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  1. A little help please? (18 replies)
  2. HMHVV and You (46 replies)
  3. Drain Modifier: Addictive (16 replies)
  4. Capping Hits by Skill Rating (11 replies)
  5. What are, and where are, the Horrors? (22 replies)
  6. Shooting people who are running or on motorcycles (8 replies)
  7. Clerics (17 replies)
  8. In Defense of Script Kiddies (111 replies)
  9. Damage Variant Question (5 replies)
  10. Astral Percesions (14 replies)
  11. My firearms realism brainstorming thread (0 replies)
  12. Name Generator (4 replies)
  13. Moved: Name Generator (-- replies)
  14. Critical component created for nanoscale wireless (1 reply)
  15. The Stars Are Right! (22 replies)
  16. Second hand cyberware (31 replies)
  17. Real life EMT vs junkie battle = DocWagon campaign (8 replies)
  18. A quick question on Arsenal (9 replies)
  19. Playing Shadowrun Online (27 replies)
  20. Stealthy mind control (40 replies)
  21. Matrix 4th Ed (36 replies)
  22. Unexpected team role? (16 replies)
  23. Halloween Run (2 replies)
  24. A funny thing happened last game night (23 replies)
  25. All this talk of Hackers buying their ability, (15 replies)
  26. Bipods, tripods and aiming my rifle (20 replies)
  27. Hacking Question (Team Network) (13 replies)
  28. Education in the Sixth World (7 replies)
  29. Private armys (115 replies)
  30. Powerfoci & Spelldrain (12 replies)
  31. holostreets (24 replies)
  32. A complete rethink of Essence (25 replies)
  33. Moved: Powerfoci & Spelldrain (-- replies)
  34. Defeating script kiddies and Agent Smith (2 replies)
  35. Fastest Mundane in the West (36 replies)
  36. The Union of Irregular Operatives (3 replies)
  37. 3pts of Essence in bio. tips or tweaks? (41 replies)
  38. Running the shadows of Tehran (29 replies)
  39. NPC effectivness cannot be measured by BP cost (95 replies)
  40. Cyberware Suites (23 replies)
  41. Matrix 0.5 beta incoming? (2 replies)
  42. Missiles and Rockets (53 replies)
  43. nanotattoos (8 replies)
  44. 21st Century Phantom Limb (6 replies)
  45. Wired Reflexes and Firearms - Laws of Mechanics (69 replies)
  46. Infusion (5 replies)
  47. Magical Minutia (28 replies)
  48. Let me give you a Hand (5 replies)
  49. Customizing Drones with weapons (7 replies)
  50. creating characters (1 reply)
  51. Misc rules questions 2 (35 replies)
  52. How does leadership work? (19 replies)
  53. Ultrasound and invisibility (31 replies)
  54. I need a ruling on cybereyes. (5 replies)
  55. Invisible Arms and Armor (58 replies)
  56. That's Broke! (31 replies)
  57. Guardian Angel (5 replies)
  58. Mages (48 replies)
  59. Vehicle Damage (3 replies)
  60. What the Heck? (40 replies)
  61. [RL] Another day, (3 replies)
  62. Nanotech degradation from wounds... (33 replies)
  63. Where's the Web Site (1 reply)
  64. Bat Shaman (28 replies)
  65. The Templar Trial Transcripts (1 reply)
  66. Forum FAQ? (25 replies)
  67. Body Slam! (6 replies)
  68. Mega Man (9 replies)
  69. GM or PC (33 replies)
  70. Innate spell - broken? (104 replies)
  71. Bursts.. Narrow & wide... anything in between? (10 replies)
  72. Example Matrix Sites (43 replies)
  73. Hi-Gain Receiver (1 reply)
  74. Mage Mask (13 replies)
  75. Thinking about a setting... (26 replies)
  76. Livin' La Vita SOTA campaign diary (15 replies)
  77. Bad ideas in shadowrun (59 replies)
  78. Kai (26 replies)
  79. Lycanthrope (6 replies)
  80. First time running SR (9 replies)
  81. New York (26 replies)
  82. IRL Bio Drones (1 reply)
  83. Physics in Shadowrun (15 replies)
  84. Dragons! (6 replies)
  85. Initiative vs IPs (4 replies)
  86. Well I snapped... (11 replies)
  87. four dimentional space = magic?! (9 replies)
  88. Endowment + Materialisation (18 replies)
  89. Metamagics for Adepts (18 replies)
  90. Toning down hacker... (37 replies)
  91. [RL] Insect Micro Drones (0 replies)
  92. Austin setting info (30 replies)
  93. Aspected Mystic Adepts (9 replies)
  94. Trace/Redirect Trace (9 replies)
  95. Cyberpunk in the Media (75 replies)
  96. AP on Lasers (8 replies)
  97. What can a 2-gun fighter do? (44 replies)
  98. ComLink Moding (41 replies)
  99. Threading (5 replies)
  100. [ShadowsOfEurope] Shockwaves of Europe (121 replies)
  101. Destroying a man (63 replies)
  102. Hacking and Technomancers (10 replies)
  103. Nuyen 'Cost' or Essence Cost or Both? (5 replies)
  104. Help with Drones (7 replies)
  105. A matter of cyberlimbs and bone lacing, what gives (4 replies)
  106. Gear Availability (15 replies)
  107. Hulkamania (17 replies)
  108. Fun with Emergence (62 replies)
  109. Which books are loaded with awesome? (35 replies)
  110. Buying drugs (2 replies)
  111. Cyber limbs cost (3 replies)
  112. Dragon Facts (17 replies)
  113. Troll's natural armor + augmentation = ? (9 replies)
  114. Shadowrun Sports (17 replies)
  115. Cyberware Add-ons (2 replies)
  116. Old School - Running SR4 in 2050 (1 reply)
  117. Character Generators? (47 replies)
  118. Got NERPS? (23 replies)
  119. Super Squirt and Called Shots (2 replies)
  120. Using a Forged ID (22 replies)
  121. Cyberlimb Armor (5 replies)
  122. Infirm + Shapechange (4 replies)
  123. Sustaining without LOS (10 replies)
  124. Nanotech Medical Question (1 reply)
  125. Shadowrun not cyberpunk anymore (271 replies)
  126. New from Kolkota Integrated Talent & Technologies (5 replies)
  127. PDF Observation (20 replies)
  128. Photo of "Manifest Alchera" (14 replies)
  129. Grunts (25 replies)
  130. I didn't do it, it was the one-armed man! (12 replies)
  131. Spirit-weapons and spirit-armor (48 replies)
  132. Gun as Fashion has begun! (23 replies)
  133. Scout Adept Powers? (34 replies)
  134. Sexual Cyber Implants (58 replies)
  135. Arsenal 4e Cover (69 replies)
  136. The Third Periodic tisoz Shadowrun Fiction Contest (37 replies)
  137. Why you should take away your players' toys (99 replies)
  138. Ultrasonic Adepts (9 replies)
  139. Gadgets and the SR players who love them (10 replies)
  140. Bi-metatype chimeras (10 replies)
  141. Augmentation Print - When? (11 replies)
  142. Red lineing cyber limbs?! (2 replies)
  143. Alternate Mage/Adept System (18 replies)
  144. More Fiction (87 replies)
  145. Lone Star and you (62 replies)
  146. No Governor I'm Executing You (32 replies)
  147. Armor Troubles (23 replies)
  148. Dont froget the sunscreen/shadowrun song (10 replies)
  149. Draco Foundation (13 replies)
  150. Buncha questions (15 replies)
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