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  1. dual natured mage question (7 replies)
  2. Critical Strike Penetrating Strike etc. and Shock Gloves (4 replies)
  3. Cyberwares? (11 replies)
  4. Prepping my 1st run ever as a gm (10 replies)
  5. Seattle Ley Lines map (0 replies)
  6. Matrix Conversion Advice (6 replies)
  7. Blood Mage (23 replies)
  8. Monk style characters. (22 replies)
  9. Infiltrator Critique: (56 replies)
  10. Roleplaying "Creepy" (15 replies)
  11. Spellcasting from a Vehicle (17 replies)
  12. Emergence run design help (13 replies)
  13. Skateboard 2072 (26 replies)
  14. Cyberware/gear legality/street index (7 replies)
  15. Pilot-Upgraded Smartguns (6 replies)
  16. Multiprocessing and Rigging (1 reply)
  17. Gaining Critter Powers (22 replies)
  18. Martial Arts Maneuver Two Weapon Style from Arsenal (1 reply)
  19. One of the items from this list of odd keyboards made me thing of Shadowrun... (15 replies)
  20. how do i keep shadowrunners alive? (47 replies)
  21. Vampires, Matrix and Other Hacking Questions (13 replies)
  22. Objects and damage (2 replies)
  23. Targeting around corners with a smartgun (8 replies)
  24. New Nanocybernetics Bodyware (4 replies)
  25. Possible non-crappy Shadowrun video game? (51 replies)
  26. Shooting Around Corners (31 replies)
  27. Spells that are useful at low Force (41 replies)
  28. cyber tech getting ever closer (7 replies)
  29. Stasis booth (3 replies)
  30. Stealth Stacking (110 replies)
  31. How important is Strength? (122 replies)
  32. Spell List Critique (5 replies)
  33. Shadowrun in Other Systems (28 replies)
  34. Modular Cyberlimb (5 replies)
  35. Toys 4 Riggers (47 replies)
  36. Poison Snap Blades (12 replies)
  37. Looking for a Detailed History of the Desert Wars. (5 replies)
  38. Emergency run (12 replies)
  39. The runner comunity, how close nite is it? (25 replies)
  40. RL missle-the ARES- eeek (28 replies)
  41. Rerouting Astral Links (13 replies)
  42. Combining martial arts? (11 replies)
  43. Google 207x (41 replies)
  44. Rebooting Shadowrun (144 replies)
  45. Cyberware, Capacity, and you (18 replies)
  46. Invisibility and Infiltration (27 replies)
  47. Newbie GM Help (19 replies)
  48. Melee Hardening... (3 replies)
  49. Tete's Old Skool Adventure Reboot. (13 replies)
  50. Adepts and Power Foci (9 replies)
  51. Typical compensation for a run? (33 replies)
  52. Future Books (85 replies)
  53. I was wondering? (1 reply)
  54. Does the NAN have anything similar to the Shoah project? (47 replies)
  55. Getting Paid (27 replies)
  56. SR4A Contest (3 replies)
  57. piloting for guns (14 replies)
  58. Renraku Arcology/ACHE - exact location? (43 replies)
  59. Binding Spirits into items (15 replies)
  60. non-cannon surge (21 replies)
  61. Dusk (Dawn of the Artifacts 1) (2 replies)
  62. Dumpshock Chatroom? (6 replies)
  63. What are you looking for in an SR auction? (57 replies)
  64. ganger style vehicle armor? (2 replies)
  65. Issues with battleshop? battlecorp? (8 replies)
  66. Band Member Archetype-Instrument Mappings (13 replies)
  67. Mystic Adepts? (26 replies)
  68. Sasquatch (27 replies)
  69. Making extended tests with contacts? (6 replies)
  70. Thinking About 'The Box' (22 replies)
  71. Armagetdon (6 replies)
  72. Ideas on how to handle this... (13 replies)
  73. Dodge (34 replies)
  74. Visualization (31 replies)
  75. The Meta Caste? (9 replies)
  76. Shadowrun Music (18 replies)
