Eryk the Red
Nov 1 2007, 05:11 PM
I don't much care for most specializations in shadowrun. They tend to be pretty bland. I'm especially irked by specializations for combat skills, which usually are a specific weapon type (which is usually all that the character would have used the skill for anyway). They make sense, but they're boring.
So I like to encourage players to come up with more interesting, different specializations for their skills. Some of the ones I've offered have been Dual Wielding (for Pistols or Automatics; only applies to split dice pools), Quick Draw (which benefits both the roll to draw the weapon and the shot that follows) and Elemental Magic (for Sorcery; applies to any spell with an elemental effect). A player came up with a neat one for Unarmed Combat: First Strike. He gets the bonus for his first attack against a target who has not had an action yet in this combat. He's a sucker-puncher, so it's stylistically fitting.
Does anyone else have any creative specializations to share? I wouldn't mind a list of ideas to show the group.
Nov 1 2007, 05:17 PM
Skateboarding/Rollerskates (for gymnastics)
Nov 1 2007, 05:36 PM
How about Con (Technical Truths). A creative runner can get pretty far with that one. "What are you doing here at Seattle Ares Research Institute?" "
"I'm a just a cleaner, its my job to take out the garbage."
Eryk the Red
Nov 1 2007, 06:18 PM
I had another player come up with another good Con specialization: On the Fly (or, as I prefer to call it, Pulling One out of your Ass). A character can get substantial bonuses when he's got a well thought-out con with supporting evidence. Sometimes, you're making it up as you go along. This specialization applies then. This one only works if the GM is pretty hardcore about the social roll modifiers. It should almost never actually be better to not have a plan, even with this specialization.
Counterspelling (tradition, not your own). Due to population sizes bound to bring back the mage vs. shaman battles.
Repair skills (by manufacturer). Reflects who trained you.
Automatic Weapons (FA mode). Now ammo capacity really counts.
Nov 1 2007, 11:42 PM
Unarmed Combat {Large Opponents/Trolls} is one I have used.
Nov 2 2007, 12:45 AM
QUOTE (Nasrudith) |
How about Con (Technical Truths). A creative runner can get pretty far with that one. "What are you doing here at Seattle Ares Research Institute?" " "I'm a just a cleaner, its my job to take out the garbage." |
Teams in my games tend to be "Freelance security specialists."
But on topic, Vs Greater Reach for Knife fighters/unarmed.
Chases for Vehicle skills, probably spread that to getaway and pursuit specs.
the Opposite Sex for social skills?
Nov 2 2007, 12:54 AM
- vs. Stealth in opposed tests (if you train ninjas)
- watching people's eyes, hands and hips (if you're a martial artist)
- tech events (you're an engineer and you habitually keep an eye to see that everything's running smoothly, even gadgetry that isn't yours)
- using uniforms eg disguising self as janitor, guard, courier, medic
- face masks for impersonation
- elf or ork disguising themself as human, or vice versa
- can a TM specialize in Threading? (there are still other uses eg cracking copy protection)
- Gynastic Dodge?
- Aimed Shots (as in, only if you Take Aim)
Nov 2 2007, 01:45 AM
QUOTE (Riley37) |
Gymnastics: - Gynastic Dodge? |
No way I'd allow that.
Nov 2 2007, 03:47 AM
Why? Dodge is pretty much useless as a skill as is.
Nov 2 2007, 03:56 AM
QUOTE (Cain) |
Why? Dodge is pretty much useless as a skill as is. |
And that Specialization is the nail in the coffin.
Nov 2 2007, 04:04 AM
HMM from what I can tell Gymnastics Dodge is not listed as a valid specialization of gymnastics.
Now Gymnastics Dodge is a option for a action of dodging.
Where did you all read about it being able to be specialize so?
Nov 2 2007, 04:08 AM
I'm thinking that this thread is for proposing (creative) new Specializations.
Nov 2 2007, 04:17 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Cain) | Why? Dodge is pretty much useless as a skill as is. |
And that Specialization is the nail in the coffin.
I see your point, but wouldn't it be easier to simply dump the dodge skill in its entirety, and use Gymnastics instead?
Nov 2 2007, 04:28 AM
Not really. For character concepts like couch potato mages and hackers and the like ... the ones that don't normally do backflips off walls as part of their daily routine (or even have any kind of decent hand-to-hand combat skill), the Dodge skill makes a lot of sense.
