QUOTE (MaxMahem @ Dec 14 2008, 11:12 PM)
I always give out CHAR * 2, but you make a pretty good argument for increasing that level. I think CHA*5 is a bit much though maybe. Maybe I will try CHAR * 3 or 4 next time.
I also limit players from spending more than their charisma in BP on a contact at generation. Which means the most a 3 CHA runner could start with is a 2/1 or 1/2 while a 6 CHA runner could start with a 3/3, 4/2, 5/1 or some other varriation.
For the game I just started, I waited til after character creation was done. That way players had built everything first including what they wanted for contacts (with what they could afford for build points).
I then gave them 12 BP (same for everyone) to spend on Contacts (minimum of 2 contacts had to be purchased). They could use those BP to increase contacts they already had.
I would have to think about the sliding scale variation. As for other suggestions here, like a Cha x? multiplier, I don't like it.
Mages (who would have a higher charisma) will seriously make out compared to a Samurai who has a low Charisma.
Use the Cha x2 (Cha 2 -- 2x2 =4) (Cha 5 -- 5x2 =10)
Cha x5 (Cha 2 -- 2x5 =10) (Cha 5 -- 5x5 = 25)
So that could be anywhere from 4 to 25 BP -- depending on Attribute and Magical/Technomancer status for a variable formula.
Other Contact thoughtsMy recommendation is everyone at character creation buys a Fixer of some sort.
The only contact I don't allow anyone to buy is a Mr. Johnson.
Here is why ....
Most times the person who hires you for a job -- while for the negotiation is called a Mr. Johnson. But who are they really?
Maybe they are a corporate wage slave, who was offered some extra nuyen off the books if they would go do this favor for and exec at their company. So that person isn't a Johnson, he is really a Corporate Wage Slave, that would be the contact you are buying.
There are few dedicated Johnson's out there, such as the Hobgoblin who does a lot of Saeder-Krupp negotiations.
Just my 2 cents.
Sumo Neko----------------------------------------
The Operative: Do you know what your sin is?
Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: Aw hell, I'm a fan of all seven... but right now, I'm gonna have to go with Wrath.