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  1. Tattoo Conjuring? (18 replies)
  2. Printing PDF's (18 replies)
  3. Adept power costs (79 replies)
  4. Magic based Social 'Face' - overbalanced? (4 replies)
  5. Random NPC Generator (4 replies)
  6. Character Critique (3 replies)
  7. Non-AR/VR Computer Use (18 replies)
  8. Albinism (4 replies)
  9. December Shadowrun Fan Chat (6 replies)
  10. Poll Results for Which Corp is the good guy. (13 replies)
  11. Evil uses of fixers (13 replies)
  12. Vulnerability critter weakness? (3 replies)
  13. Will we see Pax again? (27 replies)
  14. Dumpshock (5 replies)
  15. Low Pain Tolerance (4 replies)
  16. Question about the Deep Cover Quality (5 replies)
  17. Running Emergence... (13 replies)
  18. Art Attack - 3rd Edition™ (42 replies)
  19. Pimp my concept (0 replies)
  20. Wall Running (28 replies)
  21. Post your favorite NPCs (0 replies)
  22. Satyr parkour adept and thief (7 replies)
  23. Technomancer Echoes (46 replies)
  24. Whats the dif between foci and fetish? (51 replies)
  25. Possession vs. Materialization (66 replies)
  26. pop (classic) culture (23 replies)
  27. Some Matrix questions (1 reply)
  28. New powers for old spirits (2 replies)
  29. Totally fungible game advancement tokens (10 replies)
  30. Actually useful magical ammo (25 replies)
  31. Damage Laundering with Empathic Healing... (5 replies)
  32. How many conections can a datajack have? (8 replies)
  33. Which corp is the Good guy? (14 replies)
  34. Las Vegas? (8 replies)
  35. Christmas themed runs (32 replies)
  36. Feral Cities (17 replies)
  37. What happened to the Irish!? (9 replies)
  38. Increase his Walking and Running Rate (9 replies)
  39. Horatio Caine (18 replies)
  40. Character critique for Mystic Adept Face/Covert Ops (3 replies)
  41. Pimp my build (49 replies)
  42. Part 2 of the 4 part Poll: Which corps are the good guys (8 replies)
  43. Could use some build advice (10 replies)
  44. Bone Lacing and Damage (8 replies)
  45. How to easily kill ghouls/vampiers with ease (31 replies)
  46. Can Metavarients CHOOSE Metagenetic qualities? (6 replies)
  47. Governor of Seattle 2070? (13 replies)
  48. Voodoo sans Possession? (13 replies)
  49. Population and Density (10 replies)
  50. cracking software... (36 replies)
  51. Old Sourcebooks - Wow! (1 reply)
  52. Underbarrel melee weapons (54 replies)
  53. I spy with my magical eye... (3 replies)
  54. Feral Cities: Chicago (1 reply)
  55. Solo Missiona (3 replies)
  56. PDF + Book combo (3 replies)
  57. Other alternate HMHVV? (19 replies)
  58. Spell Knack. Is it worth it? (23 replies)
  59. Will bite and cast for BP (7 replies)
  60. Price of Jazz? (5 replies)
  61. Part 3 of 4 part poll: Which corp is the good guy? (3 replies)
  62. Part 4 of the 4 Part Poll:Which Corp is the good Guy (3 replies)
  63. Ancient vampires. (46 replies)
  64. Street Magic:Spirit Allies and Spirit Powers (1 reply)
  65. What spirit types are best & which ones are worst? (25 replies)
  66. Runner's Pets (29 replies)
  67. Infected BP Costs (4 replies)
  68. reinforced weapon mounts and launch weapons (10 replies)
  69. Chameleon suits and Capacity (35 replies)
  70. shadowrun movie/game/tv show (51 replies)
  71. Longevity (20 replies)
  72. Coding Custom Programs (45 replies)
  73. Ghost Cartels for n00bs (23 replies)
  74. Do System and Firewall cound against total programs run (3 replies)
