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  1. Playing the most normal runner ever:read: (35 replies)
  2. Newbie Query: Attacking Foci (17 replies)
  3. Streamlining gameplay (33 replies)
  4. house rules for multiple IPs. (24 replies)
  5. "new" technomancers (15 replies)
  6. Drones? (9 replies)
  7. Because many rarely check the Community Projects.. (0 replies)
  8. Review - Runner Havens (49 replies)
  9. Spell Pool + Enchanting = ? (3 replies)
  10. Modular Cyberlimbs? (13 replies)
  11. The Pregen Hacker in the BBB (11 replies)
  12. Which skills do I use to train / handle an animal? (2 replies)
  13. PAN Control (4 replies)
  14. Sample Characters, Redux (28 replies)
  15. Juvie for magicians? (37 replies)
  16. How Much History Is Known? (8 replies)
  17. Is SR3 magic broken? (63 replies)
  18. What about Anchoring tatoo magic? (2 replies)
  19. Halloween Runs (19 replies)
  20. Pimp My Adept (24 replies)
  21. Ayone have a complete list of Nigel's novels? (5 replies)
  22. Earlier versions? (35 replies)
  23. War in Tarislar (12 replies)
  24. Fear the Swiss Boarding School - an Adventure (14 replies)
  25. Kaballic magic (5 replies)
  26. I'm pretty sure this is wrong, but.... (1 reply)
  27. Shapeshifting Spell (9 replies)
  28. Metamagic house rules. (10 replies)
  29. Shielding foci (10 replies)
  30. Mage or street sam? (55 replies)
  31. Munching Out the Ally... (13 replies)
  32. College Sports: 2070 (24 replies)
  33. Inhabitation, Materialization, and Possesion (2 replies)
  34. Barely even a fight (87 replies)
  35. Bound Spirit Services (15 replies)
  36. House Rule (9 replies)
  37. Sorcery: Range and Duration (22 replies)
  38. Taking Questions for Unofficial Hacking FAQ (44 replies)
  39. Burning Up and Burning Out (28 replies)
  40. providing counter-spelling on your own spell (30 replies)
  41. Most powerful archetype? (65 replies)
  42. National Militaries (54 replies)
  43. vampire-based campaign (19 replies)
  44. Unsung Heroes, (14 replies)
  45. SR4 Armor spell question (32 replies)
  46. Television Show - Smith (11 replies)
  47. Disguise Skill (19 replies)
  48. Vehicle combat (5 replies)
  49. Tile Based Shadowrun (20 replies)
  50. SR4 concetps in an SR3 rules system (15 replies)
  51. Advanced lifestyle rules (11 replies)
  52. [OT] Dawn of the riggers (7 replies)
  53. Proof of Shadowrun? (23 replies)
  54. The Probe Race (3 replies)
  55. Create My Demo Scenario (7 replies)
  56. Twinking out the Ally (64 replies)
  57. Bull rush? (7 replies)
  58. Question again! (14 replies)
  59. Elvish Life Span (80 replies)
  60. Astral forms and dual-nature Q (11 replies)
  61. Shadowrun Dice (21 replies)
  62. SR4 and Gear (16 replies)
  63. Security Guard: Survival Guide (36 replies)
  64. Which SR4 megacorporation would you work for? (29 replies)
  65. Full dodge and Acrobatic Dodge (19 replies)
  66. Grappling in SR4 (10 replies)
  67. Using MJLBB in SR4... (5 replies)
  68. Helpful House Rules and Rules Clarifications. (11 replies)
  69. adept counterstrike seems a weee bit to powerful? (10 replies)
  70. Wireless and Magical Networks (171 replies)
  71. Tradition Error (7 replies)
  72. Old source book fluff (20 replies)
  73. Diary Of A Madman’s Lab Rat (408 replies)
  74. Looking for a 2nd edition book (15 replies)
  75. Moved: maded feels like sharing (-- replies)
  76. HMHVV (23 replies)
  77. Players as Mr. J (12 replies)
  78. Enchanting and reduced bonding costs (4 replies)
  79. Using orichalcum to lower bonding costs. (8 replies)
  80. Has anyone else noticed? (27 replies)
  81. Shadowrun (7 replies)
  82. new background for SR videogame (51 replies)
  83. Public Th.D Programs in the Sixth World (36 replies)
  84. Hacking Cyberware (76 replies)
  85. Linear BP/Karma relation (45 replies)
  86. The pen is mightier... (43 replies)
  87. Characters loosely based on yourself (10 replies)
  88. More than 20 questions (24 replies)
  89. Building Better Technomancers (102 replies)
  90. A Bit of Dragon Help Requested... (15 replies)
  91. no "moving target" modifiers in sr4? (8 replies)
  92. Pilot/Agent using LinguaSoft or Knowsoft (6 replies)
  93. Orxploitation and racial slurs (80 replies)
  94. Strength and Body (25 replies)
  95. Commlink and Sensor Questions (7 replies)
  96. Do I need skill wires for this set-up (19 replies)
  97. File Sharing in the wired world. (51 replies)
  98. Counterspelling (10 replies)
  99. Commo Question (34 replies)
  100. Player who won't butt out (20 replies)
  101. open source bionic limbs? (13 replies)
  102. On The Gamemaster's Authority (23 replies)
  103. Omniscient Technomancers? (38 replies)
  104. Sidejobs during downtime. (43 replies)
  105. Why Shadowrun 4? (29 replies)
  106. a few magic questions (7 replies)
  107. Do I Need Skill Wires (4 replies)
  108. Security Guards (34 replies)
  109. Inject Poisons (12 replies)
  110. Shadowrun IRL again! (20 replies)
  111. Brisco County (5 replies)
  112. Riggers vs. Hackers (25 replies)
  113. How much do the characters know? (9 replies)
  114. Sensative Nerual Structure (4 replies)
  115. Game reports (10 replies)
  116. Why do you like SR? (49 replies)
  117. Gaining Contacts (12 replies)
  118. Any of our Euro members seen "Renaissance" (6 replies)
  119. concealed carry weapons and body armor (89 replies)
  120. RL professions? (142 replies)
  121. Aleph Society (24 replies)
  122. Idea: SR4 Quick Start sb (14 replies)
  123. Just a little rant (45 replies)
  124. TMs and Resonance Quests (2 replies)
  125. Whats a good amount of nuyen (32 replies)
  126. The Shadowrun FPS gets the timeline changed back! (6 replies)
  127. Evanescence and PC's? (7 replies)
  128. jamming (9 replies)
  129. TM's and SOTA (25 replies)
  130. TM Submersion (2 replies)
  131. Quick Question (3 replies)
  132. Tales of Hofnar, Kotori, and Metasigil (50 replies)
  133. What can magicians do while possessed? (11 replies)
  134. GM Resource (10 replies)
  135. New metamagic (20 replies)
  136. AZTECHNOLOGY 2063 to 2070 info needed (53 replies)
  137. Reverse Metaplaner Quests (14 replies)
  138. [3E] Rigger 3: Arachnid Walker Drone (4 replies)
  139. Is magic broken? (138 replies)
  140. Hungry ghost month (15 replies)
  141. Shadowrun FPS (6 replies)
  142. Concealment does NOT equal Cover (18 replies)
  143. Amusing and otherwise NPCs (8 replies)
  144. Montrealers... (145 replies)
  145. What do wagemages do? (58 replies)
  146. Drone Response? (18 replies)
  147. Anybody heard about this movie? (16 replies)
  148. Technomancer rehash (31 replies)
  149. Counterspelling and spirit powers (6 replies)
  150. Prehensile tail (30 replies)
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