Nov 30 2010, 12:04 AM
I must admit I draw on this movie a LOT for feel, but there is so much to work in from the music and images it gives the players much to work from
Ghost in the Shell -Innocence- Music Video Anthology - Follow Me (Kenji Kawai)
Nov 30 2010, 12:19 AM
Music wise, for me, I use to have a few of the tracks from Snatch. Mainly becasue it reminded me of a layered world where there's bad guys here, then a different flavor of bad guys over there, and so on.
I got to admit it also, Metallica's Unforgiven II always gets me in the mood for SR. I guess it's because it was playing alot on the radio when I first started playing SR. I still have a memory of me and a buddy, driving in a pounding rain, to where the GM lived, and having yet another awesome time playing Shadowrun.
Nov 30 2010, 03:18 AM
Oddly, some of the old tracks from the Genesis-era Sonic games. Lava Reef and Flying Battery from S&K and Chemical Plant from S2 come to mind in particular.
Nov 30 2010, 10:46 PM
Nov 30 2010, 11:19 PM
QUOTE (jaellot @ Nov 29 2010, 05:19 PM)
Music wise, for me, I use to have a few of the tracks from Snatch. Mainly becasue it reminded me of a layered world where there's bad guys here, then a different flavor of bad guys over there, and so on.
I feel the same way, but would add to that the music of
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Whenever my current character is going to meet someone somewhere I have James Brown's "The Boss" playing in my head.
If someone were to make a Shadowrun film, I'd want it to be Guy Ritchie. It'd be like Snatch or Lock Stock in the future, and with magic.
Dec 1 2010, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (Megu @ Nov 30 2010, 03:18 AM)
Oddly, some of the old tracks from the Genesis-era Sonic games. Lava Reef and Flying Battery from S&K and Chemical Plant from S2 come to mind in particular.
Not so odd. In fact, my group went nuts playing the SNES Shadowrun music during a session we had. I think that game's soundtrack had a few tracks that were spot on thematically.
Oh, and if you like those try the
OverClocked Remix
Dec 1 2010, 02:48 AM
QUOTE (yesferatu @ Dec 1 2010, 06:46 AM)
Thanks for the flashbacks
God that is such a great song - FrontByFront isn't that good of an album but that!
Dec 1 2010, 03:40 AM
Music's tricky for us, we play via vent to 4 different places, so it can be overwhelming, but if the GM (me) has done their homework, I'll cue up you-tube for some backgound filler.
Although there's a ton of CRAP regge, which sorta sucked when we went to Jamaca, and Kingston Town:) (I found the good stuff, eventually, but there was so much wannabe thugge rap, gah)
Best so far, one of the players has a young daughter and when we were all creeping under Seattle in a ghoul and vampire-spawn infested deathhole, he accidently knocked her lullabye mobile just after I waxed creepy poetic on the scenes of carnage and depravity in front of us.
".....<tinkle, tinkle music, then>
"Ma-ry ha-d a lit-t-le lamb, li-t--te lamb, li-t--te lamb.. Ma-ry ha-d a lit-t-le lamb, and her fleece was as wh-ite a-s snoooooooow"....
Doll's Voice: "Do you wa-nt to play a game?"
We all threatened to drive over there and kill him if he pulled that shit again.
Dolls are officially banned.
J. Packer
Dec 1 2010, 04:13 AM
You really can't go wrong with much in the realm of B.P.M. techno style music.
My soundtracks are heavily influenced by Ministry and KMFDM.
My visuals are influenced by Blade Runner, of course. Heck, I read the entire book 2XS with the main character's voice being Harrison Ford. A little Fifth Element for flavor.
Squiddy Attack
Dec 1 2010, 04:39 AM
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Dec 3 2010, 03:30 AM
I also tend to use certain styles of music. There is a NPC who is a artifact from last century (pushing 100 after leonization and restoration techniques) who listens to older jazz and non cleaned up music from the 1930's and 40's
at the street level, I tend in for older Techno and certain thematic bands. Psychosonik's self-titled first album and billy idol's "Cyberpunk" screams Shadowrun
for some of the more disturbing things I have the players run across....I use silent hill soundtracks
Doc Chase
Dec 3 2010, 04:23 PM
There's a few Massive Attack tracks I'll use for flavor when descending into the bloody underworld that the runners know and love. On the flipside, when the Hand of God is tracking the team's stolen ride, there's explosions everywhere and Larry the THOR Guy just got clearance to push the button and wipe the slate clean, I can't go wrong with Holly Jolly Christmas.
Or Java Jive, by the Puppini Sisters.
Dec 4 2010, 09:52 AM Crow soundtrack in general is really good for this, but My Life With The Thrill-Kill Cult never fails to get me into the right mood for SR.
Dec 4 2010, 06:34 PM
Deltron 3030BassnectarKraftwerk if I'm in a super-retro mood
Dec 4 2010, 08:32 PM
Timekiller - Project Pitchfork ..
