Official Shadowrun Website has had a redesign, and has gone live. What do you think of the new layout, the new navigational structure and the new content?
Sep 4 2003, 08:06 AM
I think it's looking good, better than the older set up. Although, I did jump when I read the fiction having ran a character named Torque (the Orc Rigger) for awhile.
I was just reading the
links section, and I was surprised at some of the
seriously outdated links that are in there. I mean, I don't think
UOL has seen an update since late 2001. The last update for
Herkimer's Lair was on October 28th, 2001. Seriously,
Plastic Warriors? I don't think even Gurth looks at that site anymore.
I'd like to see, for instance, some of the links in
this thread added.
Sep 4 2003, 08:21 AM
"I know everybody who’s anybody from suite-and-tie boardroom predators..." from the Johnson's Little Black Book description. It should be "suit-and-tie". Suit is clothing, suite is a hotel room.

The Abstruse One
Sep 4 2003, 08:44 AM
Nice to see the Intros for new books return and kudos to Rat for the fiction. Nice work, Brian & Adam.
Me, I'm just miffed MrJLBB and the Character Dossier already have their respective covers up and the SoE is still using the place holder.
Sep 4 2003, 11:15 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Me, I'm just miffed MrJLBB and the Character Dossier already have their respective covers up and the SoE is still using the place holder. |
Mr Johnson Little Black Book also have its official acronym in the FAQ (MrLBB) while
Shadows of Europe doesn't. I'm starting to think the release schedule could go back to its original order

The Character Dossier placeholder or cover image is just a combo of Lone Star, Queen Euphoria and Cybertechnology, so I guess it was a quick one to do.
BTW the
Games Resources page says the FAQ last update was in May while the
FAQ page itself says August.
Black & White is maybe a bit to dystopic. One or the other a little bit more grey would please my personnal sense of architectural design. Also now I think we're gonna see a lot more people willing to work for Cross
Sep 4 2003, 11:42 AM
dv8 wrote: The Official Shadowrun Website has had a redesign, and has gone live. What do you think of the new layout, the new navigational structure and the new content? |
Looks to me most of the content is the same as before. I go to the site for two things, the fiction (which i gather is a new thing) and the release schedual.
About the design, looks ok. Like the menu and such. There is one huge exception when it comes to the design thou. Even thou the topic circuit board looks ok I think it doesn't really bring much to the scene. OK a slight sci fi high tech feelin'.
What makes it look worse is the hideous "neon streaked" logo at the top (and the once at the bottom, but at least they are towards plain black).
But as noted beyond that it is all fine by me.
Sep 4 2003, 12:02 PM
Just a small point - when I click on Fiction I lose the side nav bar
Sep 4 2003, 02:48 PM
The Official Shadowrun Website has had a redesign, and has gone live. What do you think of the new layout, the new navigational structure and the new content? |
Looks okay. It's not an extreme overhaul, but it now looks much better. I don't think an extreme overhaul was necessary, anyway.
So, Adam, do we now bitch in Brian Cross's direction when it comes to webpage content?
Sep 4 2003, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (Nath) |
BTW the Games Resources page says the FAQ last update was in May while the FAQ page itself says August. |
I think the FAQ page is right, considering the info about Topps and Jeux Descartes, etc.
I like the new design.
Sep 4 2003, 09:26 PM
I was just reading the links section, and I was surprised at some of the seriously outdated links that are in there. I mean, I don't think UOL has seen an update since late 2001. The last update for Herkimer's Lair was on October 28th, 2001. Seriously, Plastic Warriors? I don't think even Gurth looks at that site anymore.
I'd like to see, for instance, some of the links in this thread added. |
The list of links is pretty much "Rob's list of SR Bookmarks." I'll direct him to that thread.
I'm The Character Dossier placeholder or cover image is just a combo of Lone Star, Queen Euphoria and Cybertechnology, so I guess it was a quick one to do. |
Unless things change, that's the final Dossier cover image.
BTW the Games Resources page says the FAQ last update was in May while the FAQ page itself says August. |
Whoops. The FAQ itself is correct, of course.
Just a small point - when I click on Fiction I lose the side nav bar |
That wasn't intentional. I'll fix that shortly.
Also, I'm working towards designing a stylesheet so each of the context pages will have a "Click for printable version" link.
So, Adam, do we now bitch in Brian Cross's direction when it comes to webpage content? |
Leave Brian alone so he can work!

