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  1. Uncouth and it's implications. (32 replies)
  2. Using mini's and battle mats (9 replies)
  3. Which new book describes drones? (1 reply)
  4. Invinsible SR4 character (12 replies)
  5. Analyze devise is pretty crappy really (21 replies)
  6. [Link] Fashionable Guns (40 replies)
  7. Am I ruling spells wrong? (16 replies)
  8. Weird conspiracy ideas (29 replies)
  9. Ranged Weapon Focus (34 replies)
  10. Personal augmentation: keeping up with the times (46 replies)
  11. DragonCon 2006 (6 replies)
  12. Bind/Net vs. machines (5 replies)
  13. What'd I break? (3 replies)
  14. [News] Gene therapy frees men of cancer (3 replies)
  15. Ritual Spellcasting drain resist theory (8 replies)
  16. New Spirit Powers and the Old Spirits (9 replies)
  17. Can you Initiative 'without' joining the club? (10 replies)
  18. Hot Sim Rigging (33 replies)
  19. Faction (1 reply)
  20. Max Dice (7 replies)
  21. Pimp my Negative Quality! (13 replies)
  22. Karma cost increase for enchanting yourself? (8 replies)
  23. Help with bioware (34 replies)
  24. Ally spirits. (66 replies)
  25. Did something happen to Shadowland? (33 replies)
  26. Spirits vs. Normal Weapons (13 replies)
  27. No VCR? (27 replies)
  28. Question about Aid Sorcery services... (15 replies)
  29. Counterstrike and Full Defense... (14 replies)
  30. Drone Senors and Perception (1 reply)
  31. Hello (6 replies)
  32. The "Wreck (Object)" spell (12 replies)
  33. New Rule Idea: Group Rating (1 reply)
  34. Favorite Real Person to Drop into Shadowrun (26 replies)
  35. Can spirits appear inside a warded area? (28 replies)
  36. Shadows of Latin America. (17 replies)
  37. Aspected Mana Static spell in SM? (1 reply)
  38. Spirit Pacts (44 replies)
  39. And so it comes to a close. (10 replies)
  40. random news (1 reply)
  41. Ritual Sending Test needed with Voluntary Targets (1 reply)
  42. Arsenal is coming.... (50 replies)
  43. Slaughtering Sammie Bumper Stickers (36 replies)
  44. Channeling (7 replies)
  45. Norse Tradition spirit errata (11 replies)
  46. Breaking Force hit limits with Edge (11 replies)
  47. Recoil Reduction Question (7 replies)
  48. Min/Maxing A Multifunction Character (49 replies)
  49. Monowire clarification (3 replies)
  50. Robots in the sixth world (4 replies)
  51. Invincible Troll (147 replies)
  52. Some magic questions (9 replies)
  53. Skill Ratings: Modified vs. Bonus (57 replies)
  54. Paydata Points (34 replies)
  55. Attacking through a Focus (2 replies)
  56. Modules for 4e (3 replies)
  57. Essence loss (9 replies)
  58. New Metamagic: Lengthening (5 replies)
  59. Magic and AR (4 replies)
  60. Question on Possesion and Attributes (1 reply)
  61. Decrease Charisma spell (15 replies)
  62. What is a good price for a horse? (18 replies)
  63. Ally spirit skills (2 replies)
  64. Releases (33 replies)
  65. Choose the next Heavy Angel item! (35 replies)
  66. Favorite SR main character? (29 replies)
  67. Inventive use with grenades (35 replies)
  68. Character creation challenge (35 replies)
  69. Common Matrix Security (6 replies)
  70. Newbie help :) (8 replies)
  71. Node permissions (12 replies)
  72. The best game sessions you ever missed. (7 replies)
  73. Trolls, Dwarves, and Vehicles (21 replies)
  74. i'm playing a TM in SR4 (60 replies)
  75. DMSO SR3 (8 replies)
  76. Fetish house-rule (8 replies)
  77. Metamagic: cast a touch spell through an object (17 replies)
  78. Need some inspiration for upcoming run (22 replies)
  79. Professionals vs. The Pink Mohawk Crew (23 replies)
  80. Sleep regulator and Sustenance? (7 replies)
  81. Shadowspeak? (37 replies)
  82. Sourcebooks (23 replies)
  83. Power site exploit. (15 replies)
  84. Gear Listing (64 replies)
  85. question about magical initiation and essence loss (13 replies)
  86. Illusion question (2 replies)
  87. Medical magic loss. (20 replies)
  88. Spell Design drain modifier. (14 replies)
  89. Interbreeding (11 replies)
  90. What's the etiquette for a convention game? (52 replies)
  91. A villian for your pleasure (30 replies)
  92. Runner Girl (9 replies)
  93. How do you run your game (26 replies)
  94. Mind Probe Clarification (4 replies)
  95. The Emerging Criminal (1 reply)
  96. Implanted weapons in asteral space? (12 replies)
  97. Best novels (34 replies)
  98. What's Up with FanPro? (155 replies)
  99. Forged items (19 replies)
  100. Sidney Murdoch retires (12 replies)
  101. Medical tools (17 replies)
  102. Enter the Mantis (14 replies)
  103. Hacking, it is really that simply? (23 replies)
  104. Beyond "Level One" (18 replies)
  105. Are we missing an errata? (102 replies)
  106. Looking for info on explosives . . . (240 replies)
  107. Grenade launcher dispute (2 replies)
  108. Pepper Punch -- Too much punch? (31 replies)
  109. Legal Licenses (6 replies)
  110. Gel round don't kill people..... (15 replies)
  111. Print Release of Street Magic? (7 replies)
  112. Why old school deckers would rule. (11 replies)
  113. smartlink in SR4 can it be the same as in SR3? (29 replies)
  114. What's a Thor Shot? (134 replies)
  115. Dragon... Con (0 replies)
  116. Rooting and Wall Running (25 replies)
  117. Grab Bag o' Fiction (SR and otherwise) (10 replies)
  118. What defines ranged "Attack in Melee" (2 replies)
  119. two rigging questions (7 replies)
  120. [Dragons6thW] Consequences of losing a Great. (82 replies)
  121. [MrJBlackBook] Advice for the new GM (6 replies)
  122. New Spell(s) (4 replies)
  123. Adepts and Mentor Spirits (22 replies)
  124. Pimp my Hacker (40 replies)
  125. What toys do they have in 2070? (13 replies)
  126. G'bye Tomcat (53 replies)
  127. Creating an Allergy (15 replies)
  128. Spell defense and critter powers (1 reply)
  129. Adepts and cyberware (5 replies)
  130. SR3 Free SPirit Mental Attributes. (7 replies)
  131. A word in Harlequin's "Ritual"... (29 replies)
  132. GenCon SR Tourney (31 replies)
  133. Yamaha Sakura Fubuki...SMG? (153 replies)
  134. Astral security and Street Magic (39 replies)
  135. Weather and wireless. (13 replies)
  136. Cyborg cat! (33 replies)
  137. Medical Matrix (11 replies)
  138. Mystic Adepts/Adepts (12 replies)
  139. Ritual Magic Sustaining (12 replies)
  140. Cool Resolve vs. Kinesics (2 replies)
  141. On The Run (64 replies)
  142. Crushing blow (26 replies)
  143. A matter of nasty utility (0 replies)
  144. Elementals and vehicles (44 replies)
  145. Can mages Have tech toys or Not (38 replies)
  146. Mantid Spirits (29 replies)
  147. Counterspelling (19 replies)
  148. The GMs Screen? (8 replies)
  149. Invoking free spirits. (6 replies)
  150. SmartGun Perspective (43 replies)
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