  75. Software Specialization (16 replies)
  76. Spirit Spellcasting and Aid Sorcery (7 replies)
  77. Alternate Matrix Rules (294 replies)
  78. Pimp My Character (0 replies)
  79. Shiva Arms (73 replies)
  80. Naysayers gone? (223 replies)
  81. Beans and bultets. (66 replies)
  82. Detect Enemies (8 replies)
  83. Externalising identity easier than excrement (3 replies)
  84. Retrans Unit (25 replies)
  85. Hacking (11 replies)
  86. Writing a review (15 replies)
  87. Dual Natured Quandries (29 replies)
  88. Common mistakes that less-skilled GMs make (82 replies)
  89. Pre-2064 SR4? (17 replies)
  90. Medusa (0 replies)
  91. Scream Sheets (15 replies)
  92. Weapon Focus + Unarmed combat (6 replies)
  93. Free Contacts (22 replies)
  94. Trodes, Simrigs and Datajacks (31 replies)
  95. Sledgehammer + Explosives (18 replies)
  96. Kyle XY (2 replies)
  97. Help with character concept (8 replies)
  98. SmartHand: Cyborg Limbs Will Feel Like User's Own (0 replies)
  99. What is the opinion of the AI rules from Unwired? (21 replies)
  100. Help with NPC (8 replies)
  101. Creating an AI PC (22 replies)
  102. The Seven Street Samurai (26 replies)
  103. House Rule - making Ritual Sorcery an Extended Test? (1 reply)
  104. WHOA! (51 replies)
  105. Spirit Pact, Know once assign many? (14 replies)
  106. The Hollywood Correctional Facility (45 replies)
  107. Max Adept Powers? (19 replies)
  108. Digital Grimoire Errata (19 replies)
  109. Politics (3 replies)
  110. More Trait Questions/Discussions (2 replies)
  111. Suppressive Fire and Cover (9 replies)
  112. Need Help with find drug (3 replies)
  113. Can we think of a new class of drug? (5 replies)
  114. How does one beg in 2070 (28 replies)
  115. Pimp my timeline (0 replies)
  116. Question on Weapon Modifications (11 replies)
  117. Question re: Shedim (4 replies)
  118. Shady Stock Options (6 replies)
  119. Request for The Sixth World Almanac. (5 replies)
  120. Social Assassine with Nanoifectors..... (59 replies)
  121. Agents and Programs (17 replies)
  122. Iron Will vs. Possession... (2 replies)
  123. Rigger question - drones & loadouts (28 replies)
  124. Simsense on it's way! (3 replies)
  125. Where are they now: The Seraphim (14 replies)
  126. More Real Life Cybertech (2 replies)
  127. Critter Power - Mist Form (16 replies)
  128. Cities of 2070 (11 replies)
  129. Moved: Shadowrun Character Sheet (-- replies)
  130. Astral perception and cybereyes with vision enhancement (39 replies)
  131. X-Com, SR style (9 replies)
  132. Car Thief Programs? (2 replies)
  133. Chrysler-Nissan Patrol-1 (14 replies)
  134. Aika Le... android (2 replies)
  135. Chapeshange - Extinct Animals? (86 replies)
  136. House Rules (39 replies)
  137. Drones! (1 reply)
  138. SR3-SR4 changes (39 replies)
  139. A Retro One-Shot Adventure (31 replies)
  140. RFID tags? In MY underwear? (11 replies)
  141. [SPOILER] Emergence Missions and Events (10 replies)
  142. Maps (4 replies)
  143. Job Opportunities (9 replies)
  144. The Exchange (40 replies)
  145. Direct Combat Spells and damage resistance (7 replies)
  146. Missiles and walking tank characters (60 replies)
  147. Twisted Adept Concept (24 replies)
  148. Austen TX Games (2 replies)
  149. Question about Control Rig Booster (Nanoware) (15 replies)
  150. Newbie help (53 replies)
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