He has plenty on his plate. Most web page queries should still go to me, as I'm still the person doing the actual updates.
Sep 4 2003, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (lorg) |
Looks to me most of the content is the same as before. I go to the site for two things, the fiction (which i gather is a new thing) and the release schedual. |
Adam and I are currently working on adding more content to the site so stay tuned for that in the next few weeks.
Sep 4 2003, 10:20 PM
I saw it pretty nice. A bit more shadowrunnish, as it has to be (it'd still need a bit more black and techies around, heh).
Sep 4 2003, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (CloneAdam) |
Leave Brian alone so he can work! He has plenty on his plate. Most web page queries should still go to me, as I'm still the person doing the actual updates. |
Good! I have many things for you! Well, some things. The page might have switched around a little, so I'm going to have to re-check my list.
Thanks for getting the Cannon Companion stock number up, btw. <thumbs up>
Sep 4 2003, 11:34 PM
Looks good!
Sep 5 2003, 05:05 PM
-The 2 art pieces from SotF are one over the other.
-Product List: Loooooooooooooooooooooooong. You'll understand it when you see it.
Sep 5 2003, 05:11 PM
SR Character Dossier:
-Neat idea. I'll have one. Price question: how much does the thing weight? (I need to calculate shipping costs). Same question for DotSW, SSG, MrJLBB and SoE.
-Cover image as a vid-screen = good idea. Keep it.
-Cover image using older pics = not so good. Although I always liked the Bottled Demon cover...
Sep 5 2003, 07:02 PM
QUOTE (JongWK) |
-Product List: Loooooooooooooooooooooooong. You'll understand it when you see it. |
The Product List has always been long. It just needs some tweaking for correctness and asthetics.
Sep 5 2003, 07:18 PM
I do like the redesign very much. The fiction page is great, although it seems to be missing the submission guidelines that were originally posted on the old forums (that I can't find). I like the look of it just fine.
I can't say that I'm pleased at all that that's the final cover for the Character Dossier. Cutting and pasting old art is a real cop-out. I guess I can deal with it as a money-saver inside the books, but really, the cover is what you're selling the book with... it's not indicative of good quality to reuse cover art, especially for a book that some would see as unnecessary and need a good reason to get (fortunately, I buy every damned thing you put out, so you'll have no problem with me).
Cutting and pasting old art is a real cop-out. |
But it's cheap. This is so they can maintain and garuantee an affordable price, so they have to cut corners somewhere. They're working on a tight budget as it is, so don't bitch about covers. They get bitching people if the price goes up, and they get bitching people if they try to meet that price by sacrificing covers; fucked if they do, fucked if they don't.
Sep 5 2003, 07:28 PM
The Dossier is an exception to the rules of normal book design. All it is, really, is a campaign log/character sheet. The price can't go above 4.99 or it won't sell (I bought three or four of the ones they put out for L5R, and I didn't care about the cover). Most people aren't going to buy it for the cover... they're going to buy it to have a nice, bound character sheet with lots of room that they won't loose parts of.
Sep 5 2003, 07:41 PM
As the lead designer of the Dossier, it was a simple decision to re-use art:
* Budget concerns - this product needed to stay under the $5 mark. It also needed to turn a profit after X units. Thus, contracting new cover art was not feasible. Neither was paying me more than a pittance.

* Time constraints - Originally, the Dossier was supposed to be finished much sooner, and there was no time to contract original art, especially as our primary cover guys were busy with MJLBB, SOE, and SSG. Once it was obvious that it would be delayed, there was once again no time to get new art contracted and finished, and no budget.
* Product Type - I don't think the cover particularly matters to this product. People can easily recognize it's a Shadowrun product [even without the logo, it has very distinct Shadowrun features, plus old-school recognizability] But what really matters with the Dossier is the simple fact that it's the best damned portable Shadowrun character recording/gameplay device ever.
Sep 5 2003, 08:19 PM
Feh... I don't need to buy character sheets...
But that's not what this is all about, now is it?
The one thing I miss (or am missing) is the release dates on the 'upcoming' books. JLBB looks cool (as does SoE)... but when are they coming out? Inquiring minds want to know, and you used to be able to find out.
That's my only thing... looks cool like usual, Adam!
Sep 5 2003, 08:24 PM
Feh... I don't need to buy character sheets... |
Wait until you see them. They aren't just cut and pastes of the sheets in SR3, by any means.
Sep 5 2003, 08:28 PM
The one thing I miss (or am missing) is the release dates on the 'upcoming' books. JLBB looks cool (as does SoE)... but when are they coming out? Inquiring minds want to know, and you used to be able to find out. |
I've elected to leave exact dates off for awhile. Regular announcements will be posted to the front page when books are going to press and when they hit distributors.
Kanada Ten
Sep 6 2003, 12:09 AM
The link in the SotA:2063 page leading to the Wallpaper is incorrect.
Target: Matrix MIA
Now, I'm being picky, but shouldn't the
Critter's Errata go under the
Adam * Product Type - I don't think the cover particularly matters to this product... ...But what really matters with the Dossier is the simple fact that it's the best damned portable Shadowrun character recording/gameplay device ever. |
My player agrees, too bad it won't be out for her birthday.
Honestly, I wanted something very plain. A simple logo in the center (embossed would have been cool), on that not-quite-fuzzy folder material, deep marble color with more than one choice (up to six) for easy ID.
But, you were not asking me, were you?
Sep 6 2003, 12:30 AM
I honestly completely forgot that the dossier was going to go for only five bucks... that's a pretty good reason to save costs on the cover even without the time constraints you mentioned, Adam. So I guess I formally withdraw my complaint.
Sep 6 2003, 01:17 AM
QUOTE (Kanada Ten) |
The link in the SotA:2063 page leading to the Wallpaper is incorrect. Target: Matrix MIA Now, I'm being picky, but shouldn't the Critter's Errata go under the Errata? |
All of the above are fixed and/or made more clear [for example, the Critters errata was there, but the link just said "SR3 GM Screen."
Also, the incorrect FAQ date on the Resources page has been updated.
Sep 6 2003, 02:51 AM
Not bad. Still say the FASA one was better though.
Patrick Goodman
Sep 6 2003, 04:21 AM
QUOTE (FlakJacket) |
Not bad. Still say the FASA one was better though.  |
You're a sick, sick man....
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman) |
QUOTE (FlakJacket) | Not bad. Still say the FASA one was better though.  |
You're a sick, sick man....
It's what you get when you live in the cold, northern wastes of England.
Sep 7 2003, 06:55 PM
It's what you get when you live in the cold, northern wastes of England.  |
Ah, screw you Dutch boy. Go stick your widget in a dyke.
You are so dead the next time I see you.
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