Recruitment: Consular Operations, SOFD-Delta + James Bond + Shadowrun |
Recruitment: Consular Operations, SOFD-Delta + James Bond + Shadowrun |
Aug 20 2007, 05:39 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Greetings all. I'm starting this thread to gauge interest in a game I'm thinking about running. The basic premise is this:
The characters are all CAS Consular Operations operatives who are tasked with a long-term, deep cover mission that requires them to pose and behave as Shadowrunners. The game is going to be set mostly along the CAS Gulf coast area, and will be using 4th edition rules. The kicker is, I have house rules for a LOT of things. Mostly, those rules center around firearms, armor, and combat. Plus I use thresholds way more than dice pool penalties for tests. So if that doesn't scare you away, and this sounds interesting, let me know. I've got 5 slots to fill, and I want the team to have all of it's bases covered. Later on this week, I'll post my character gen rules, and then will probably give everyone until the middle of next week to write up their characters. So go ahead and sound off! |
Aug 20 2007, 05:41 PM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
Hmmmmm. I've got a hankering to make a Jayne type character. :)
Aug 20 2007, 06:01 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 121 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,325 |
Oh, that's just not right. I so totally would have called Jayne, except you took it.
*sigh* I guess I'll go for the Wash, Mal, or Operative type then. Since you took the GOOD one. Jerk. ;) Color me interested. |
Aug 20 2007, 06:54 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
LOL...I really like Firefly too, but I'll probably be heading in a bit different direction. Think Rainbow 6 + Bourne Identity. Highly trained operatives who work for the gubmint and get an assignment to play "Shadowrunner" for an undisclosed amount of time.
That having been said, Jayne's personality and delivery would certainly be a fantastic addition to the game. |
Aug 21 2007, 05:32 AM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 121 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,325 |
Heh heh, yeah, I was kidding...mostly. A physad based on the Operative might be fun, though. I'll see and get back to you. ;)
Aug 21 2007, 05:36 AM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
Sounds like it could be a lot of fun! Do you have a link or list of your house rules, or what kind of character creation guidelines you'd be using?
Aug 21 2007, 05:38 AM
Neophyte Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,156 Joined: 15-March 03 From: Fresno, CalFree Member No.: 4,252 |
I'll throw in a character
Aug 21 2007, 05:57 AM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,650 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,328 |
I'll toss in a character if you'll let me, some sort of ?/Hacker thing.
Personality really depends on some other factors: How 'gritty' is the idea you are tossing out? James bond is a pretty fluffy source and I'm not familiar with the other material you are proposing. Edit: Err, wait, yes I am. Rainbow Six the novel? Bourne identify is a bit grittier than james bond I suppose But jayne as an undercover mercenary, while hilarious is.. well... hilarious ;) So whats the tone? |
Aug 21 2007, 12:55 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Nice to see this generating some interest. Let me see if I can answer some of the basic questions posed here.
