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post Jan 23 2009, 04:05 PM
Post #1


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I need Some Clarifcation. Now The SR4 Book Tells us That.
When operating with hot sim full-VR, use your Matrix
Initiative rather than your physical Initiative. Hot sim Matrix
Initiative equals your Response + Intuition + 1, and you receive
two extra Initiative Passes (for a total of three). You also receive an
exceptional +2 dice pool bonus to all Matrix tests while in hot sim
mode, due to your hypersensitized state.

And it also tells us.
Note that when technomancers immerse themselves in full-VR, they are always considered to be running with hot sim (see p. 229). Th e speed bonus for hot sim is already calculated into their Response and Initiative, but keep in mind that they also receive +2 to all full-VR Matrix tests as well.

So what i want to know is that do technomancers get only the +2 that hot sim comes with or do they get +4, the +2 for hot sim that there alway considered to be in, and an aditional +2 for being a technomancer?
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post Jan 23 2009, 04:11 PM
Post #2

Running Target

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I believe your second quote is simply stating that they do get the +2 Hot Sim bonus when operating in Full-VR, not an additional +2. Do note, however, that TM's get a global +2 bonus for all Matrix Perception Tests (which does stack with the +2 Hot-Sim bonus).
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post Jan 23 2009, 10:59 PM
Post #3


Group: Retired Admins
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I've always run it like Malachi describes. TMs get the same +2 for hot sim that other characters get and they get an additional +2 for matrix perception regardless of whether or not their in VR. I've always wondered if they wanted TMs to roll for addition to said hot sim, though. I rule no because it would be pretty dumb to be addicted to the only possible way you can work in VR and, as a result of that fact, you'd almost always have burn out TMs or AR-only TMs. Oh well.
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post Jan 23 2009, 11:12 PM
Post #4


Group: Retired Admins
Posts: 4,638
Joined: 2-October 02
From: Champaign, IL
Member No.: 3,374

I've always run it like Malachi describes. TMs get the same +2 for hot sim that other characters get and they get an additional +2 for matrix perception regardless of whether or not their in VR. I've always wondered if they wanted TMs to roll for addition to said hot sim, though. I rule no because it would be pretty dumb to be addicted to the only possible way you can work in VR and, as a result of that fact, you'd almost always have burn out TMs or AR-only TMs. Oh well.
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