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  1. Activesofts and Technical Skills Question (36 replies)
  2. Zurich Orbital (101 replies)
  3. Shadowrun/Eclipse Phase Tie-in (35 replies)
  4. Modified SR4a Character Sheet (9 replies)
  5. Brussels (15 replies)
  6. Pistols Specialization (50 replies)
  7. FFBA: What's the point? (109 replies)
  8. [House Rules] Can you help me cost some implants? (19 replies)
  9. Rigger Boneses? (3 replies)
  10. Renraku Arcology Maps? (4 replies)
  11. PACKS Proofing (83 replies)
  12. Drone Sensing and Targetting (26 replies)
  13. Oliver McClure of AZT (2 replies)
  14. How to demo an RPG....? (9 replies)
  15. Aspected Magic - From the "I'll just leave this here" files (25 replies)
  16. Metahumans Are Crazy? (11 replies)
  17. Recent Update On (279 replies)
  18. SR fan fiction... (1 reply)
  19. Average Attributes Emphasis House Rule (21 replies)
  20. Healing Tests (3 replies)
  21. Sensor Software and Cybereyes (11 replies)
  22. REAL Personal Tacnet (31 replies)
  23. Sub / Side Quests in SR4 (19 replies)
  24. Quick Question: Critter Powers (2 replies)
  25. Gimmie that country! (13 replies)
  26. unstoppable force vs. immovable object (11 replies)
  27. Dinosaurs are from which Age? (53 replies)
  28. Some questions from a new GM (3 replies)
  29. What's up with Weapon Mount legality? (23 replies)
  30. Dealing with heavy Stun damage (28 replies)
  31. Have your runs ever gone like this? (18 replies)
  32. Spirit Drones (2 replies)
  33. Grunt Survival Guide (210 replies)
  34. Shamanism on the Rise Among Teens (4 replies)
  35. Ultrawideband/Terhertz Radar (7 replies)
  36. Argumented maximums? (121 replies)
  37. Personal TacNet (76 replies)
  38. Cyber feet (11 replies)
  39. Force - IC or OOC (39 replies)
  40. Possessed cybered individual who's actually a drone (11 replies)
  41. How do shapeshifters become awakened? (13 replies)
  42. Skill for Projectile Spur? (10 replies)
  43. Magical Tradition: Providence (6 replies)
  44. Sports in 2072 (40 replies)
  45. Creation mages (6 replies)
  46. Steel Lynx Size (4 replies)
  47. Don't remember THAT being there... (71 replies)
  48. Infiltration vs Astral Perception (82 replies)
  49. Single Player Campaigns (19 replies)
  50. Encumbrance (29 replies)
  51. Gunsel Karcist (6 replies)
  52. Defense in melee (54 replies)
  53. Drug Addiction thresholds (42 replies)
  54. Replacing cyberware and essence (1 reply)
  55. High tech, low life (25 replies)
  56. Increased Threshold and No Dodge (0 replies)
  57. Action Movie Game (6 replies)
  58. Docwagon (3 replies)
  59. Extraterritoriality (22 replies)
  60. Casing a Joint (9 replies)
  61. Does Reach Factor into Astral Combat? (30 replies)
  62. Bow rule clarification needed (32 replies)
  63. Blind character concept...... (26 replies)
  64. My most recent thoughts on making SR3 firefights more realistic (11 replies)
  65. Defaulting and Programs (11 replies)
  66. Gods of War (7 replies)
  67. Taxis and cabbies in SR4 (4 replies)
  68. Dodge and Shadowrun 4a (2 replies)
  69. How Tall is the Metroplex? (20 replies)
  70. Technomancer Combat (64 replies)
  71. Couple Astral Combat Questions (2 replies)
  72. Drones oh drones (0 replies)
  73. Area Damage: Avoidable, or Only Soakable? (61 replies)
  74. Creating Enemies (27 replies)
  75. CGL Speculation #8 (726 replies)
  76. Vehicle Flight Ceilings (28 replies)
  77. Diseases (4 replies)