And One. So just pick the one you like best. It's something I can picture playing in the background of any club in the Sprawl.
Orgy - Fiction: A post-human pop song. With the prevalence of BTLs, Simsense, and AR, it's kind of appropriate.
Sword of Justice - Death Match: It's a remix of the main battle theme from Megami Tensei II. Since it's a video game battle theme, if you're a smart ass like me, you can loop
the original for matrix combat.
And while we're on the topic of MegaTen, here are some other battle themes.
Mass Destruction - Persona 3: For kids shooting themselves in the head to fight demons, this somehow works. For general shadowrunning, ...not so much. However, I
could see a particularly cocky NPC adopting it as his own personal theme, if nothing else. (A.K.A. - Music to Murder Obnoxious NPCs by)
Hunting - Digital Devil Saga: Now
this is more like it! It's a slow battle theme. A tense standoff. It's more suited for tense standoffs than frantic combat. Of course... Shadowrun combat is frantic by definition, so you won't be using it often.
Digital Devil Saga - Big Battle: Same as above, except this is the boss theme. Kind of slow, but good for fights against the BBEG's Dragon. (Unless the BBEG's Dragon -is- a Dragon. Drakes don't count.)
Battle for Survival - Digital Devil Saga 2: Ah, now this one works better. DDS2 is less about roaming the wastes and hunting rival gangs, and more about infiltrating high-sec enclaves. This is good for when it's time the party has to start acting heroic.
Digital Devil Saga 2 - Madness - And this is for when things start going insane. Still pretty heroic, but waaay more frantic.
JRPGs aside!
Here are some other songs you might enjoy.
Mindless- Mindless (Cool World): It's not a bad city theme, particularly in the more populated areas. This song really gives you a sense that a lot is going on.
Industry and Seduction - Tom Bailey: This song evokes a much quieter feel. There's still a lot going on, but it's underneath the surface. The pace is slower. If your characters are in a seedy part of the Sprawl, or near an industrial complex, or perhaps meeting a Johnson in a seedy bar, this song is pretty good. Also, the sexual undertones are intended. Cool World was a weird movie. [/understatement]
Sedusa: A good industrial song. I think it's by My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult.
And that's my music selection. Weird, I know...
Dec 9 2010, 02:54 PM
And since Shadowrun is a Noir setting with lots of investigations and such.....can't do without this one
Dec 9 2010, 03:12 PM
This is, as I've said in previous threads about this, a complicated topic I don't feel fully prepared to discuss.
When I do, expect like a full playlist/track list dump. I have made several discs worth of SR mixes and am currently in the process of making a Pandora station specifically for my current is fairly iterative of the soundtrack of the movie Layer Cake, which is a fantastic crime movie, incidentally.
Caine Hazen
Dec 9 2010, 05:10 PM
Yaktty Sax about sums up my runner's just fine, they need no other music
Dec 9 2010, 05:47 PM
And of course if you ever feel the desire to put your PC's in a bar with some trogmetal playing there's always
Trollfestor FinntrollOf course you can never, ever go wrong with
Sisters of MercyVNV nation does some good stuff too.
Squiddy Attack
Jan 6 2011, 02:16 AM
Jan 6 2011, 02:24 AM
I prefer the Blade Runner soundtrack myself. Has the blues feel with a future touch.
Explosive Donut!
Jan 6 2011, 02:26 AM
Voodoo People Remix by Pendulum is good as well fast paced bass and tense synth really give a feel of face paced, deadly combat.
Jan 6 2011, 03:06 AM
Whoever suggested Yakkity Sax, god yes. I've played it (GM) when in the middle of a tense firefight and suddenly, everything went fantastic, people were rolling 6's non-stop, critical fails for the was uncanny.
If you're wanting to have some fun, also cue up "In the Hall of the Mountain King" for the legwork summary. It gives the players a feeling of having worked hard to get where they need to go.
But for real fun, get your hands on the "Robocop" soundtrack (they re-released a nice, cleaned-up version a few years ago) and play the stirring "Robocop" theme during a climatic gun battle - your players will thank you:)
Squiddy Attack
Feb 18 2011, 03:22 AM
I believe I've found -the- Shadowrun song,
Even the
album art looks straight out of SR.
Feb 18 2011, 04:39 AM
Rhapsody Of Fire (Guest starring Christopher Lee!), Three Inches of Blood, Dragonforce, and Blind Guardian. With Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, Judas Priest and Rolling Stones for the Classical Music lovers.
Feb 18 2011, 05:23 AM
I've found the
Yoshida Brothers have some good mood music for when you need some asian flare, like for the yakuza.
Mar 7 2011, 04:11 AM
And Shock To the System By Cyberpunk's Favorite Rockerboy: Billy Idol
Mar 7 2011, 04:16 AM
QUOTE (TheWanderingJewels @ Mar 6 2011, 11:11 PM)
And Shock To the System By Cyberpunk's Favorite Rockerboy: Billy Idol!
