QUOTE (The Jake @ Jun 7 2009, 01:31 AM)
Did the player start out with the contact? Or did he acquire it during gameplay? If it was during gameplay, how was he introduced to it and by whom?
Also, how does he use the contact? Is it for gleaning information or for obtaining work?
- J.
Started out with a very basic idea for teh contact at character creation... equal to a ) Loyalty and 1 Connection Rating... I basically knew it existed for all intents and purposes... with a lot of in-game researcha and online shmoozing I managed to generate name recognition on the Jackpoint boards... was asked to provide some programming samples (to apparently verify my capabilities) and was welcomed to teh boards officially after about 80 or so Karma Points... At this point my ratings improved... I know have a 2 Loyalty and a Personal Connection Rating of 4 (Group is a 12)...
I use it to acquire information and possible job leads, and to trade software with other members of the boards (higher than the standard ratings available... the only way we can obtain higher program ratings thatn 6 is to write them ourselves or barter for a copy that some one else has written...), I also use it as a social forum for when I am "bored", gleaning basic information about locations of other board members...
It has worked out great for my character in a lot of ways, and most of them have been very positive... had a few downturns, but nothing a prepared shadowrunner couldn't handle...