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Full Version: Bugs in the 2070's
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Tarus Kirk
Coming back to the game after many years and was wondering what books have either runs concerning bugs or information on whats going on with them and Ares in the 4e era?
Depending on how much of the canon you subscribe to in your Shadowrun Universe, the fallout from the Cermak Blast could be important in some way.
Well, 4th is my edition so I'll weigh in.

See SR4 Feral Cities, pp. 5-57 for the Chicago write-up.
See SR4 Storm Front, the Ares Trembles chapter.

That's as much as quick searching got me.
There's not much in 4E and 5E that I can recall.

6E picks up the ball and starts (shadow)running with it, but that's in the 2080s.

If you want to take what 6E says and rewind it a bit, you could posit that Ares was experimenting on captured bug spirits during the 2070s, either to create a new bioweapon or loyal super-soldiers or _____. I vaguely recall something about a lab being set up in the wilds of the Algonquin-Manitou Council to keep it away from disapproving eyes.
Tarus Kirk
Thanks for all the info, so only two offical 4e products to look at and I'll definately throw in some shady reserach labs for a run going to use queen euphoria as well as it seems to be easily ported around.
Dark Terrors in 5e has some pretty in depth info on the Ares Bug metaplot and bug spirits in general, it's a good read if you're looking for later 2070s content. Eventually it culminates in bug spirits attacking Detroit, Damien Knight's death, and the economic devestation of Detroit (now known as Motor City).
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