  77. Weapon Choices for a weapon specialist (106 replies)
  78. Gamemastering a conflict of interest (10 replies)
  79. TM Complex Form Karma Build Question (7 replies)
  80. Writer's Block in Ghost Cartels... (8 replies)
  81. The Seattle Ork Underground (14 replies)
  82. Troll-Sized Firearms (54 replies)
  83. Seeing through walls! (9 replies)
  84. Dead Mage's focus... (4 replies)
  85. Dwarf Riggers (12 replies)
  86. Building a Drone Rigger [SR3] (27 replies)
  87. SR 20th vs. SR BBB (102 replies)
  88. Elves. Love 'em or Hate 'em? (52 replies)
  89. Hacking the Street Samurai (121 replies)
  90. Cast spell, sustain, and then go astral? What happens? (15 replies)
  91. PC addicted to tempo (SPOILERS) (15 replies)
  92. How is rigging a motorcycle in VR possible? (47 replies)
  93. How Religiously do you follow the source material? (22 replies)
  94. texting in 2070 (10 replies)
  95. New integrated weapon platform (0 replies)
  96. Dumpshock Data Haven (6 replies)
  97. Reengineering combat spells (18 replies)
  98. Creepy comercial shows cybereyes? (9 replies)
  99. Monster-Bomb (12 replies)
  100. which is first? Astral hazing/arcane arrester (4 replies)
  101. armor encumberence (5 replies)
  102. Hammer Pants (22 replies)
  103. Armor (10 replies)
  104. How do you plan your session? (28 replies)
  105. Hacking and Range (4 replies)
  106. martial art skills (17 replies)
  107. Personal Satellites (5 replies)
  108. underbarrel drones (4 replies)
  109. Rolling social skills when PCs interact with each other? (15 replies)
  110. South African gangs (1 reply)
  111. Mars and pirates Oh my! (8 replies)
  112. spell casting foci & drain (10 replies)
  113. Implanted commlinks: Location and accessories? (8 replies)
  114. enhanced articulation (10 replies)
  115. Decker versus Hacker? (8 replies)
  116. SR Politics (12 replies)
  117. Where's the grenade launcher accessory (4 replies)
  118. Kellan & Lothan art (Work in Progress) (18 replies)
  119. Spell sustaining penalty question (28 replies)
  120. Viable character? (19 replies)
  121. Vehicle house rules (5 replies)
  122. Cyberwings (22 replies)
  123. So who's your favorite Bad Guy corporation? (36 replies)
  124. Attacking Foci in Astral Combat (32 replies)
  125. Pound that echo now (5 replies)
  126. Ork overpopulation: Sixth World solutions. (57 replies)
  127. Playing Online (14 replies)
  128. Noob Question (3 replies)
  129. where are folci (1 reply)
  130. DV > Armor Rating .. Do you resist the stun damage? (8 replies)
  131. Karma Points (35 replies)
  132. Cybertroll VS Car (31 replies)
  133. Problem Players and Character Creation (325 replies)
  134. Drones and Sensors (13 replies)
  135. Tips for making a good hacker? (26 replies)
  136. Elemental Strike (7 replies)
  137. Augmented Reality IRL (10 replies)
  138. Frag, Drek, Slot etc. (Are they cityspeak?) (17 replies)
  139. Synthlink (18 replies)
  140. [Shadowrun 1e] A trip down Memory Lane (115 replies)
  141. Questions about possession (5 replies)
  142. Marines in the sixth world? (30 replies)
  143. House Rule Ideas (15 replies)
  144. How to make a complex action into a Simple action (18 replies)
  145. GM needs help makeing his first node (2 replies)
  146. GM Writer's Block (11 replies)
  147. Research for a new SR-inspired RPG (21 replies)
  148. Gene Therapy Question (8 replies)
  149. real life bust-a-move drone? (6 replies)
  150. Foci, Disarm, Escrima (0 replies)
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