Admittedly it is almost a flavor choice the way it is, but if you give Gymnastics every single benefit that the Dodge skill has, then even that little bit of flavor will inevitably die ... and everyone will be doing handstands and cartwheels as a matter of course.
Nov 2 2007, 04:32 AM
I also recall Dodge being somewhat useful for vehicles and riggers and the like ... but that area of the rules is not really my forte.
Nov 2 2007, 06:11 AM
Gymnastic dodge sucks for melee combat - you only get it when using full defense, and for full defense, you don't get to double it like you do for dodge or a close combat skill. It's really only good for combat specialists who have a close combat skill, and only need something for ranged combat defense.
Even then, it's not as all-around good as dodge, which has a ranged specialization - plus, while there's nothing in the rules, I would think gymnastics flips would be harder while carrying things. Is the troll going to backflip out of the way of return fire, LMG and gyromount harness and all?
For specializations, there's one
boring one I'd like to see:
attack, as a specialization of unarmed combat. I hate how they have blocking, cyber-implant combat, subdual combat - all well-defined uses of unarmed combat - then "martial arts", with no rules for handling it whatsoever. And never mind that unarmed combat
is martial arts.
I would like an attack specialization, because it is the only option not covered.
Then, players can pick specializations based on their individual martial arts style. And while some styles would favor certain specializations, I wouldn't like to pidgeonhole a style. Kempo might normally be an attack specialization, but a martial artist could certainly focus on the defensive side of it instead.
Nov 2 2007, 06:22 AM
Some of these aren't too creative but how about:
Archery(Zen) - yes +2 when you cant see.
Blades(point) - using the point of the blade, its a stylistic thing.
Clubs(improvised) - for when you forgot your stun baton at home. After all, REAL men use rocks.
Automatics(recoil) - applies when you have uncompensated recoil. Of course its also a works with Heavy Weapons
Pistols(double tap) - applies whenever you fire 2 rounds via 2 normal Semi-auto firing in one initiative pass (I think this is what SWAT members would actually have, only they'd have it for automatics)
Throwing Weapons(random sh*t) - out of ammo? throw your gun! your comlink! that ruby the size of a birds egg! essentially this applies to anything not intended for use as a thrown weapon.
Unarmed Combat(eye gouges) - for those who grew up in the rougher parts of the sprawl where the opposition typically didn't have cybereyes.
Astral Combat(dual natured opponents) - ghouls got you down? worried about cyberzombies? Make their dual natured flaw worth its full value!
Banishing(attacks of Will) - who wants to resist drain anyway?
Binding(free spirits) - cause you really don't want to glitch on this test
Counterspelling(the unexpected) - only applies to spells the magician is unaware of/has no reason to expect (e.g. doesn't work for dispelling or when in combat with a known/suspected magically active entity)
Counterspelling(Dragons) - cause when your going up against something with sorcery 8 that "know[s] most spells", you need all the dice you can get.
Counterspelling(Ritual Sorcery) - cause ritual sorcery can ruin anyone's day, even if they can't see you.
Ritual Spellcasting(symbolic link) - cause voodoo kicks ass.
Spellcasting(voluntary subjects) - Be the ultimate Band-Aid.
Climbing(ceilings) - avoid those pesky pressure sensors all together.
Climbing(glass walls) - surprisingly useful for corporate offices.
Climbing(glass ceiling) - For the up and coming Troll.
Disguise(odor) - great for not alerting those pesky paracritters when you already have invisibility and stealth cast on you.
Diving(Pearl) - WTF else are you going to use it for?
Escape Artist(ventilation shafts) - I think this is the skill used for fitting into confining spaces.
Gymnastics(dance) - cause artisan isn't good enough [I didn't make it up, its listed in the BBB]
Infiltration(mages) - must stay out of LOS!
Navigation(lost) - only applies when you don't know where you are. (note: mapsoft bonuses are at GM discretion in these cases)
Palming(coping a feel) - no one's gonna notice right? (also can be used to collect genetic material such as hair)
Paracheuting(life raft) - you've seen Indiana Jones right? It could* work. (*= might if we're in holywood)
Perception(sensors) - great for riggers.
Perception(passive) - applies when not observing in Detail
Running(away) - Its a Tactical Retreat.
