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  1. gecko crawl for all (2 replies)
  2. Command Program (12 replies)
  3. Augmented Stat Maximums (12 replies)
  4. Trouble with time (41 replies)
  5. SoA-Middle East (48 replies)
  6. Hackers and Zombie Comm units (8 replies)
  7. SR4 Miniature Movement Rules (11 replies)
  8. Decent editable SR4 Character Sheet (67 replies)
  9. Melee combat and firearms. (28 replies)
  10. Wise Warrior.... (20 replies)
  11. Alcohol (18 replies)
  12. Two weapon melee combat - possible? (10 replies)
  13. Chargen issue (31 replies)
  14. Deadlier SR3 or SR4 (23 replies)
  15. In-game Elective Surgery (50 replies)
  16. Wireless DNI (6 replies)
  17. Rumors about metaplot events (7 replies)
  18. Need some spell selection help.. (1 reply)
  19. Blind Shadowrun (43 replies)
  20. LoneStar as Johnson's? (35 replies)
  21. Sillyness with the Magic System (4 replies)
  22. Mentor Spirits - More than One? (22 replies)
  23. Organ Legging in NY (18 replies)
  24. Increase Mental Attribute Spells (11 replies)
  25. Contradiction (25 replies)
  26. Shadowrun Books are here... (4 replies)
  27. golems (6 replies)
  28. The Wednesday Night Poker Club (0 replies)
  29. Oh boy! Another SR4 Char Review! (16 replies)
  30. Can't stop gaming? (8 replies)
  31. Astral Combat (5 replies)
  32. Augmented Skill Cap... (54 replies)
  33. Firearms in melee combat (20 replies)
  34. RL Shadowrunners Here In Japan (13 replies)
  35. Cyberskull and Capacity (26 replies)
  36. w00t! (11 replies)
  37. The mother of all runs (34 replies)
  38. Thread Crapping (0 replies)
  39. The PCC and the Conspiracy [SPOILERS] (42 replies)
  40. [News] Being a 'half' Japanese (5 replies)
  41. prosthetic testicles (4 replies)
  42. General Consensus? (32 replies)
  43. Basic hacking questions (13 replies)
  44. Encryption question (5 replies)
  45. Run Arc Concept (13 replies)
  46. Quick Question RE: Influence (5 replies)
  47. Safehouses in the Sixth World (37 replies)
  48. Must-see Cyberarm video clip (4 replies)
  49. Z-OLodo needed (3 replies)
  50. 1001 Stuffer Shack Senarios (19 replies)
  51. Waving Axes (56 replies)
  52. Reaction Enhancers (18 replies)
  53. Matrix Perception (10 replies)
  54. Dunkie's Will - What hasn't been used? (16 replies)
  55. Augmented Reality (1 reply)
  56. Arrrggg, Technomancers (265 replies)
  57. Bio Rejection Flaw Question (18 replies)
  58. SR3 core books on PDF (7 replies)
  59. ARHHH there be Pirates afoot! (21 replies)
  60. Alternative SR3 die-rolling (7 replies)
  61. Some unusual Shadowruns? (115 replies)
  62. Awakened vs the Mundane (18 replies)
  63. Trivia Questions (46 replies)
  64. Hacking on the Fly question (21 replies)
  65. Full Burst (65 replies)
  66. mintcar´s SR4 record sheet (95 replies)
  67. Reflex recorders... (9 replies)
  68. Dodging multiple attacks (5 replies)
  69. House rule for Spirit's Armor (6 replies)
  70. Grounding Spells through Foci (32 replies)
  71. Short Story (29 replies)
  72. Katanas r better 4 fiteing (28 replies)
  73. PDF is so sloooooooo... (23 replies)
  74. Orcs have a point, mechanics-wise? (59 replies)
  75. Attribute Boost -- Mechanics (14 replies)
  76. Firearm Design Idea (21 replies)
  77. Legality of Adept powers. (18 replies)
  78. Tracers (23 replies)
  79. Enhanced Attributes: Raising them after CharGen (9 replies)
  80. Is there a shadowrun here? (6 replies)
  81. Music To Run By (32 replies)
  82. Blades vs Clubs vs Exotic Melee Weapons (16 replies)
  83. Jamming vs ECCM (5 replies)
  84. Getting programs in game. (14 replies)
  85. What's a hacker? (19 replies)
  86. Escape Clause (28 replies)
  87. GOogle earth and SR (14 replies)
  88. Why isn't Enhanced Articulation limited? (19 replies)
  89. Wow Ancient history missed some stuff! (14 replies)
  90. Atributes (3 replies)
  91. What for are Sams at Char-Gen and later? (42 replies)
  92. Skills (43 replies)
  93. How I view language skills (2 replies)
  94. Game breaking spirits (25 replies)
  95. Shadowrun art? (37 replies)
  96. SINner (14 replies)
  97. [ShadowsOfEurope] General comments (1 reply)
  98. NaNoWriMo (18 replies)
  99. Firearm Creation Rules (13 replies)
  100. One-shot KOs of pedestrians (29 replies)
  101. Life imitating art? (3 replies)
  102. Hell Hounds (10 replies)
  103. Hacking and Rigging: Access and Matrix Initiative (2 replies)
  104. Silver Bullets (47 replies)
  105. Dumb question about Mystic Adepts.... (5 replies)
  106. Your house ammo rules (10 replies)
  107. PC without Bind skill can start with Bound spirits (9 replies)
  108. a question about SI (19 replies)
  109. House rule Qualities (7 replies)
  110. Assassinations (40 replies)
  111. Need Some Spell & Skill List Help - Hows This? (8 replies)
  112. A Very Quick Geographical Question (6 replies)
  113. Control Thoughts (3 replies)
  114. Ape The 4 Armed Wonder (25 replies)
  115. Banishing Free Spirits (2 replies)
  116. Radio signals for Beginner (11 replies)
  117. Divination Metamagic (14 replies)
  118. PDF 1.1 issues (18 replies)
  119. Spell questions (0 replies)
  120. How to make an unstoppable killing machine (43 replies)
  121. Area of Effect Combat Spells (11 replies)
  122. Control Actions vs Control Thoughts (23 replies)
  123. ATV (8 replies)
  124. A girlfriend? (31 replies)
  125. Nanites (22 replies)
  126. A question about buying hits (34 replies)
  127. Cost of Living... (3 replies)
  128. System Failure (23 replies)
  129. Hacking: detecting bugs (61 replies)
  130. Wi-fi Inhibiting Paint and You (13 replies)
  131. Hacking a Handshake (13 replies)
  132. Open Source (12 replies)
  133. Hot-Sim modified Sim Module (2 replies)
  134. Smuggling Babies (13 replies)
  135. SoA: Japan (32 replies)
  136. Adepts and Cyberware (28 replies)
  137. Campaign help Question (2 replies)
  138. Techno Drone Rigger (39 replies)
  139. Questions on Drones (30 replies)
  140. Bioware and Ghouls (18 replies)
  141. Two weapons in one. (3 replies)
  142. Some of Our Critters Are Missing! (6 replies)
  143. Cybered attack dolphins loose in the Gulf? (16 replies)
  144. The Anti-Zephan (30 replies)
  145. Technomancers seem broken (3 replies)
  146. Weird idea for Bioware implant.. (40 replies)
  147. A Yacht? (39 replies)
  148. Best Cyberware for 250k? (31 replies)
  149. Release date pushed back? (3 replies)
  150. 4th ed Core Book Shipping? (36 replies)
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