Similar to the other post about power levels, I would like to know what people think about skills, and what level they are actually playing with at home.
I don't want this to devolve into a flame war, so please, just answer the OP for yourself, because I would like to see an actual cross-section of the people who are willing to respond.
Essentially, I want to know if people are playing with the current optional rule, and what their thoughts are on the proposed SR4A changes to cap Dice Pool midifiers based on skill. I know I saw some of this in another thread, but I wanted to ask it as a 4th question in the power level thread so we could compare how things look.
My group uses the optional rule, and my GM was delighted with the proposed change. If nothing else, it should limit the number of dice we have to throw around!I welcome any and all responses that talk about your own experiences with the two ideas, and how you feel they do/will affect your games.