Survival(Free Food) - only applies to checks to find food, may allow you to reduce your lifestyle cost
Swimming(holding your breath) - yes this is the skill you use for that test, after all you don't want to get a lungful of Nerostun.
Tracking(stalking) - use this specilization to find the love of your life who for some reason thinks of you as their ex.....
Con(distraction) - Oh my god, Lofwyr's right behind you!
Etiquette(social gaffs) - for the player who doesn't know when to keep their mouth shut.
Intimidation(salarymen) - cause shadowrunners are scary!
Negotiation(Mr. Johnson) - he's lying, but you already knew that.
Automotive mechanic(pimping) - cause style can be just as important as function.
Demolitions(tripwires) - yes, this skill governs setting up tripwires.
Demolitions(buildings) - use this for structure hits.
First Aid(drain) - encourages overcasting.
Pilot Aircraft(urban) - for flying in the city
Nov 2 2007, 06:54 AM
QUOTE (Glyph @ Nov 2 2007, 01:11 AM) |
For specializations, there's one boring one I'd like to see: attack, as a specialization of unarmed combat. I hate how they have blocking, cyber-implant combat, subdual combat - all well-defined uses of unarmed combat - then "martial arts", with no rules for handling it whatsoever. And never mind that unarmed combat is martial arts. I would like an attack specialization, because it is the only option not covered. |
Yeah, that bothered my group too. I'd be willing to bet that many groups have already done what we did: scratched our heads, threw out "Martial Arts" in favor of "Striking" (AKA, the Vanilla Complex Action Attack) and moved on with our lives. I really am unsure how the devs managed to make that one more complicated than it needed to be; a system that uses broad categories like SR4 does isn't exactly rocket science. About the only debate we really had when making the change was whether or not to combine Blocking with Striking and just call it Stand Up Fighting (since Subdual specialization can reasonably be interpreted as a counter against grapplers as well as an offensive edge), and that one took like, maybe 5 seconds to decide against (since players are bound to come up against more armed attackers than grapplers).
Nov 2 2007, 07:23 AM
QUOTE (Glyph) |
For specializations, there's one boring one I'd like to see: attack, as a specialization of unarmed combat. |
I use Unarmed Combat {Offense} all the time, but figured it was, as you say, too boring to mention.
Nov 2 2007, 07:31 AM
QUOTE (Narse @ Nov 2 2007, 04:22 PM) |
Clubs(improvised) - for when you forgot your stun baton at home. After all, REAL men use rocks. |
This one always makes me giggle. I find it strange that someone could be better at hitting people with
absolutely anything that isn't designed for that purpose than they are with real clubs and batons made specifically for that type of thing.
Throwing Weapons(random sh*t) - out of ammo? throw your gun! your comlink! that ruby the size of a birds egg! essentially this applies to anything not intended for use as a thrown weapon. |
Same thing with this one.
Counterspelling(the unexpected) - only applies to spells the magician is unaware of/has no reason to expect (e.g. doesn't work for dispelling or when in combat with a known/suspected magically active entity) |
A twist on those above. Better when you are unaware than when you are actually ready and waiting for the worst?
Nov 2 2007, 08:09 AM
I assumed the improvised speciallties would just help negate some of the modifiers for using improvised weaponry, so an explanation would be that your training with a new random improvised weapon each day makes you just as good with improvised weapons as with actuall weapons (can't remember the actuall penalty associated w/ improvised weapons but I think it is around -2).
As for the Unexpected specialization for counterspelling, I thought you could write it off to a reflexive subconscious cancellation of mana effects or something along those lines. Even if its not realistic, its still cool, I think playing someone with that specialty could be a lot of fun. After all magic is mysterious and not fully understood....
Ghost in the Machine
Nov 2 2007, 08:37 AM
Most piloting skills offer "Remote Operation" as a choice. What exactly would that cover? And, would "Rigging" be a viable specialization?
Nov 2 2007, 08:45 AM
QUOTE (Narse) |
I assumed the improvised speciallties would just help negate some of the modifiers for using improvised weaponry, so an explanation would be that your training with a new random improvised weapon each day makes you just as good with improvised weapons as with actuall weapons (can't remember the actuall penalty associated w/ improvised weapons but I think it is around -2). |
That's the thing ... I can't recall any reference to a penalty for 'Improvised Melee Weapons' anywhere in SR4, which means it actually works out to being a bonus.
