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  1. The Cyberlimb question clearinghouse (19 replies)
  2. Mminor typo (1 reply)
  3. Speaking Dragons & Dragonspeech (7 replies)
  4. Commercial explosives are lacking a little bit of oomph (4 replies)
  5. Alchemy - Preparations (12 replies)
  6. Burning Edge (3 replies)
  7. Ownership (10 replies)
  8. Shadow Math- Physical feats of Awesome (1 reply)
  9. Matrix defense (1 reply)
  10. The Mesh and Grids (44 replies)
  11. Why Katanas? (189 replies)
  12. Salish-Shidhe in 2075 (22 replies)
  13. Shadow Math- Hit Probablity Calculator (9 replies)
  14. Priority Levels and Karma (1 reply)
  15. Shadowrun Returns Livestream and Q&A with Jason Hardy and John Helfers (1 reply)
  16. SR5 Control Actions/Thoughts Spells (8 replies)
  17. SR5 Matrix Questions (4 replies)
  18. Oldskool Matrix Maps for SR1, SR2 & SR2050 for your perusal (3 replies)
  19. So who is getting Shadowrun Returns? (67 replies)
  20. Tracer rounds (50 replies)
  21. Advancement of Mystic Adepts in 5th (2 replies)
  22. SR missions (5 replies)
  23. SR5 Errata Side Chatter (119 replies)
  24. Lethal vs Non-lethal (42 replies)
  25. Ask the Shadowrun Line Developer Stuff (118 replies)
  26. The railroad and starter sets (14 replies)
  27. Tandem decking (6 replies)
  28. Who Watches the Providers? (20 replies)
  29. Pushing the limits as a GM (50 replies)
  30. Dice pool modifiers for climbing (2 replies)
  31. Direct and indirect drain codes in 5th (31 replies)
  32. Why Katanas? (4 replies)
  33. Fixation Metamagic (14 replies)
  34. Jane Foster (21 replies)
  35. Critical Strike Question (46 replies)
  36. SR5: Non-Shotguns and Choke (16 replies)
  37. SR5 spell mechanics (24 replies)
  38. IntroRun (5 replies)
  39. Using Shadowrun 2050 with SR5 (6 replies)
  40. Can a Remington Roomsweeper be silenced? (8 replies)
  41. Rabbit Holes and Conspiracies (11 replies)
  42. How would I stat this armor? (8 replies)
  43. Counterspelling Nerf (42 replies)
  44. Street Level Rigger in SR5 (3 replies)
  45. Bloodbank (17 replies)
  46. SR5: Ultrasound cyberware vs implanting a single sensor system (4 replies)
  47. SR5 questions (7 replies)
  48. Fake SIN - Why would you take it? (30 replies)
  49. Integral upgrades and Accessories (8 replies)
  50. Stick-n-Shock (23 replies)
  51. Specilizations (1 reply)
  52. Initiative score and dice (6 replies)
  53. Is Automatics the odd skill out? (85 replies)
  54. Public Security Companies (8 replies)
  55. Firing multiple shots (17 replies)
  56. Squishy Drones (26 replies)
  57. Seize the Initiative? (1 reply)
  58. House rules for no Out of Body experiences (6 replies)
  59. Pinky the troll tank (92 replies)
  60. Confused about Astral initiative in SR5 (4 replies)
  61. What is good? (79 replies)
  62. Average Joe vs Average Joe (10 replies)
  63. Bad Luck + Blitz (3 replies)
  64. iorny with D&D terms (9 replies)
  65. SR5 Matrix Thoughts (41 replies)
  66. Newb GM needs advice - Breaking and Entering (22 replies)
  67. Shadow Math-Top Line Shotguns Vs ARs (10 replies)
  68. Help on magic traditions (8 replies)
  69. Restricted Gear (2 replies)
  70. Build and Repair Costs (1 reply)
  71. Hardened Armor (1 reply)
  72. Playable Infected from Running Wild (11 replies)
  73. Net Gain; A game where you play as the megacorp (27 replies)
  74. Theorycrafting with Shadowrun (12 replies)
  75. The DAMNED (17 replies)
