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  1. Sticky: Dumpshocked & Support of Dumpshock (80 replies)
  2. Sticky: * * * * * * * NEW ACCOUNT ACTIVATION * * * * * * * * (2 replies)
  3. Sticky: Dumpshock Important Links (0 replies)
  4. 3rd edition smuggler campaign writeup (371 replies)
  5. Monowire and defenses against it (98 replies)
  6. Can we beatt he Horrors? (1434 replies)
  7. maintaining a Physical spell while projecting astrally (10 replies)
  8. SR3 Bundle of Holding (6 replies)
  9. SR Game (24 replies)
  10. HVAC ducting - new unit of measurement (4 replies)
  11. And this is why we can't stream Shadowrun... (7 replies)
  12. Decker versus Decker combat (8 replies)
  13. Bugs in the 2070's (5 replies)
  14. Shadowrun 5 Excel CharGen Sheet (25 replies)
  15. Help Finding This Adventure! (4 replies)
  16. Is There A Master List Of SR Products? (6 replies)
  17. ELI5: Intuitive Hacking (2 replies)
  18. Governments starting to acknowledge the coming of Shadowrun AAAs (2 replies)
  19. It's coming folks .... (6 replies)
  20. The Timeline of the Ages (17 replies)
  21. Korean Names (2 replies)
  22. Twenty years on Dumpshock (19 replies)
  23. Rethinking Headware (3 replies)
  24. Non-Cyber BattleTac Master Components (3 replies)
  25. New Shadowrun Anarchy Actual Play (14 replies)
  26. Shadowrun 4E House Rules (11 replies)
  27. What are an Agent's Response & Signal when independantly loaded? (8 replies)
  28. Do the video games always nerf magic? (1 reply)
  29. 5e Skill Test Rule Clarification (2 replies)
  30. Rate my Character (4 replies)
  31. Stars and infrared (heat) vision (4 replies)
  32. Ex-UN soldier (4ed) (1 reply)
  33. Ex-UN soldier (4ed) (1 reply)
  34. Ex-UN soldier (4ed) (1 reply)
  35. Ex-UN soldier (4ed) (1 reply)
  36. abusing the Influence spell (10 replies)
  37. Ex-UN soldier (4ed) (5 replies)
  38. Planar spells (5 replies)
  39. Why not design Permanent Increase Attribute Spells? (7 replies)
  40. An Alternative to VITAS (5 replies)
  41. Alternate SR Universe – The Wayward Earth (16 replies)
  42. New plot arc - time for a new vehicle (4 replies)
  43. Shadowrun Excommunication (3 replies)
  44. Augmented Reality and Personas (5 replies)
  45. The Legal Status of Spirit Pacts (8 replies)
  46. Jon's Glorious Karma Character Generation System (81 replies)
  47. Cyberskate Capacity (0 replies)
  48. How do you use Dice Pools? (9 replies)
  49. Foundry VTT support for 3e (0 replies)
  50. Shadowrun Video Game, Gold (103 replies)
  51. Shadowrun 2nd Edition Book Club (featuring Tom Dowd) (1 reply)
  52. Technical question regarding trolls (11 replies)
  53. Horizon Doble Revolution (1 reply)
  54. Chargen failed Cyborg (17 replies)
  55. Regale of Stories of Technomancers (15 replies)
  56. Shadowrun Space (19 replies)
  57. New Combat Rules! (5 replies)
  58. AwakenedMud- A SR MUD (slightly modified 3rd Ed) (2 replies)
  59. Cluster Node for Three Drones (5 replies)
  60. Deciphering the mechanics...? (36 replies)
  61. Shadowrun in Spaaaaaccceee... (10 replies)
  62. "Ages of Magic and Shadow" (16 replies)
  63. Negative Perception Check (3 replies)
  64. What happened to Magic? (32 replies)
  65. Holostreets (15 replies)
  66. Memory Lane is getting hazy - (4 replies)
  67. Subversion: A Cyberpunk Fantasy RPG, just hit Kickstarter 400% funded (8 replies)
  68. Has Anyone Heard From Redjack? (4 replies)
  69. Devil Rats are scary (4 replies)
  70. Send In The Clones! (0 replies)
  71. Los Angeles Shadowrun Sixth World In-Person Group Looking For Players (2 replies)
  72. Looking for cannon entertainmenet/media (4 replies)
  73. New Kickstarter - thoughts? (10 replies)
  74. Cash vs SINs (6 replies)
  75. An Updated April Fools’ Repository (8 replies)