Don't get me wrong. If they work for you, that's cool. I just have a hard time not giggling when I see that type of thing.
Simon May
Nov 2 2007, 09:14 AM
I've always enjoyed really obscure/flavorful specializations. Like:
Blades (letter openers)
Thrown Weapons (cherry bombs)
Nov 2 2007, 11:24 AM
Dodge(Break Dance)
Nov 2 2007, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (Blade) |
Dodge(Break Dance) |
Now that I could see as a specialization of Gymnastics. God I miss the 80's.
Nov 2 2007, 02:12 PM
is a Specialization of Gymnastics. Would go well with Capoeira or Carromeleg.
Nov 2 2007, 02:14 PM
No, the trick here is that it can only be used for dodging.
Another possibility is : Dodge (looking stupid), if you want to look like Cobra or Vash the Stampede.
Eryk the Red
Nov 2 2007, 02:39 PM
Interestingly, we've actually made the martial arts specialization for unarmed combat work in our campaign. I don't really care for it, but a new player took it a while back and I didn't notice until much later, so I decided to work with it. We've basically gone with the idea that it benefits Hollywood-style martial arts maneuvers. Plain old attacks? No. Roundhouse kick to disarm the guard, starting from a sitting position? A-OK.
Nov 2 2007, 05:03 PM
I use it as a motivation for better descriptions; -did you take a martial arts specialization? ok, it works as long as you describe your attacks in a way loosely based on such M.A. (In the groups I GM I know the most abot martial arts anyway I am not strict about it, it's just something else to emphasize roleplay)
Kyoto Kid
Nov 2 2007, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (Simon May) |
I've always enjoyed really obscure/flavorful specializations. Like:
Blades (letter openers)
Thrown Weapons (cherry bombs) |
...Thrown Weapons (Baseballs). Actually had a character with this.
Nov 2 2007, 08:58 PM
Gymnastics (Parkour) or maybe Martial Arts (Parkour), but lean towards Gymnastics due the leaps, jumps etc in Parkour.
Nov 2 2007, 09:03 PM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins) |
Gymnastics (Parkour) or maybe Martial Arts (Parkour), but lean towards Gymnastics due the leaps, jumps etc in Parkour. |
I was thinking of that, but couldn't decide if it was more fitting as a Running skill Specialization. As it is, I treat the Urban Specialization (of Running) in much the same manner.
Gymnastics (Parkour) would basically include most other existing specializations. And I was not aware that it is a Martial Art
Running (Urban) fits better. +a Gymnastics (Jump, etc) if the person does fancy stuff.
Nov 2 2007, 09:50 PM
I would not allow Assensing (Aura Reading) even though it's in BBB. What else do you assense?
Cf. some other hotly opinionated threads: Cybertech (Harvesting)
Unarmed Combat (Aikido) - applies to parry and subdual combat, not to punch/kick
Unarmed Combat (Boxing/Kickboxing) - not usable in subdual combat
I don't see a Disarm/Takeaway in BBB; is it in there?
Blades (SCA style) - only with shield in off-hand (a shield can be used to create openings)
Unarmed Combat (Touch Only) - popular with mages and tranq-patch users
Unarmed Combat (Shock Gloves)
Palming (Tranq Patch Application)
Spellcasting (Overcasting) - popular among Force 2 mages
English (Lingo: Hippy/New Age)
Sperethiel (Lingo: Subtle Back-handed Put-Downs)
(yes, there ARE other uses of Sperethiel, though you may not have heard them)
Specialization to counter penalties is fine by me.
Unarmed Combat (Drunken Style) - bonus dice offset intoxication penalties
Unarmed Combat (Rocky Balboa*) - bonus dice offset up to -2 of wound penalties
*yes, stacks with High Pain Threshold
Unarmed Combat (Vs Greater Reach) cf Wing Chun
Mechanic (MacGyver) - offset up to -2 of inadequate equipment penalties
Spellcasting (While Sustaining Another Spell)
Hacking (While Threading Another Program)
Automatics (Drive-By Shooting) [still net -1 DP]
Longarms (Far Shot) no penalty at Medium or Long, -1 at Extreme
(nb houserule in Sniper thread, making range penalties + to Threshold not - to DP)
Dodge (Blast)
Perception (While Using VR) [still net -4]
Perception (Through Mist/Smoke)
Longarms (Headshot) - favored by zombie killers
Pistols (Two-Gun) John Woo FTW!