As far as tone, this is going to be a very gritty game. Much more gritty than James Bond, so that was probably a poor choice for the title. The characters will all come from a Special Operations/SEAL/Delta/CIA field agent type background. Your primary training has been in counter-terror, both on the tactical-assault level, and on the intel-gathering, deep cover level. When I think about the skill sets and professional training, I see Jason Bourne, The Unit, Mission Impossible, etc. And yeah, if you've read Tom Clancy, Rainbow Six the novel is close. Those guys were more of reaction/SWAT type force. I'm looking for people that can move in, blend in with the enemy, gain his trust, then bring his operation down from the inside. John Clark from Clancy's books (specifically Without Remorse) is a great example. While you will all be highly trained professionals, I'm not going to put any real restrictions on character background and personalities. You will HAVE to be able to work well with a team, and, because of the nature of the mission, your character shouldn't have a spouse or children. The brass isn't going to put family people on a 2+ year deep cover assignment. As for character generation rules, here are some of the basics: Character Generation: 600 BPs, 300 BPs max on Mental and Physical Attributes. Metatypes: Ork, Elf, or Dwarf costs 25 BPs. Trolls won't be allowed for this game. Attributes Attributes cost 10 BPs up to 1 less than the normal racial maximum. The point of normal racial maximum costs 25 points. Skills Skill groups cost 5 points, and may be purchased up to rating 5. Individual Skills cost 2 BPs per die, and one of them can be brought to 6, three of them to 5, and all others capped at 4. Specializations cost 1 BP Knowledge/Language Skills are available free as normal (Logic x3 + Intuition x3) and can be purchased at the rate of 1 BP per point of Knowledge skill (keeping with the skills at half-cost model). Wealth and Resources: Lifestyle purchases are not necessary. The characters will have a house or apartment that Uncle Sam pays for, but they won't be seeing it for the duration of the mission. The "lifestyle" that the characters will be living in during the mission is something they will have to arrange once they have boots on the ground. Do not spend money on equipment. That will be issued out at the beginning of the mission. You should, however, make a list of the equipment that the character most often uses/carries. You'll probably be able to request most of what you will need before the mission starts. Cyber/Bio up to Beta grade is available. You'll need special dispensation from me for Delta grade stuff. Also, there is no other availability cap on Cyber/Bio. For every 1 BP you spend on resources, you get 7000 nuyen. Spend all of your resources. Any money left over evaporates. You will, however, all receive some "startup cred" before the mission begins. I've changed the nuyen cost and effects of some pieces of cyber/bio, and I've changed the cost of many of the physad abilities. I use a version of Blakkie's Excel character generator that I would be happy to e-mail out to everyone who needs it. Also, if someone has a place they can host it, that would be even better. Don't worry about contacts either. You guys will be in deep cover, and won't have access to any of the people you regularly work with, so Contacts will be something you form after your boots hit the ground. I'll post more of my house rules once I have them more organized. And don't worry, if you've put together your character and my house rules have an unintended effect, I'll let you compensate. I won't consider a character sheet finalized until I've given everyone all of my house rules. Also, if you need to contact me outside of the forums, you can catch me on AIM under the handle TheOneRonin, or you can e-mail me at Please feel free to post any questions you might have about the game in this thread. |
Aug 21 2007, 01:25 PM
Runner Group: Members Posts: 2,650 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,328 |
If one had a previous existence in CAS, it would be *highly unwise* to contact anyone from said previous existence wouldn't it?
So Contacts are a bit of a moot point? Edit: Also, availability, any limitations? Standard game, can wave some bigger 'ware around? |
Aug 21 2007, 02:08 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
I'll try my best to clarify some of this stuff, but it will all make a lot more sense once the game starts and you guys get your mission briefing.
Right. You guys will be on a long term, deep cover assignment. Anyone who knows your real identity will be a liability. However, that doesn't mean that you won't have any contacts at all. You will...but it will all be part of the game once it starts.
During character creation, yes. If there are some contacts you feel like you just HAVE to have, PM me so we can talk about it. But for now, my stance is "no contacts at chargen".
I covered most of this in my previous post, but it was a lot to read, so I don't mind answering this again. Availability is pretty much irrelevant. You guys will be Consular Operations...that's the cream of the crop of the CAS Special Operations/Intelligence community. The Gubmint will spare no expense in making you the badest-asses on the block. That being said, I don't want you buying "gear". There is a reason for that, and it will all make sense once the game starts. Don't worry, though. I'm not going to pull the "you wake up in a jail cell with just a loin cloth" crap. You guys will start the mission with gear. You just won't get it pick it before hand. |
Aug 21 2007, 02:19 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Just a small note...I have the PDFs of Augmentation and Street Magic. I haven't really gotten intimate with all of those rules/options/gear choices yet, but I would be willing to consider them if you have an interest. I'll probably handle them on a case by case basis.