  78. Construction and Excavation with Magic (4 replies)
  79. Ye olde Shadowrun 1e-4e book sale! (18 replies)
  80. Vehicle seating capacity (10 replies)
  81. Shadowrun in LA (28 replies)
  82. Ammo Bin (77 replies)
  83. need a couple quick answers on magic & spirits (SR3) (3 replies)
  84. Making the most out of Invoking/Binding (41 replies)
  85. A New Gang...Maybe - The Street Knights (11 replies)
  86. Karma Cost (4 replies)
  87. Enhances Senses (Astral Perception) (3 replies)
  88. Japanese Cyberpunk LED Umbrella (16 replies)
  89. Interesting Metal Storm tech (85 replies)
  90. Controlling Mind Control (83 replies)
  91. Synaptic booster via Genetic Heritage? (50 replies)
  92. Thoughts from Corporate Guide (1 reply)
  93. Effect of Focus Will and Daredrenaline on Drain (2 replies)
  94. Assensing Focus (1 reply)
  95. I just don't get the Matrix, at all... (63 replies)
  96. Spirit IP questions (2 replies)
  97. Moved: Are you Goth? (-- replies)
  98. Moved: IPS Driver Error (-- replies)
  99. they keep on working on the crash virus (0 replies)
  100. Wall Climbing (39 replies)
  101. Whatever Happened to Captain Chaos? (238 replies)
  102. Am I broken or is the technomancer? (156 replies)
  103. Mt. Rainier refs (2 replies)
  104. Nadja Daviar (25 replies)
  105. An variety of questions (6 replies)
  106. smart underwear (12 replies)
  107. Buttercup (6 replies)
  108. Astral signatures and Astral tracking (10 replies)
  109. Unpublished Drafts - Free for All (302 replies)
  110. Dawn of the Artifacts questions (12 replies)
  111. CGL Situation Official Announcements (1 reply)
  112. trid tv (0 replies)
  113. Bangbangbangclickclick "Awww fu..." (29 replies)
  114. Shadowrun World Reboot (35 replies)
  115. Why no touch Range elemental spells? (25 replies)
  116. Improvised Weapons & Secondary Effects (3 replies)
  117. Invisible and firing into cover (8 replies)
  118. Empty (4 replies)
  119. How did you think the Street Running Era could last ? (24 replies)
  120. How to subdue a magician? (31 replies)
  121. Spider Jerusalem (19 replies)
  122. Buying Edge (3 replies)
  123. First Techno (8 replies)
  124. Handedness and cyberarms (29 replies)
  125. Book Club: Vice (212 replies)
  126. Molotov cocktails (17 replies)
  127. Questions about Big D (36 replies)
  128. Upgrading Drone (37 replies)
  129. Hero Lab Module.... (20 replies)
  130. Stacking Discounts (13 replies)
  131. Obscure character creation concept (36 replies)
  132. Escaped Clone...a positive quality? (6 replies)
  133. Post Hacker Builds Here (4 replies)
  134. Corporate Guide - Errata (2 replies)
  135. Hong Kong inspiration: Rooftop Shantytowns (12 replies)
  136. A GM in need of Assistance! (26 replies)
  137. Technomancer Armor/Shield (17 replies)
  138. So, how'd I do? (18 replies)
  139. Physical spells from astral (19 replies)
  140. Tripods realism question (30 replies)
  141. Aspected and Domain-limited Spirits (15 replies)
  142. On Screen Mapping Tool or White Board Tool (3 replies)
  143. Character Fanposters! (41 replies)
  144. Invisibility, what the point of using more than 1 Power ? (11 replies)
  145. Optimized Rigger (16 replies)
  146. Maps and tilesets? (16 replies)
  147. Rigging Response (15 replies)
  148. LOS targeting question with spells. (64 replies)
  149. Mini-gun Conversion costs from machine guns (14 replies)
  150. Armorer Bullets (43 replies)
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