Blades (Two-Sword) Electra FTW!
Running (Broken Ground)
Climbing (Ice) (yeah, I know, but IRL people DO this, voluntarily)
For those who miss breakdance... watch your movie listings for "Kickin' It Old Skool"
Navigation (Asking for Directions) - only usable by females and sensitive new age quiche-eaters
English (Lingo: Female)
English (Lingo: Male)
cf. "You Just Don't Understand" by Tannen
Nov 2 2007, 10:32 PM
I like a lot of those Riley37.
I have been thinking about this for a while ...
Where would you put something like 'accents'? There are people that are just really good at accents, no matter what the language.
Nov 2 2007, 10:55 PM
New Language Skill?
Nov 2 2007, 11:21 PM
Disguise (Drag)
Parachuting (Nude)
Running (Streaking)
Unarmed Combat (Diving Off the top rope)
Escape Artist (Fibula)
Forgery (Fine Art)
Clubs (Folding Chairs)
Clubs (Tables)
Unarmed Combat (Smashing opponents through tables)
Simon May
Nov 2 2007, 11:31 PM
QUOTE (Riley37) |
I would not allow Assensing (Aura Reading) even though it's in BBB. What else do you assense? |
You assense aura trails instead of the aura itself, magical objects, spell remnants, spirits, spirit trails, recent magic use... etc.
Nov 2 2007, 11:46 PM
Also, Assensing is used as a general perception skill on the astral plane.
Kyoto Kid
Nov 3 2007, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
I like a lot of those Riley37.
I have been thinking about this for a while ...
Where would you put something like 'accents'? There are people that are just really good at accents, no matter what the language. |
...Con (Fake Accent).
Nov 3 2007, 01:39 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (WearzManySkins @ Nov 3 2007, 06:58 AM) | Gymnastics (Parkour) or maybe Martial Arts (Parkour), but lean towards Gymnastics due the leaps, jumps etc in Parkour. |
I was thinking of that, but couldn't decide if it was more fitting as a Running skill Specialization. As it is, I treat the Urban Specialization (of Running) in much the same manner. |
Actually there are two martial arts one is Parkour, the other derived from Parkour involves the running called Free Running.
Gymastics (Parkour)
Running (Free Running)
Nov 3 2007, 01:45 AM
QUOTE (WearzManySkins) |
@Fortune Actually there are two martial arts one is Parkour, the other derived from Parkour involves the running called Free Running. |
Um, it was not I that stated that it wasn't a martial art. Having said that though, I think your definition of 'martial arts' might be quite broad.
Nov 3 2007, 01:57 AM
My miss statement call them specializations then.
My martial arts definitions are just fine.
10+ years Wu Shu, 8+ years Tai Chi Chuan(Hybrid), 35 years S&W, 26 Years Beretta, 37 years Browning and 33 years Savage.
Nov 3 2007, 01:59 AM
That's cool. So you actually don't think that Parkour is a martial art then?
Nov 3 2007, 02:17 AM
By whose definition of "martial art" ?
My teachers have observed both Parkour and Free Running, they all consider both of them a "martial art". But then they teach a tall bearded bald fat guy, so they may have broader views of "martial arts".
Since the form of Wu Shu I was taught is derived from Mainland China's Sport of Wu Shu, some consider it a not a true martial art. But seeing a 80+ year old teacher of my teacher move thru the forms, dispels that misconception.
But then my teachers have warned me of the perils of "Martial Arts" snobbery.
Nov 3 2007, 02:25 AM
If it teaches techniques can be used to kill people, or at least to disable them, then it is a martial art.
Poetry written by Marcus Valerius Martialis also qualifies as Martial art.
Nov 3 2007, 02:26 AM
Going back to SR2, one of the house rules a friend of mine came up with for his game that I subsequently adopted in all of mine was that Unarmed Combat could be split into two Concentrations, Attack and Defense. In SR3, these became Specializations, and if I'd be tempted to extend it to SR4 (although I'm pretty new to SR4, and I like to know a system a little better before I start hacking it to pieces and rebuilding it).
Nov 3 2007, 02:36 AM
form the Wiki
"Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. They may be studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation/meditation, mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence, or any combination of the above."
From this definition Parkour and Free Running are martial arts.
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