn't make any sense at all, considering an RPK is just a larger version of an AK, and still uses the same magazines and 7.62x39 ammo.

Now, an RPD would use belts, but still be 7.62x39.

Perhaps what they actually had in mind was a PKM, which is a belt-fed 7.62x54R. That would make a LOT more sense, based on the damage, considering that the 7.62x54R is fairly comparable to the 7.62 NATO.

So, any opinions?
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 28 2006, 01:03 PM
Post #17

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That'd require them to have had no fucking idea what light, medium or heavy machineguns are. And since LMGs, MMGs, and HMGs all do more damage than Assault Rifles, as much damage as Sport Rifles, and less damage than Sniper Rifles, that'd mean they were basically making all three based on GPMGs like the M60, M240 and the PKM. It's possible they really were that ignorant, but that doesn't mean we have to be.

Since WW2, no HMGs have been manufactured in number that were chambered for anything but .50BMG, 12.7x108mm, or 14.5x114mm.
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post Jan 28 2006, 07:35 PM
Post #18


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Sniper rifles have a higher damage rating because they're kewl.
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post Jan 28 2006, 07:54 PM
Post #19

Moving Target

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QUOTE (Shrapnel)
Now that I look at it, the description in the SR3 rulebook labels the HMG as an "RPK". That doesn't make any sense at all, considering an RPK is just a larger version of an AK, and still uses the same magazines and 7.62x39 ammo.

yeah and the HK227 has a picture of a 7.62mm NATO G3-type weapon, RPK means Light Machinegun Kalashnikov so it's kind of rediculous that Ruchnoy (light) would be a heavy machinegun.

honestly though, the capabilities of a heavy machinegun wouldn't work well with 3rd edition mechanics, it's getting out of the area of small arms, there's enough experiences with weird unbalanced weapons like the Ruger Thunderbolt, GyroJet Pistol, Narcojet everything, etc.
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Austere Emancipa...
post Jan 28 2006, 10:43 PM
Post #20

Great Dragon

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If you play out the downsides of a HMG as well, I don't think they are particularly unbalanced. The massive size and weight, having to have a (stationary, unless you're a troll) mount to fire it from, etc. make it not a very shadowrunner-friendly weapon. It's only really useful in a warzone, and any team of shadowrunners that decide to make their own warzone will quickly find themselves outgunned.

HMGs have always been around and theoretically available in my games, but none of my players ever showed any interest in getting one. They were quite happy with their GPMG and ARs.
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post Jan 29 2006, 12:32 AM
Post #21

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they work decent on vehicle mounted though. I've always preferred to get a minigun if I'm going for something that heavy though. 7.62 is always easier to get ahold of.
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Crusher Bob
post Jan 29 2006, 02:12 AM
Post #22


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But if you have to stop any sort of armored vehicle, that 7.62 is just going to bounce right off. At point blank range, HMG rounds have some marginal anti-armor abilities
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post Jan 29 2006, 02:27 AM
Post #23

Running Target

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QUOTE (Austere Emancipator)
If you play out the downsides of a HMG as well, I don't think they are particularly unbalanced. The massive size and weight, having to have a (stationary, unless you're a troll) mount to fire it from, etc. make it not a very shadowrunner-friendly weapon. It's only really useful in a warzone, and any team of shadowrunners that decide to make their own warzone will quickly find themselves outgunned.

HMGs have always been around and theoretically available in my games, but none of my players ever showed any interest in getting one. They were quite happy with their GPMG and ARs.

Unless you're a rigger, and decide to stick it on a drone. ;)
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post Jan 29 2006, 08:32 AM
Post #24

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QUOTE (eidolon)
Sniper rifles have a higher damage rating because they're kewl.

That was very probably the extent of the logic behind it, yes.

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post Jan 29 2006, 09:39 PM
Post #25


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I have to say my feeling is the HMG round, assuming it's a .50BMG or equivalent, when compared to the assault rifle is probably more accurately reflected at 14S than 10S. Agree or disagree?
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