Oct 6 2007, 05:19 PM
Simple question, just curious what the GM to PC ratio is on this forum. I know some people likely do both, but pick the category that fits you best.
I apologize if this has been done before, I did a brief search but came up with nothing.
Oct 6 2007, 05:24 PM
GM, I've never played a single fraggin' PC in my whole SR 'career' . Bulldrek.
But my fortunes are changing: one of my players is receptive towards launching his own campaign parallel to mine! Finally!
Kyoto Kid
Oct 6 2007, 05:40 PM
...for the most part as of late, GM. Yeah it's okay but eventually I want to get back into PC mode again.
Oct 6 2007, 05:49 PM
None so far, but in less than a week I will be a GM so I voted GM

Finally gotten my group to try something else than D&D
Oct 6 2007, 05:56 PM
GM; I'm the only one that knows the universe (and the hymnal; my players find it hilarious that I have a decent portion of the page numbers for stuff memorized) well enough.
Oct 6 2007, 06:13 PM
When my group started playing it was on my suggestion, and since I was the only one that knew the rules, well...GM. Of course, I'd rather be a PC.
Oct 6 2007, 07:41 PM
I've played a grand total of 5 characters. One of those was in a game that lasted for more than 4 sessions. But I like GMing. I have been the one to introduce each group to Shadowrun, so it usually falls to me. In my last steady group, I started everyone on it, and by the time I moved, three other people had GM'd games.
Kyoto Kid
Oct 6 2007, 08:53 PM
...yeah, as much as it is a lot of work, I admit I do like being the GM sometimes.
Oct 6 2007, 08:55 PM
I prefer to play, but right now I am willing to gm just to be able to do something again.
Kyleigh Wester
Oct 6 2007, 09:49 PM
I'm definitely more of a player, though I do GM Steampunk and Shadowrun Fourth, i'm a player in most other tabletop games, including Shadowrun Third, which is my favorite so far.
Oct 6 2007, 10:42 PM
I've only ever played once, a low-tech campaign in the Rhine-Ruhr sprawl -- running for the Mafia, basically. I'm now GMing my first group through Emergence.
Oct 6 2007, 11:42 PM
I go both ways, but the GMing hat sticks tightest.
Oct 7 2007, 01:38 AM
mostly gm but MAN I want to play
its been sooo long
Oct 7 2007, 04:33 AM
I'm 51% Player, 49% GM. Actually, if you were to break it down, I ran about 25% of the time in 2ed, 50% of the time in 3ed (but splitting that with two other regualr GMs, so I rand the lion share of that edition), and 0% of the time in SR4 (and 0% of the time in 1st, but that was one game). Skewing that is I've only played maybe 10 sessions of SR4 (I just recently joined a regular group that has seemingly survived-- knock on wood-- the genesis), started 2ed in '93, and I'm missing a few chunks of SR3 from the years I spent either in the Marines or playing lesser systems.
So, these days I skew slightly more towards playing than running.
Oct 7 2007, 05:49 AM
GM for the better part of my SR career - I treasure the few characters I've played, a grand total of 5. In chronological order - Pyre (human aspected sorcerer, 1st edition), Nightmare (elf combat mage/hitman, 1st - 3rd edition), Max (ork adept, 4th edition), Vin (human burned out mage, 4th edition), and Silence (human street sam, 4th edition).
Oct 7 2007, 07:32 AM
I imagine most people here are going to be GM's.
I can count the number of SR gaming sessions I have been at as a player on my fingers yet.
Oct 7 2007, 08:55 AM
GM I dream of playing and SR game in the flesh.
Prime Mover
Oct 7 2007, 11:44 AM
Been GM since 1st edition. Run lot's of games but never been a player, not sure what kind of a player I'd make, probably a horrid one. lol
Oct 7 2007, 11:51 AM
GM most of the time, even though we started a SR4-campaign in which I'm a player.
Oct 7 2007, 05:05 PM
I voted GM since I GM more than play but I do both.
Wounded Ronin
Oct 7 2007, 11:36 PM
Both or neither?
Oct 8 2007, 03:12 AM
You know, at present time the vote stands as a GM to PC ratio of over three to one. My question is, who are we all GMing for...