Aug 21 2007, 03:07 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Here are my house rules for Armor. They tend to make a bit more sense when you pair them up with the revised firearm stats:
There are 4 types of armor categories #1: Armored Clothing #2: Armored Vests #3: Body Armor #4: Implanted Armor Armored Clothing consists of advanced Kevlar material woven into common garments, offering a semi-sufficient level of protection against smaller caliber handgun rounds. While highly concealable, this armor normally does not have the thickness to absorb the majority of the energy delivered by most ammunition, so blunt trauma is very likely and can even be severe when delivered by ammunition like the 10mm Auto or 12 gauge slug. Use double the ballistic rating when determining whether a hit is Physical or Stun damage, but use the base ballistic rating when rolling the damage resistance test. This type of armor can be worn by anyone without penalty. Note that the modification to the Ballistic rating from a weapon's AP is added after the doubling. Examples: Securetech Clothing: 2/0 [full body, + head w/hood] Securetech Long Coat: 3/0 [full body] Securetech Jacket: 4/1 [torso+arms only] Armored Vests are made out of the same material as armored clothing, but are designed to offer much better protection and energy dissipation. Vests can be concealed by clothing, however all but the lowest rating vest can be noticed by anyone who knows what he/she is looking for. Level IIA vest: 3/1, no penalties [torso only] Level II vest: 6/2, no penalties [torso only] Level IIIA vest: 9/3, no penalties [torso only] Body armor is non-concealable armor designed for military scale combat. It includes a series of ceramic ballistic-plate inserts that are designed to stop rifle fire in addition to stopping most other smaller caliber rounds. This armor also hampers movement somewhat. Level III: 12/4, no penalties [torso, arms only] Level IVA: 18/6, -1 die to agility tests [full coverage] Level IV: 24/8, -2 dice to agility tests [full coverage] Level V: 30/10, -4 dice to agility tests [full coverage] Implanted armor This type of armor comes in two categories. Dermal Plating/Sheathing and Orthoskin. Dermal Plating/Sheathing consists of hard plastic and metal fibers bonded/woven into the users skin. This type of armor is very resistant to ballistic and impact threats, but doesn't completely cover the whole body, thus it is not generally as effective as worn armor. However, it is still highly resilient, and direct hits on the protected areas are usually 100% stopped. Game Rules: Attacks with AP reduction never lower the rating of Dermal Plating/Sheathing. Also, dice from Plating/Sheathing are added directly to the rating of armor worn, and use that total to determine whether or not an attack does Physical or Stun damage. Dermal plating has thicker masses of fiber, but leaves many gaps. Sheathing has more entire coverage, but has less thickness and thus less impact protection. Dermal Plating -Class I: +2 Ballistic/+3 Impact -Class II: +4 Ballistic/+6 Impact -Class III: +6 Ballistic/+9 Impact Dermal Sheathing -Class I: +4 Ballistic/+2 Impact -Class II: +6 Ballistic/+4 Impact -Class III: +8 Ballistic/+6 Impact Orthoskin is much less invasive, and the implant is completely unnoticeable without a medical examination. However, it is less protective than Dermal Plating/Sheathing, and is subject to rating reduction from AP attacks. Like Dermal Plating/Sheathing, add the rating of Orthoskin directly to the rating of worn armor to determine if an attack does physical or stun damage Orthoskin -Tier I: +1 body for dmg resist, +1 Ballistic/+1 Impact -Tier II: +1 body for dmg resist, +2 Ballistic/+2 Impact -Tier III: +1 body for dmg resist, +3 Ballistic/+3 Impact |
Aug 21 2007, 04:03 PM
Immoral Elf Group: Members Posts: 15,247 Joined: 29-March 02 From: Grimy Pete's Bar & Laundromat Member No.: 2,486 |
You must have really rewritten the firearms system if people can reasonably wear 30 points of armor. :eek:
Aug 21 2007, 04:33 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
This really does sound more and more interesting. Two questions, though:
1. Did I read you right? We're free to be from different organizations and backgrounds as long as it would be logical choices for such a cross-organization operation? Or were the SEAL/Delta/CIA/etc. bits just an example of who we might work for but has yet to be decided? If the former, are they only going to be pulling from CAS organizations or is it a national or even international operation? (I'm not quit sure what "consular" means in this context.) 2. How does the gear assignments work with fetishes, geasa and foci (and especially the latter's bonding requirements)? I was leaning towards submitting an idea for a special ops combat sorcerer type of character, so that's a pretty important consideration for me. |
Aug 21 2007, 05:40 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 121 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,325 |
Can't wait to read the rest. I have my fellow finished up for the most part, but he relies pretty heavily on slinging guns, heh heh. Oh, and as for equipment; though he's all about some in-your-face badassery, there were points left over to make him a relatively skilled hacker as well. Would programs and such that are twinked out be considered equipment, or should I sacrifice some of his precious 'ware to get them?