Mindless self Indulgence for a newer band with the right feel
Saint Hallow
Mar 7 2011, 05:11 AM
Music depends on what we want to add... I tend to listen to hard rock/metal before a game to get myself into a groove and ready to jump IC. No special bands/groups, just anything with a heavy beat and rhythm. At the game sessions, when we visit bars/clubs IG... we usually hear euro-techno club stuff or death metal, depending on the rating of the neighborhood and venue. We rarely use atmosphere music that much anymore though.
Saint Sithney
Mar 11 2011, 08:06 AM
How about some
Dermal Plating from nausenbluten.
Mar 12 2011, 06:09 PM
I prefer something gritty and dark, and for general/street scenes I usually go with something industrial (Wumpscut, Einstürzende Neubauten, Hellsau or Die Krupps), mixing in a bit of rap (Cypress Hill, Wu-Tang Clan) and rock or metal (varies).
For the matrix I find that psytrance does wonders to represent the alien technological feel of cyberspace, I'm particularly fond of Wizzy Noise and Entheogenic here.
Some of the eighties post-punk (I can't remember who suggested Sisters of Mercy, but that's spot on! I like Warsaw and Blondie as well) works as well, and Dark Ambient in particular is good no matter what game you run! There are a lot of acts these days, but my favorites are Camanecroszcope, Ad*Ver*Sary, IRM and Coil.
Mar 12 2011, 07:32 PM
David Bowie, who I've always thought sounded like he was from the future of the past.
Mar 12 2011, 07:46 PM
QUOTE (Epicedion @ Mar 12 2011, 03:32 PM)
David Bowie, who I've always thought sounded like he was from the future of the past.
Ziggy Stardust fit right in the TRON world.
Mar 13 2011, 02:42 AM
QUOTE (Red-ROM @ Mar 6 2011, 10:16 PM)
Mindless self Indulgence for a newer band with the right feel
I'm doubling the agree for Billy Idol's entire Cyberpunk album.
Also, recently I've found that
VNV Nation feels very dystopian in nature.
Mar 13 2011, 03:02 AM
For Imagery, I used
this picture for the Free Spirit that offers Money for Karma.
For some reason, my group has never taken him up on the offer, no matter how desperate they are...
Mar 16 2011, 12:57 PM
I quite like
this as both a source of imagery and music. Even the lyrics are relevant.
Mar 16 2011, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (Bira @ Mar 16 2011, 07:57 AM)
I quite like
this as both a source of imagery and music. Even the lyrics are relevant.
I like that because it shows how stupid copyright laws are. Unable to be shown in Canada.
Mar 16 2011, 05:40 PM
QUOTE (CanRay @ Mar 16 2011, 08:31 AM)
I like that because it shows how stupid copyright laws are. Unable to be shown in Canada.
And the U
Mar 22 2011, 04:30 AM
Mar 22 2011, 01:30 PM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Mar 21 2011, 11:30 PM)
They... The 60s IN SPACE... Amazing... Spectacular... Guy's a dick and a wanker...
Yeah, too much awesome for too early in the morning.
Mar 22 2011, 03:39 PM
I think I need to change my undies, by god.
Mar 23 2011, 01:26 AM
Different genres of music come out to play through the course of our play -
When I'm writing material, I use a lot of techno / dark punk stuff, with some pop stuff. This alternates between Skrillex, Deadmau5, DJ Tiesto, Daft Punk (the Tron soundtrack alone is amazing), Gorillaz, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Lady Gaga.
During gameplay, the group revolves through industrial and dark metal. Lots of VNV Nation, KMFDM, old school NiN, Aphex Twin, Billy Idol, Ohgr, Skinny Puppy, whatever else my wife and a friend of ours will dig up.
Then my players decided on a theme for themselves - the Turks theme from Final Fantasy VII. My wife has decided on Instant Karma for her character, a troll we've nicknamed Wrecking Ball.
Ghostwalker's ended up with a taste for the Beatles - the club he runs for a little R&R he calls Revolution 9.
For the ork fixer named Hollywood, I use some light rap (I dunno much about rap).
Mar 26 2011, 08:22 PM
Hamster Alliance makes a lot of music that's Shadowrun-compatible, for a variety of situations. Not to mention all his stuff is available for free downloading.
Saint Sithney
Mar 27 2011, 09:06 AM
QUOTE (ravensmuse @ Mar 22 2011, 05:26 PM)
For the ork fixer named Hollywood, I use some light rap (I dunno much about rap).
You're welcome.
Mar 31 2011, 03:05 PM
one of my players works as a DJ from time to time and he asked me to install a
radio station on our group forum. -
FM BRAIN.DEADhe has quit a dark taste of music,... anywas.
one day he started to comment our runs with music and videos; very funny
you can get an impression how those runs were managed
check it out if you like: the way... do not wonder, everything is in german, becaus we are Austrians
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