  76. SR3or 4 simsense in Astral Space? (8 replies)
  77. Vancover and Victoria Sprawl (9 replies)
  78. SR3 or SR4 in the timeline of later editions? (4 replies)
  79. Humanoid Combat Drones (19 replies)
  80. Shadowrun Campaign Crossover – Code Lyoko (4 replies)
  81. Licensing Magic (16 replies)
  82. First and second edition on Bundle of Holding (4 replies)
  83. Owning a Large Plot of Land (18 replies)
  84. Official Adventure - Paradise Lost Questions (8 replies)
  85. Tools/Shop Rental Fees (8 replies)
  86. The percentage of the population that has implanted ware… (23 replies)
  87. New GM, a few questions (SR3) (21 replies)
  88. Re-Routing Links Through the Metaplanes (3 replies)
  89. Dealing with Search power (30 replies)
  90. Control Manipulations vs Rigger (3 replies)
  91. [SR3] Skillsoft jukebox (15 replies)
  92. Games for Shadowrunners (3 replies)
  93. DIY coma on-demand (15 replies)
  94. Shadowrun Campaign Session Zero (7 replies)
  95. Magic Missile? (7 replies)
  96. Shadowbay Returns (8 replies)
  97. Less ridiculous cyberlimb costs SR3 (9 replies)
  98. [6e]Talk to me about it (1 reply)
  99. Tech CEOs -- (4 replies)
  100. 3E Decking (1 reply)
  101. Gary Gygax, Friedrich Nietzsche and Shadowrun-- (3 replies)
  102. Life Imitating Art? (4 replies)
  103. Dumpshock down (7 replies)
  104. Bundle of Holding (2 replies)
  105. Shadowrun Character Cards (123 replies)
  106. Downtime Sandbox Game idea (19 replies)
  107. Runs to End All Runs (11 replies)
  108. Rookie question regarding vibroknives (3 replies)
  109. Speculative Scenario - Lofwyr is Assassinated (7 replies)
  110. Chucky in Shadowrun (13 replies)
  111. Skill rolls - just don't fail (1 reply)
  112. SR3 Skillwires and stuff (11 replies)
  113. Zone 414 on Netflix (0 replies)
  114. Not having a Datajack in SR1-2-3? (6 replies)
  115. Starting a new game which edition (14 replies)
  116. An actual portable Gauss Rifle (1 reply)
  117. Renraku Arcology Shutdown now in French (3 replies)
  118. Iceland & MAERSK (6 replies)
  119. Smuggler's dream? (2 replies)
  120. [6E] Excel Character Generator (9 replies)
  121. A hole opens in Los Angeles? (6 replies)
  122. Assistance with Harlequin's Back Adventure (5 replies)
  123. Dragons Cast a Long Shadow (4 replies)
  124. Shadowrun alternative future? (2 replies)
  125. 4e Hacking: Cyberwarfare (4 replies)
  126. Interviewing for a villain, or backstory? (10 replies)
  127. 2E Followers (5 replies)
  128. Which Edition Has The Best Build Variety? (16 replies)
  129. SRII (but also any edition) (45 replies)
  130. 5e/6e lore question (119 replies)
  131. How would you rate yourself? (46 replies)
  132. Shadowrun Redux for a homebrew (4 replies)
  133. Encephalons - how big a task pool..? (21 replies)
  134. Shadowrun Music (39 replies)
  135. How do you introduce new tech into your SR? (26 replies)
  136. Effect of sustained area effect spells in astral space (8 replies)
  137. [6E] Excel Spirits Generator (0 replies)
  138. It's the future! (4 replies)
  139. questions about 2049 (10 replies)
  140. Power Plays, the new corporate book, has gone live! (0 replies)
  141. Cleaning out my SR stuff (0 replies)
  142. [3e] How exactly does one calculate the cost for a Virtual Instructor Chip? (2 replies)
  143. Looking to sell my Shadowrun book collection (3 replies)
  144. 4e karmagen challenge (4 replies)
  145. Shadowrun in Spaaaace... and, err, the Big Blue Wet Thing (35 replies)
  146. Are Drakes ever worth it? (15 replies)
  147. Weaponizing a botnet for social purposes (6 replies)
  148. New Ideas for Augmentations and Cyber-suites (22 replies)
  149. Equinox and implications for Shadowrun? (4 replies)
  150. Mana Burn (simple action Mage study) (1 reply)
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