Aug 21 2007, 06:09 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 | would think so. Like I said, it makes a lot more sense when you have the firearm chart in front of you. In general, you'll see the handgun stats remaining somewhat similar to the main book, with the biggest changes being visible with ARs, MGs, and Sniper/AM rifles. Let me give you some examples: Handguns Ares Predator IV -Caliber: 10mm Auto -Range: Heavy Pistol -Ammo: 13© -Mode: SA -Damage: 5P -AP: - -Weight: 1.9kg -Notes: Fullsize, smartlink HK USP45C -Caliber: 45 ACP -Range: Medium Pistol -Ammo: 8© -Mode: SA -Damage: 4P -AP: +2 -Weight: .72 kg -Notes: Compact Glock 26 -Caliber: 9mm -Range: Light Pistol -Ammo: 12© -Mode: SA -Damage: 3P -AP: - -Weight: .56 kg -Notes: Subcompact SMGs FN P90 -Caliber: 5.7mm -Range: Light Carbine -Ammo: 50© -Mode: SA/FA -Damage: 2P -AP: -5 -Weight: 2.50 kg -Notes: Bullpup, Reflex Sight (counts as laser sight) HK MP5k PDW -Caliber: 9mm -Range: Medium Pistol -Ammo: 15/30© -Mode: SA/FA -Damage: 3P -AP: - -Weight: 2.8 kg -Notes: Folding Stock, Compact SMG Ingram Smartgun -Caliber: 9mm -Range: SMG -Ammo: 32© -Mode: SA/BF/FA -Damage: 3P -AP: - -Weight: 2.7 kg -Notes: Detachable Suppressor, Smartlink, Folding Stock Assault/Battle Rifles Ares Alpha -Caliber: 7.62x51mm/20mm AGL -Range: LMG/GL -Ammo: 30©/4(m) -Mode: SA/BF/FA -Damage: 6P/as Grenade type -AP: -9/as Grenade type -Weight: 4.8 kg -Notes: Bullpup, Smartlink, Grenade link, recoil reduction system FN SCAR-L -Caliber: 5.56x45mm -Range: Assault Rifle -Ammo: 30© -Mode: SA/BF/FA -Damage: 3P -AP: -6 -Weight: 3.8 kg -Notes: Reflex Sight Colt M23 Whisper -Caliber: .300 Whisper -Range: Assault Rifle -Ammo: 30© -Mode: SA/BF/FA -Damage: 5P -AP: -3 -Weight: 3.75 kg -Notes: Integrally Suppressed, Smartlink Sniper Rifles HK PSG-1 -Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO -Range: Sniper Rifle -Ammo: 5©/20© -Mode: SA -Damage: 6P -AP: -9 -Weight: 8.1 kg -Notes: Imaging Scope Remington M40 -Caliber: 7.62x51mm NATO -Range: Sniper Rifle -Ammo: 5(m) -Mode: SS -Damage: 6P -AP: -9 -Weight: 6.57 kg -Notes: Imaging Scope, -1 Threshold @ Long and Extreme Ranges Ranger Arms SM3 -Caliber: .338 Winchester Magnum -Range: Sniper Rifle -Ammo: 6© -Mode: SA -Damage: 8P -AP: -15 -Weight: 5.5 kg -Notes: Imaging Scope w/lowlight+thermo, Bipod, +2 recoil Whew...that took a while. As you can see, battlefield level weapons tend to fare VERY well against personal armor. And I didn't even bother posting my AMR stats...those things pretty much ignore personal armor altogether. |
Aug 21 2007, 06:18 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Sort of. In my campaign world, CAS Consular Operations is pretty much the top echelon Counter-Terror/Field Intelligence agency in the country. They actively recruit from CAS Special Operations Command (inc CAG[Delta], Green Berets, SEALs, Air Force Combat Controllers & PJs, Marine Force Recon, etc.) and from the CAS FBI, CIA, and NSA field agents. Those jobs are what you did before joining ConsOps. All of the characters are going to be ConsOps agents...probably with 2-5 years in the agency already. Adding that to your background probably means no one should be under 30-35 years of age. (since I didn't answer your question completely the first time) ConsOps is a CAS only agency. They pull assets from CAS government/military/LE organizations only. No international or corporate personnel. They will often do joint ops with the UCAS and other countries, but they are all CAS locals.