Zhan Shi
Oct 8 2007, 03:18 AM
Even in my AD&D youth, I always preferred PCing. Tried GM a couple of times and hated it. Playing was always more fun, IMO.
Wounded Ronin
Oct 8 2007, 05:47 AM
QUOTE (Zhan Shi) |
Even in my AD&D youth, I always preferred PCing. Tried GM a couple of times and hated it. Playing was always more fun, IMO. |
Man, with D&D, DMing is really fun, though. A lot of the busywork is taken out of the game by the random tables (i.e. you don't decide beforehand who everyone in the bar is, you can roll on the tables as needed) and at the same time you get to draw up enormous maze-like dungeons with graph paper for the player characters to get lost in with Indiana Jones traps all over the place.
Oct 8 2007, 06:00 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
QUOTE (Zhan Shi @ Oct 7 2007, 10:18 PM) | Even in my AD&D youth, I always preferred PCing. Tried GM a couple of times and hated it. Playing was always more fun, IMO. |
Man, with D&D, DMing is really fun, though. A lot of the busywork is taken out of the game by the random tables (i.e. you don't decide beforehand who everyone in the bar is, you can roll on the tables as needed) and at the same time you get to draw up enormous maze-like dungeons with graph paper for the player characters to get lost in with Indiana Jones traps all over the place.
*trying very delicately not to derail the thread...too much*
I'm with Zhan Shi on this one. I got suckered into DM'ing a game this coming weekend, and I'm dreading it. One of the things I discovered during my switch to Shadowrun is that the rich setting built right into the Shadowrun core rulebook makes it so that it's really very easy to make stuff up on the fly. Need a computer program? It's got the Mitsuhama logo on it! Want a general store? Welcome to the Stuffer Shack! Got Cops? In comes Lone Star, and their eternal (and flavorful!) rivalry with Knight Errant! In D&D there's lots of mechanics to work with, but no real flavor to speak of - because, of course, the rules are supposed to be broadly applicable to many different settings.
However, if you like drawing those dungeons, have some spare time this week, and want to do me a favor...
Oct 8 2007, 11:51 AM
I enjoy playing, and look forward to it every chance I get.
Unfortunately, I am forced to GM more often than not...
...not saying I don't enjoy GMing, mind...
Oct 8 2007, 01:41 PM
QUOTE (Zhan Shi) |
Even in my AD&D youth, I always preferred PCing. Tried GM a couple of times and hated it. Playing was always more fun, IMO. |
I would like to play more and GM less, but only a handful of the guys I'm RPing with has the ability to GM a game, what leds me with the GM hat in 8 out of 10 times.
Oct 8 2007, 02:22 PM
I'm omni RPG!
Oct 8 2007, 03:41 PM
I prefer to play, but I know the setting (and definitely the rules) better than anyone else in the area who is interested in SR. That means that I get to GM. But then again, it's worth it to be able to play SR (or GM, as the case usually is).
Oct 8 2007, 04:47 PM
Previous versions of SR my group had multiple GMs. Now in SR4, I am the primary GM, Fenris and Buddha occasionally throw their hand at it, but they generally GM other systems.
Oct 9 2007, 01:10 PM
Dom err... GM. Almost always to the point that, unless I have a really super GM or I'm playing 'kids games', I can't stand to play.
DuckEggBlue Omega
Oct 10 2007, 02:31 PM
I'd definately count myself as a Player, even if I am the GM for my current SR game.
It's only because I have to be, and though I may not be a great GM, I don't think things are going too badly for my first real GMing stint. Still rather be a player though.
Oct 11 2007, 09:45 PM
Mostly the GM since its my preference of rpg. Would love to play, but lacking others who know the rules well enough.
Oct 11 2007, 10:13 PM
GM. Exclusively, and to my preference. I've run games for two people with a small amount of Shadowrun experience and introduced about six others to the game. Only one of them ever took on the role of GM, and none of them are members of Dumpshock as far as I know. <edit>I assume the same is true for a lot of us here. We GM and our players, who are less involved with the setting, don't feel the need to join a community dedicated to the game.</edit>
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