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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
This may be nothing more than my curiosity, but does anyone have any idea what happened to the recurring NPCs from the SR modules, like Blackwing, Kyle Morgan, Eve Donovan, etc?

IIRC, Tee-Hee was last seen posting in FoF, and I think Steve Kenson used Val in Crossroads...
Kyle is dead, as revealed in Dragons of the Sixth World. I'm not sure about the other two.
Ah, old age, I guess.

Hm, another question cropped up: how long can a person suppress their magical potential, and what would it take to unlock it? For example, an elven woman is an adept but doesn't know it until...say, her child is in mortal danger. Would that be enough emotional stress to trigger untrained adept abilities, and if so, to what extent?
Kanada Ten
Would that be enough emotional stress to trigger untrained adept abilities, and if so, to what extent?

IMO, yes -to the extent required and possible. It might just kill her afterwards, too.
Count Evan Paris - AKA Blackwing - as of the beginning of Corporate Punishment was currently back in the Tir, having somehow inveigled his way back into the place, working for Telestrian Industrial Corporation as a corporate Johnson/general bastard.

And on the magical awakening thing, MitS says that kids often first manifest their abilities whilst in stressful situations, so I'd think this would definately apply. smile.gif
QUOTE (FlakJacket)
And on the magical awakening thing, MitS says that kids often first manifest their abilities whilst in stressful situations, so I'd think this would definately apply. smile.gif

Although one could argue that giving birth to the child in the first place could be stressful enough, physically and emotionally.
Quite possibly. She gets to the docs and is too far into labour for an epidural, then half way through during a really agonising contraction she manaball's the entire room. biggrin.gif
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