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  1. Modifying Headware Memory (2 replies)
  2. New Shadowrun novels (15 replies)
  3. Questions on SK, Detroit, and former company men (19 replies)
  4. Dragons and Their Hoards (12 replies)
  5. Roleplaying (14 replies)
  6. SR2 to SR3: What happened to Spell Locks...? (26 replies)
  7. Stuck in Iraq looking for 3rd ed (1 reply)
  8. illusion spells and security (19 replies)
  9. (32 replies)
  10. Arg! Hard drive Failure (4 replies)
  11. Bioware and Physad's (10 replies)
  12. Shadowrun Secrets revealed! (7 replies)
  13. A big question! (13 replies)
  14. Help For A New GM... (14 replies)
  15. Faerie Fire (0 replies)
  16. Inexpensive Vehicle for Non-Rigger PC? (22 replies)
  17. What after the Little Black Book? (2 replies)
  18. Guards, Soldiers, Übersoldats, Cyberzombies (37 replies)
  19. Cyberware in YOU (53 replies)
  20. More questions on astral space. (13 replies)
  21. Ruling the World... (11 replies)
  22. Assensing a Vampire (15 replies)
  23. What about Charcoalgrin? (10 replies)
  24. Campaign from the Earthdawn till Shadowrun. (38 replies)
  25. The Alamais(e) Conspiracy 3.0 (37 replies)
  26. hardpoints, etc. (4 replies)
  27. Mason's Annotated Shadowrun Novel Review (18 replies)
  28. Madagascar (29 replies)
  29. Transparency on the astral (25 replies)
  30. Rigger 3 Revised (22 replies)
  31. Questions about Burst Fire (50 replies)
  32. Freeform Gaming (23 replies)
  33. Barrier spell question (4 replies)
  34. New Metamagic (25 replies)
  35. The Necromancer (8 replies)
  36. magicing up guard animals? (12 replies)
  37. Favourite Race? (40 replies)
  38. Scatter Dice (5 replies)
  39. Simsense stuff (10 replies)
  40. Fan made Seattle map? (18 replies)
  41. Double Crossed! (7 replies)
  42. Grenades (2 replies)
  43. Character idea: Rigger (1 reply)
  44. Newbie question on Spell/Combat pools... (7 replies)
  45. Spell Targetting (0 replies)
  46. Runners form 'extreme-MENSA' league (38 replies)
  47. Oldies but Goodies (sourcebooks) (37 replies)
  48. Otaku question (11 replies)
  49. Echoes of the Crash (16 replies)
  50. Curiosity... (6 replies)
  51. Rules for Sustaining Spells (9 replies)
  52. Question on Riggers (28 replies)
  53. BeCKS v2 in French (7 replies)
  54. Eyelights in natural cybereyes... (19 replies)
  55. Alternate dice rules (31 replies)
  56. Astral perceiving through smoke (9 replies)
  57. Use(less) detection spells ;) (31 replies)
  58. On advancing characters... (2 replies)
  59. Anchored barrier spells (14 replies)
  60. Quit making the same characters! (18 replies)
  61. Line of Sight for Magic (10 replies)
  62. physical mage (12 replies)
  63. Sustaining Spell Modifier (22 replies)
  64. Modular Space Options On Firearms (0 replies)
  65. The Ancient Files: Transcripted (20 replies)
  66. Dream Deck (20 replies)
  67. On physical adepts... (26 replies)
  68. Ordeals (5 replies)
  69. can anyone verify? (3 replies)
  70. Hindenburg: 2060 A.D. (38 replies)
  71. Handguns (13 replies)
  72. Oil and cyberlegs. (3 replies)
  73. Campaign crossovers between SR and ED (8 replies)
  74. Death, of course! (15 replies)
  75. NSRCG Update (5 replies)
  76. Metamagic skill levels? (9 replies)
  77. Crazy encounter (4 replies)
  78. Cannon Companion question (19 replies)
  79. New player (3 replies)
  80. Calling all Germans! (6 replies)
  81. ShadowTalk for existing Books (0 replies)
  82. Info overlap between 2nd and 3rd edit. (1 reply)
  83. How do you get a Hermetic Library? (4 replies)
  84. How big of an object can animate effect (10 replies)
  85. Cyberlimb integrated devices and ECU (17 replies)
  86. Home Computer Questions (13 replies)
  87. The Prison System (6 replies)
  88. History Lesson (16 replies)
  89. Movement Critter Power and vehicles (3 replies)
  90. Karma (13 replies)
  91. Shadows of Victoria (2 replies)
  92. Vancouver by Night (4 replies)
  93. Missing RAS Chapters (35 replies)
  94. Shadowrun: The Soundtrack (75 replies)
  95. Shadowrun Fanpro Print List (0 replies)
  96. Shadowrun FAQ Translation (0 replies)
  97. Headware, not in the head (21 replies)
  98. Shadowrun Movie by Wizkids (33 replies)
  99. Corruption of the Totems (29 replies)
  100. Kind of invisible or *really* invisible? (37 replies)
  101. Oriental dice (1 reply)
  102. Question (15 replies)
  103. Starting Mage Detective (15 replies)
  104. "Coolness" TN (19 replies)
  105. Alternate rules for Etiquette (6 replies)
  106. Vaguery (11 replies)
  107. When will Shadows of Europe be out? (29 replies)
  108. Shadow economics (8 replies)
  109. On the origin of (1 reply)
  110. Snatching Guns Off Enemies (39 replies)
  111. Average Karma and Nuyen awards (25 replies)
  112. The Most Evil Weapons And Vehicles? (42 replies)
  113. Speaking of blimps... (9 replies)
  114. Cyberskulls (8 replies)
  115. Woah, wait, dampening? (28 replies)
  116. Hydraulic Jacks Question (5 replies)
  117. B/R Projectile Weapons (7 replies)
  118. Area Damage System (19 replies)
  119. Ork Underground (4 replies)
  120. flight arrows (4 replies)
  121. Unusual Character Concepts (1 reply)
  122. Urgent help needed about drone/pedestrian combat (24 replies)
  123. Brainwashing and a False Persona (4 replies)
  124. Magic and Ware (6 replies)
  125. BECKS? (4 replies)
  126. Seattle Demographics (1 reply)
  127. Question about edges (19 replies)
  128. Crazy Cyberware! (34 replies)
  129. Help with corruption (4 replies)
  130. R3 Revised! (3 replies)
  131. Running SotF's Rest (2 replies)
  132. Shadowrun Style Changes (1 reply)
  133. Worst. Moment. Ever. (44 replies)
  134. New idea for Bioware Implant : Limbic Manipulator (6 replies)
  135. Astral Bacteria (14 replies)
  136. The New OLD Called Shot Thread. (29 replies)
  137. Thera Sourcebook (9 replies)
  138. Improved Reflexes (4 replies)
  139. Waking up in the morgue (18 replies)
  140. Rotory-wings and colisions (6 replies)
  141. Explaining new characters through backstory (9 replies)
  142. Grndal's The Dumpshock Forums Frequent Topic List (6 replies)
  143. Two more cred questions (8 replies)
  144. Behavior Of Police Helicopters In Car Chases (30 replies)
  145. Crater Lake (17 replies)
  146. Question for Freedonia Ex-patriots (0 replies)
  147. More stoopid questions (15 replies)
  148. Shadowrun Critical Hit System (32 replies)
  149. New Runners (9 replies)
  150. How in the heck are credsticks suppose to work? (19 replies)
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