Treat anything that has to be bonded the same way you treat cyber/bio. It's not stuff that be just checked out from supply when you need it. It is yours, and not mission specific. |
Aug 21 2007, 06:20 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Programs for Hackers will be provided just like Guns and Ammo. If your character is a hardcore hacker (high software/programming skills), then I will probably let you start with a handful of your own custom written progs that will have a higher rating than what Uncle Sam gives you. |
Aug 21 2007, 06:28 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
When putting your characters together, keep in mind a few things:
1. Your Job = Gather Intel and Deal with Badguys. That means you need to be part spy and part John Wayne. Everyone in ConsOps has the tactical competency to be a SWAT shooter, and can pull off "undercover cop" shit. If you can't do those things, ConsOps doesn't want you. 2. Generalize/Specialize. For this to work, you guys have to do both. You should have a core set of skills that lets you shoot, move, and communicate. Everyone should have some firearms skill, Athletics, some social skills, and perception, at the very least. You should also have something that separates you from the rest of your team. Either a skillset that the others do not have, or a skillset that is leaps and bounds better than the rest. For example, everyone should have First Aid. But the team Medic should be able to do anything up to major heart surgery. Or you might have one character that is ESPECIALLY skilled in Interrogation/HUMINT. You might even have someone from a heavy Law Enforcement background that has a lot of experience dealing with the Criminal Underworld. |
Aug 21 2007, 06:35 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
One thing of note is that 30 points of armor is something akin to Heavy Rigid Plate armor that is really only practical on the battlefield. Sure, you need an AMR to reliably kill those guys, but you will be drawing fire from Drone and Vehicle mounted .50 cals anyway. And if you don't mind walking around looking like an astronaut, it can work... |
Aug 21 2007, 07:10 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
Skill set guidance: Here is an example of how you guys should be building your characters. The following text comes from the US Army's webiste and lists skills and requirements for a Special Forces Medical Sergeant.
I'm not saying that anyone HAS to play a SpecOps medic, or that the whole team has to have an Army SpecOps background. However, each character should be much more well rounded and more highly trained than your average Shadowrunner. A lot of you are going to find yourselves running out of BPs, especially when trying to make sure you have all of your skill bases covered. Fret not, for after your initial build, I'll most likely be allowing each person to spend an additional pool of skill-only BPs. I'll determine exactly how many BPs that will be AFTER I get initial character submissions. |
Aug 21 2007, 07:47 PM
Moving Target Group: Members Posts: 121 Joined: 21-July 07 Member No.: 12,325 |
Here's Saturday thus far. Edits to come.
[ Spoiler ]
Aug 21 2007, 08:17 PM
Running Target Group: Members Posts: 1,109 Joined: 16-October 03 From: Raleigh, NC Member No.: 5,729 |
After thinking about it, I upped the BP allocation to 600 points. Also, here is a list of skills/skill groups that everyone needs to have, and the minimum rating for such. I will allow certain exceptions on a case by case basis. Athletics: 4 Close Combat: 3 Firearms: 5 Influence: 3 Outdoor: 4 Stealth: 4 |
Aug 21 2007, 09:47 PM
Immortal Elf Group: Validating Posts: 7,999 Joined: 26-February 02 Member No.: 1,890 |
I'm liking this more and more. Not only for the concept but because of the amount of work and thought you've put into everything.
With all the information presented at present, I think I'm going to change my concept to an ork rigger and communications/electronic warfare specialist. Have a really nice background already worked up and will try and submit something in the next day or two once I hash him out a little better. |
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