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  1. Ghouls noming my PCs! (58 replies)
  2. SR4 Sailboats (1 reply)
  3. VR Hacking in an AR World (84 replies)
  4. Nothing Better (30 replies)
  5. Disposable Commlinks (15 replies)
  6. Weakness - Vanishing (128 replies)
  7. Uber Bow Troll? (81 replies)
  8. Why I Love Dumpshock (139 replies)
  9. Hacking: Talent over Warez? (103 replies)
  10. SR4A Initiation (44 replies)
  11. Nuking Boston (136 replies)
  12. Multiple SINs and Biometrics (52 replies)
  13. Target Engagement Speed (47 replies)
  14. Chase Combat questions (17 replies)
  15. Wreck....Vehicle? (17 replies)
  16. Mind Control (14 replies)
  17. Imagery & music for Shadowrun (44 replies)
  18. Ares Thunderstruck Gauss Rifle vs. Barret Model 121 (27 replies)
  19. Fenris (15 replies)
  20. Scottish Moors (15 replies)
  21. What are your thoughts? (8 replies)
  22. Shopping Suggestions? (46 replies)
  23. Anyone remember an old Shadowrun pic of a VTOL shooting a dragon? (17 replies)
  24. Parazoology now out! (39 replies)
  25. Yakuza to the Rescue (27 replies)
  26. Concealability in SR4X (8 replies)
  27. Any word on the big three? (42 replies)
  28. What about the justice system? (29 replies)
  29. Shadowplay and the wireless trix (7 replies)
  30. Running In Manhattan (25 replies)
  31. SR comes a step nearer (69 replies)
  32. Find Holes in My Character Background (13 replies)
  33. First run with a new group (4 replies)
  34. Looting and selling (82 replies)
  35. Questions after the first gaming session (33 replies)
  36. Between mission Roleplay (14 replies)
  37. Pistol Whipping (27 replies)
  38. A Multi-Purpose Hose (12 replies)
  39. Runner Inc. (36 replies)
  40. Parachuting house rules for your perusal (12 replies)
  41. The impossible Move (17 replies)
  42. Aid Enchanting (0 replies)
  43. Item Availability (31 replies)
  44. Sword of Sight (15 replies)
  45. Bringing a cyberdeck to a comlink fight (61 replies)
  46. Mafia as a group contact (13 replies)
  47. New Adept Powers (74 replies)
  48. Assault Cannons (80 replies)
  49. Sleep regulator (19 replies)
  50. New player wants to play terrible character (180 replies)
  51. Looking for ammo house rules (36 replies)
  52. First Impression/False Face (13 replies)
  53. How strong is a Troll, exactly? (52 replies)
  54. Edge + Rush job + Nexus (22 replies)
  55. In case you missed it (77 replies)
  56. Motorcycle as weapon (9 replies)
  57. LAVs (48 replies)
  58. Plague! (17 replies)
  59. Question about the different type of Melee archetypes (40 replies)
  60. Lightning Bolt Spell (46 replies)
  61. Making a combat mage (121 replies)
  62. Chemical Gland (54 replies)
  63. Shadowrun short film (62 replies)
  64. RPGs are totally useless. (110 replies)
  65. Working on a New Character Sheet (8 replies)
  66. Aimed Shotgun Blast (132 replies)
  67. The hanzo job (27 replies)
  68. Stoner arms dealers (12 replies)
  69. Is there errata for Seattle 2072 (2 replies)
  70. Spirits & The Matrix... (27 replies)
  71. Looks like gel packs are the Dikote of SR4? (24 replies)
  72. Are metagenic qualities considered racial qualities? (3 replies)
  73. Hardliner gloves (6 replies)
  74. Runners Toolkit Question (5 replies)
  75. Need help building my first campaign (7 replies)
  76. Jailbreak! (31 replies)
  77. Spirits and Dart Pistols (104 replies)
  78. Prime Runners (19 replies)
  79. Drone hacking (5 replies)
  80. Disarm, then use it. (23 replies)
  81. Murphy's Laws of Combat (35 replies)
  82. Shadowrun Novels (14 replies)
  83. Mindbreaking sprint checks (59 replies)
  84. Fanfic info (7 replies)
  85. Rules for drinking (30 replies)
  86. Another hacking question (37 replies)
  87. Adventures in Metaphor (0 replies)
  88. Preventing cancer (145 replies)
  89. SPEESSSS MEHREEENS (73 replies)
  90. Fun With Explosives (55 replies)
  91. Detect Nodes? (6 replies)
  92. Guard Power (46 replies)
  93. Paths of the Adept (16 replies)
  94. Countering Magical Threats (33 replies)
  95. The greatest generation, again (8 replies)
  96. Fiasco RPG (0 replies)
  97. Attitude... (2 replies)
  98. Rules questions (25 replies)
  99. Persona program question (1 reply)
  100. Seattle Gangs (11 replies)
  101. Theorize The "Real" world Awakning (6 replies)
  102. Creative specializations (102 replies)
  103. Picture needed (13 replies)
  104. FATE as a layer over Shadowrun 4e (0 replies)
  105. Quick 3rd Edition Question (2 replies)
  106. Critters PDF (34 replies)
  107. MilSpecTech (629 replies)
  108. Crash 2.0 Memorial (14 replies)
  109. Hardened Armor stackable? (26 replies)
  110. Corporate Cities? (8 replies)
  111. Sex pro's and teh Shadows? What the heck? (58 replies)
  112. Pretenders (11 replies)
  113. The perfect set of character creation questions. (37 replies)
  114. Specializations (127 replies)
  115. Probable Glitch (8 replies)
  116. Plot Arcs that Time Forgot (55 replies)
  117. You crashed my icon! (24 replies)
  118. The Mega Hurtz (39 replies)
  119. Laser Pistols (26 replies)
  120. Noob GM (35 replies)
  121. Survey: Do you use the Clout Attribute? (5 replies)
  122. Anchoring + Quickening (25 replies)
  123. Shadowrun 20th Anniversary LE, #0 of 1500 (20 replies)
  124. Military-Grade Armor Enhancements (20 replies)
  125. AR! (4 replies)
  126. Modern Biotechnology & Shadowrun (0 replies)
  127. More than metahuman (59 replies)
  128. Character Creation vs. Spending Karma in game (18 replies)
  129. Making games challenging (39 replies)
  130. Enchanted Bullets? (86 replies)
  131. SR in real life (7 replies)
  132. Spyware (12 replies)
  133. Increasing Reach (12 replies)
  134. Two full auto weapons (43 replies)
  135. Astral Perception (6 replies)
  136. Sound element (48 replies)
  137. Total Noob SR GM needs help, please! (27 replies)
  138. How much Karma (30 replies)
  139. Ghosts (41 replies)
  140. Barbed wire and its lethality (107 replies)
  141. A couple of negative qualities (20 replies)
  142. Any word on the three new Shadowrun novels? (30 replies)
  143. Girl Genius - the SR4 Campaign Expansion - v1 (27 replies)
  144. The Man knows where you are (97 replies)
  145. Homebrew GM screens (5 replies)
  146. EPIC Chronology Thread! (9 replies)
  147. Increase Reflexes spell (3 replies)
  148. duct tape (44 replies)
  149. Nanites (40 replies)
  150. Somethings don't age well. (12 replies)
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