  76. Non-decker Matrix Defense (77 replies)
  77. SR4a Mil-spec armor (4 replies)
  78. Impressions on 4&5 (47 replies)
  79. New campaign idea, concept (1 reply)
  80. Speed ratings and control rigs (25 replies)
  81. Cerebral Boosters and Knowledge Skills (10 replies)
  82. Aspected Mages... (53 replies)
  83. Where is Nanite Cream? (36 replies)
  84. Used 'ware (127 replies)
  85. Troller blades in 5th Edition... (10 replies)
  86. SR5 in 2050 (2 replies)
  87. Shadowrun 5 Character Creation Questions (15 replies)
  88. Essence loss from cyber- and bioware (14 replies)
  89. Limits? (5 replies)
  90. So... Technomancers (154 replies)
  91. SR4 > SR5 Conversion Guide (11 replies)
  92. A Moment of Silence for... (20 replies)
  93. Can you upgrade foci? (10 replies)
  94. Hardened Armor and AP, automatic hits calculation question (25 replies)
  95. Wireless grenades (19 replies)
  96. Good milk runs. (19 replies)
  97. Street Sam (84 replies)
  98. Shadowrun 5 Character Sheet Form PDF (1 reply)
  99. Salish-Sidhe Information? (7 replies)
  100. Matrix Perception (4 replies)
  101. Proposal: SR5 Limited Edition Acronym (17 replies)
  102. Setting Question in Fifth Edition (4 replies)
  103. What's the SR5 Release Schedule? (10 replies)
  104. Converting Technomancer Extras (2 replies)
  105. Matrix: Looping/editing video feeds (5 replies)
  106. Preparations and Triggers (5 replies)
  107. Ramming Rules (26 replies)
  108. SR5 Ramming Rules (65 replies)
  109. Hacking Tactic: Spoofing for Marks (6 replies)
  110. SR Drugs (30 replies)
  111. Revised Copy? (47 replies)
  112. Soo, the long SR5 Review (87 replies)
  113. House Rule: Wired Reflexes cost essence == Power Point Costs (52 replies)
  114. Sam Vs Adept (58 replies)
  115. SR5 Matrix Questions (20 replies)
  116. Breaching protocol 101 (46 replies)
  117. Riggers and Vehicle Actions (5 replies)
  118. Cyberware and Bioware essence costs (7 replies)
  119. Pre-Errata Discussion (20 replies)
  120. Commanding a Spirit to Attack (14 replies)
  121. Mixologist (4th ed) (0 replies)
  122. SR5 Combat movement (19 replies)
  123. Initiative stacking (2 replies)
  124. How Do You convert SR4A Chars to SR5 ? (9 replies)
  125. A Few Rules Questions (19 replies)
  126. Why is the public grid safer? (35 replies)
  127. SR5 Combat Thoughts (15 replies)
  128. Foci vs 'ware prices (10 replies)
  129. ANOTHER dumb SR5 Question (15 replies)
  130. Wireless bonuses: my $.02 (73 replies)
  131. (5E) Homebrew weapons (0 replies)
  132. Hacking Cyberware (782 replies)
  133. How many programs can you run? (9 replies)
  134. Glitches in SR5 (27 replies)
  135. SR5 Stacking Specialized Armor (1 reply)
  136. Background Count in SR5 (1 reply)
  137. Handling spirits with excel (0 replies)
  138. Autosofts? (1 reply)
  139. The Colonel - a SR5 Barde (9 replies)
  140. Shadowrun 5...errrr well... (23 replies)
  141. Essence Cost for Bioware/Cyberware (3 replies)
  142. FINE! Here it is! (25 replies)
  143. Dumb 5th Edition questions (115 replies)
  144. Nanoware in SR5 (Sprawl Wilds SPOILERS) (2 replies)
  145. Uncouth/Uneducated just as bad as ever (47 replies)
  146. Working through Grids and Noise (14 replies)
  147. Street Samurai (123 replies)
  148. Damage Mismatch Between Spirit Types (0 replies)
  149. My SR5 houserules (2 replies)
  150. Congrats to the CGL crew (3 replies)
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