When operating with hot sim full-VR, use your Matrix
Initiative rather than your physical Initiative. Hot sim Matrix
Initiative equals your Response + Intuition + 1, and you receive
two extra Initiative Passes (for a total of three). You also receive an
exceptional +2 dice pool bonus to all Matrix tests while in hot sim
mode, due to your hypersensitized state.
Initiative rather than your physical Initiative. Hot sim Matrix
Initiative equals your Response + Intuition + 1, and you receive
two extra Initiative Passes (for a total of three). You also receive an
exceptional +2 dice pool bonus to all Matrix tests while in hot sim
mode, due to your hypersensitized state.
And it also tells us.
Note that when technomancers immerse themselves in full-VR, they are always considered to be running with hot sim (see p. 229). Th e speed bonus for hot sim is already calculated into their Response and Initiative, but keep in mind that they also receive +2 to all full-VR Matrix tests as well.
So what i want to know is that do technomancers get only the +2 that hot sim comes with or do they get +4, the +2 for hot sim that there alway considered to be in, and an aditional +2 for being a technomancer?