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  1. Focus Bonding At Character Creation? (4 replies)
  2. Astral Hazing and Astral Perception (1 reply)
  3. Pistol Specializations (89 replies)
  4. Magic Question (11 replies)
  5. More Silly Artifacts (4 replies)
  6. Hunted Quality? (4 replies)
  7. Skill caps and bonus dices (2 replies)
  8. Licenses a different perspective (18 replies)
  9. Roleplaying the criminally Insane (15 replies)
  10. SR3 Decker assistance requested (8 replies)
  11. Spirit-Tasks (20 replies)
  12. How to make a Pornomancer or Mr. Lucky? (8 replies)
  13. Clone Sleeves (9 replies)
  14. Assorted technomancer questions (4 replies)
  15. Noob augmentation questions (3 replies)
  16. technomancer limitations? (19 replies)
  17. Introducing ShadowSEA and JackPoint (3 replies)
  18. Equipment and Programs (6 replies)
  19. Skill(s) Focus (13 replies)
  20. Have your dice pools gotten completely out of control? (22 replies)
  21. Linguist (22 replies)
  22. Unwired - Sprite Linking (4 replies)
  23. Moved: Gift Certificate Oddity (-- replies)
  24. Moved: Gift Certificate Oddity (-- replies)
  25. Designing Armor Suit (0 replies)
  26. Capped Dice Question (6 replies)
  27. Why is Mystic Adept cheaper than Magician? (189 replies)
  28. Bullet Dodging Adept Power (13 replies)
  29. Character critique: AI-Char (2 replies)
  30. anyone for some AR glasses? (2 replies)
  31. FanPro vs Catalyst Street Magic (4 replies)
  32. Perception and Edge (13 replies)
  33. New campaign started (0 replies)
  34. Visions of Shadowrun: Police Safety Video From The 80s (11 replies)
  35. What to do with a Nexus? (4 replies)
  36. cyberpirates (11 replies)
  37. Hacking/Cybercombat in SR4 (8 replies)
  38. Playing an anetire game in a UV node (4 replies)
  39. Why did they make possession like it is now? (30 replies)
  40. Quick Question (12 replies)
  41. Something slightly strange (3 replies)
  42. Datajack! (6 replies)
  43. Sensor Tests (2 replies)
  44. Shape Fire (10 replies)
  45. Things the publishers will tell and do to freelancers (39 replies)
  46. Converting SR2 to SR4 (6 replies)
  47. KNOCK IT OFF (Everyone read this) (4 replies)
  48. Long-Pig Farms In The Sixth World (24 replies)
  49. What does mystic armor look like? (8 replies)
  50. Fixxing Unbreakable Encryption (91 replies)
  51. Dual Wield/Martial Arts Set-up+ Finishing Blow (10 replies)
  52. Program Tactics (2 replies)
  53. New Mage (10 replies)
  54. Question on Vehicle Movement (4 replies)
  55. The next step towards AR? (9 replies)
  56. Lies Freelancer Tell (55 replies)
  57. Denver (6 replies)
  58. Clothing (38 replies)
  59. I Hate Form-Fitting Body Armor (63 replies)
  60. New Metamagic (34 replies)
  61. Shadowrun Tropes (241 replies)
  62. Ganger NPC Sheet Template (2 replies)
  63. Street Cred and Notoriety (33 replies)
  64. SR-Miniatures (27 replies)
  65. Changeling Troll Adept (16 replies)
  66. Crafting Items (7 replies)
  67. Mutual funds (38 replies)
  68. Question about Access Logs and Access ID? (52 replies)
  69. Dreaming (3 replies)
  70. Why can't I buy Runner Havens? (11 replies)
  71. Where in the world is Caracas? (12 replies)
  72. Gun Shy GM? (5 replies)
  73. Arsenal Collapsable Heavy Pistol (1 reply)
  74. Virtuakinetic individuals and UV nodes (17 replies)
  75. Corporate Enclaves (197 replies)
  76. real life shadowtalk?! (17 replies)
  77. Dikote (89 replies)
  78. Augmented Question, re: Nanites (4 replies)
  79. SR Board Game (16 replies)
  80. Cyber-implant monofilament fingertip whip? (30 replies)
  81. The Search Function and YOU (27 replies)
  82. Increased cylinder and the cavalier deputy (46 replies)
  83. awaken drugs, capsule rounds, & natural immunity (8 replies)
  84. Zoo Heist (11 replies)
  85. What else to get (11 replies)
  86. Metamagic to increase local mana level? (4 replies)
  87. SR4: Damage and Gases (8 replies)
  88. Deadly new virus... (15 replies)
  89. Mood/Theme Music for Shadowrun and Cyberpunk games. (9 replies)
  90. Knowledge Skills (29 replies)
  91. SR4 MUX! (24 replies)
  92. Running Wild... (53 replies)
  93. Percentages for fun and profit (10 replies)
  94. First aid (5 replies)
  95. Ghouls in close combat... (52 replies)
  96. Firesale (3 replies)
  97. New to SR (4 replies)
  98. Spirit Combat (12 replies)
  99. Three Quick N00b questions (3 replies)
  100. Quick Lore Inquiry (15 replies)
  101. My wife wants to play! (14 replies)
  102. Music for different mood (5 replies)
  103. Healing spells. (6 replies)
  104. Posession for Fun and Profit (10 replies)
  105. Researching matters obscure (26 replies)
  106. Adept Improved Ability (17 replies)
  107. A few rules questions (5 replies)
  108. Specializations: (29 replies)
  109. Advice for a first time GM. (13 replies)
  110. SR II Rules Clarifications (14 replies)
  111. Toxic Traditions (25 replies)
  112. Help a Noob GM! (17 replies)
  113. [SR4] - Toxic paths (4 replies)
  114. [SR4] - Spirit Pact (50 replies)
  115. Paydata (16 replies)
  116. Vulnerability (6 replies)
  117. [SR4] - Infected (45 replies)
  118. Armed forces in 2080 (118 replies)
  119. Shadowrun 4e and totems (5 replies)
  120. Basic question about Recoil in 4th... (16 replies)
  121. Augmentation Q&A (792 replies)
  122. Stealth Program (4 replies)
  123. I want to make 4 cyber armed melee type (37 replies)
  124. First Aid Healing (9 replies)
  125. Bicardiac (13 replies)
  126. Tracing users through home/work location pairs (3 replies)
  127. Resisting Leadership (15 replies)
  128. Efacious Cat Shaman. Tir Ghost in Training. (15 replies)
  129. Sprites vs Skills (4 replies)
  130. The Nature of Digital Currency (119 replies)
  131. Killing By Remote (5 replies)
  132. HMHVV contact (2 replies)
  133. Fanpro Street Magic vs. CGL Street Magic (3 replies)
  134. Combat spells vs drones/vehicules (5 replies)
  135. May Chat transcript (62 replies)
  136. Help a newb with a mage? (33 replies)
  137. Looking for an effective rigger character (5 replies)
  138. High Pain Tolerance (3 replies)
  139. Media Sources (7 replies)
  140. Assensing Free Spirits (2 replies)
  141. Totems & Mentor Spirits (26 replies)
  142. Electricity Damage? (30 replies)
  143. Assault Cannon Recoil? (32 replies)
  144. Evo's Mars base (77 replies)
  145. Arsenal search (15 replies)
  146. Reinventing the Wheel (19 replies)
  147. Balkanization and military stores (43 replies)
  148. New(ly returned) to Shadowrun (7 replies)
  149. Alcohol - as a drug - why are there no stats? (27 replies)
  150. Assesncing penalty - removing it (15 replies)
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