Caution: This discussion may be a bit Meta, poking at things behind the scenes.
I guess this my one real question about the wireless effect/bonuses. I understand that hooking into the greater wireless gives us access to more information/processing/oversight on our equipment. But from where?
I mean, if I go onto the matrix looking up some information, I have to do a search of some form, maybe even have to subscribe to certain nodes to obtain this information if its readily available (we will be assuming nothing classified or locked down by someone).
Now obviously our wireless connected item probably has preset addresses it will search to for its information/boost/etc or some sort of parameters of what sources it will look for.. Your smartgun scans the local weather and compiles target telemetry, your medkit probably has a medical resource site on tap, etc...
But who watches the providers of this treasure trove of data? Or rather who CAN?
I mean, lets say I have a little late night exercise involving a few Halloweenies and a in depth discussion concerning the ancestry of their bloodline and how farm animals may have played a significant role.
After this lively debate I limp away sporting a few new perforations (but you should see the other guys!). Once I return to my domicile, I pull out the medkit and set it up. Feeling a bit woozy from the recent chat along with possibly some internal bleeding, I set the machine to consult it's online database and follow its prompts to augment my own first aid skills.
Meanwhile an eager young KE rent-a-cop comes across the scene and reports the incident. Normally it might not draw much notice, but the new KE is eager to make his mark so he can get promoted and needs some action under his belt to make the resume look good. Examing the crime scene he ascertains that the number of participants present do not match with his figure of who all played, plus it is apparent that the absent attendee went off a bit worse for wear. A quick call into the local hospitals turn up the usual lot of fights, cuts and similar but none that match up with his particulars. Likewise leaning on a few contacts who know the local street docs come up with zeroes.
Playing a hunch that this wayward soul must be having to treat himself, could the KE put in a request to query the local medical databases known to service the medkits and see if anyone has accessed them within the rough window. While we may run normal or silent, if our items are connecting somewhere for that wireless bonus it has to be handshaking with some level of system, and this in turn might be logged in some format. Now obviously there will be tons on pings on the medical information provider, but since the KE knows his mysterious man didn't go to the hospital he can narrow the search to remove these, likewise knocking off the known street docs his sources say had nothing to do with this one. Following this he narrows it down to 8 possible candidates who utilized a medkit that requested information on treating cuts and bleeding within the timeframe he was looking within. 8 is still a bit to go around and check on by himself, plus he doesn't have their actual addresses, but he has the MAC or similar for the devices so could turn this over to a KE decker who he has been chatting up afterhours to try and narrow this down as well and try and get locations for these. Supposing he gets lucky and can rule out a few possibles he could potentially convince the med system to ping the remaining medkits in question, masking it as an update (You DO update your systems yes? Wouldn't want to use Fix my Ass 2.5 when 3.0 is out and running) it could be used for a trace by the decker buddy of our cagey KE. That could be an unpleasant knock on the door for our hero, especially if it comes in the form of kicking the door in and said hero being doused with pepper punch.
Now some will say this is well outside the capability of the KE- especially a rookie, and maybe that is true. But is it true for everyone? It's well and good to run dark while on the run itself , but sooner or later some gear goes online when you are off the clock and it still has to hook into their respective bits of the Matrix.
I am just asking how secure are these sources? Who has nominal access to these? They are providing info to any relevant system requesting details so getting in doesn't seem to bad. Now actually tapping into these may well prove more interesting as basic access is one thing, but checking the logs quite anothers. Especially if it turns out someone else is tapping into these to peek in on us. Look at our systems today, every site vying to stick cookies on , your spam ads listing your town thanks to seeing the IP of your computer, it all adds up and someone could make good use of it.
Again it is probably outside the prevue of the game, but still just a thought.....