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  1. VR initiative and bonuses (0 replies)
  2. Why play a cybered character in SR5? (272 replies)
  3. Deadly grenades and dodging (8 replies)
  4. SR5: Addiction (0 replies)
  5. Shamanists & Elementalists (4 replies)
  6. [Houserules] Availability on Spells (18 replies)
  7. Shadowrun 5 Preview (71 replies)
  8. Sell me on 5th edition? (100 replies)
  9. Hidden messages in SR5 (0 replies)
  10. SR5 Layout Errata (0 replies)
  11. My plan needs a critique (36 replies)
  12. Cyberpunk fashion (6 replies)
  13. Shadowrun 5th Edition is live (13 replies)
  14. SR5 run material (4 replies)
  15. Midnight Release of PDF? (79 replies)
  16. Shadowrun 5 Launch Party IRC Chat! (0 replies)
  17. SR5 Quick Start Rules (16 replies)
  18. On the 4th day from download, my true love gave to me... (59 replies)
  19. Attribute Limits (6 replies)
  20. Gymnastic Dodge (17 replies)
  21. Lone Star Security Services Here We Come (30 replies)
  22. Feng shui (13 replies)
  23. Free skill ranks as a way of encouraging rounded characters (9 replies)
  24. Weapon size and manuverability (26 replies)
  25. Best grenade for room clearing? (40 replies)
  26. Quick Start Rules Posted (0 replies)
  27. Anti-Cyborg Bigotry (115 replies)
  28. Preview #6 (110 replies)
  29. TM help please (55 replies)
  30. Accurate portrayal of barrens life ? (31 replies)
  31. SR5 FAQ Questions Thread (0 replies)
  32. Pre-Contact Native American Tribe Maps (14 replies)
  33. Monofilament Whip vs. Hardened Armor (9 replies)
  34. The Spoony one riffs on "Shadowrun, A night's work" (3 replies)
  35. Errata and 2nd printing (63 replies)
  36. Assensing. (3 replies)
  37. Rigger Help (65 replies)
  38. Plug and Play Setting Fluff (2 replies)
  39. Disenchanting Foci (25 replies)
  40. Question about Wards (1 reply)
  41. Fifth Edition Character Sheet (10 replies)
  42. Gearcosts for Trolls and Dwarves still increased? (3 replies)
  43. Type O System and Deltaware (8 replies)
  44. New GM needs help with Mental Manipulation Spells (32 replies)
  45. RQ Means it's a Reconnaissance UAV (10 replies)
  46. Redoing Ricochet (9 replies)
  47. SR5 reviews (40 replies)
  48. Helping new GMs (3 replies)
  49. Skills and skill groups (73 replies)
  50. Exceptional Attribute: Mundane Only (40 replies)
  51. How about dropping some SR5 goodness on us? (119 replies)
  52. Jobs-jobs-jobs (55 replies)
  53. Teachdaire (3 replies)
  54. why was the Power Level raised? (11 replies)
  55. Excited for SR5? (100 replies)
  56. Things you are dislike or are afraid of in SR5 (72 replies)
  57. What's FAB II-b? (4 replies)
  58. Lurker's SR5 Review (745 replies)
  59. Distopic Idea (3 replies)
  60. Pondering a house rule (26 replies)
  61. Why I think SR5 will be much better than SR4A (42 replies)
  62. Rules help! (Spirits and powers) - SR3 (5 replies)
  63. The Decker Threat (67 replies)
  64. Autosofts & Technomancers (3 replies)
  65. Initiative Passes (9 replies)
  66. Street Sammies can do Decking & Magic Too! (18 replies)
  67. Auto targeting gun. A true point and click system (20 replies)
  68. Frosty (2 replies)
  69. Looking for SR4/5 software ideas/interests (9 replies)
  70. Droid Pets are a thing (4 replies)
  71. Martial Arts (6 replies)
  72. Seattle Boxed Set (2 replies)
  73. Fixers and their percentage (25 replies)
  74. Metavariants (36 replies)
  75. Melee & Martial arts (46 replies)
  76. Matrix Overwatch and GOD (16 replies)
  77. What was the best time period in SR? (21 replies)
  78. Should This Have A Wireless Bonus? (245 replies)
  79. The Matrix Bonuses in all their terrible glory. (226 replies)
  80. How to protect your devices from Hackers in 5th Edition (162 replies)
  81. Shadow Population (26 replies)
  82. Rulebook Q/A (228 replies)
  83. Will SR5 have a conversion section or be backwards Compatible? (7 replies)
  84. Not terribly useful in 2050+ but ... (3 replies)
  85. Purchasing 5th edition in the eurozone (3 replies)
  86. Skills (0 replies)
  87. Initiative & Modifiers (4 replies)
  88. You want to put a weapon in WHAT? (42 replies)
  89. Advice on Using Astral Hazing (35 replies)
  90. Questions on 2nd edition books (6 replies)
  91. Edition Wars (0 replies)
  92. Cloning Technology (22 replies)
  93. Why Limits? (5 replies)
  94. SR5 Armor Stacking Clairification (15 replies)
  95. Memory lane (17 replies)
  96. Exceptional Attribute for Fatum (34 replies)
  97. Item Attunement (14 replies)
  98. How is SR5 supposed to be more deadly? (56 replies)
  99. Catalyst's garbage (183 replies)
  100. SR5 Origins on ebay (7 replies)
  101. Party vs enemy balance (35 replies)
  102. Bonus magic skills - DO NOT WANT (28 replies)
  103. SR5 Preview #5: Magic (197 replies)
  104. How do these spells interact? (38 replies)
  105. Why "Street Samurai"? (69 replies)
  106. Hero Lab - Less than fully happy Customer (40 replies)
  107. What about Bioware? (4 replies)
  108. Time to break out the Sunscreen 350 (39 replies)
  109. Grabbing a gun being fired (32 replies)
  110. Found a use for Redundant Process Manufacturing (5 replies)
  111. SR5 Release Date? (43 replies)
  112. Recurring antagonist (10 replies)
  113. SR 5 Release dates (0 replies)
  114. Shadowrun 5 & a lot more in 2013! (2282 replies)
  115. How can a mundane tell if someone is assensing? (18 replies)
  116. Water Works (23 replies)
  117. Jazz & Blues (8 replies)
  118. Euro Wars Antiques (85 replies)
  119. Matrix bonuses are dumb. (336 replies)
  120. SR4 - Drones on Autopilot and Controlling Drones (1 reply)
  121. Matrix bizz (3 replies)
  122. Ritual Spellcasting: Multiple Castings? (14 replies)
  123. SR3 Virtual Tabletop (0 replies)
  124. Obvious Cyberhand (28 replies)
  125. Too many people (27 replies)
  126. Anyone actually have the Origins 5th Edition Rules? (1 reply)
  127. Are they that brilliant? (16 replies)
  128. Jason M. Hardy is a Man of His Word (17 replies)
  129. Gun Drone (0 replies)
  130. Restricted gear perk (4 replies)
  131. Ares Excalibur (66 replies)
  132. New NIN (16 replies)
  133. Best Non-Runner Games? (34 replies)
  134. The players want to run in Australia - suggestions? (43 replies)
  135. SR5 Preview #3 (1004 replies)
  136. A SINful question (2 replies)
  137. Limits and You! (67 replies)
  138. Charge & Sprint Bonuses (0 replies)
  139. Sydney (6 replies)
  140. SR5 Preview #4 (127 replies)
  141. Elemental Armor (15 replies)
  142. Full Defense and Willpower? (7 replies)
  143. Insane GM hits you with boom characters (17 replies)
  144. Mage advice (49 replies)
  145. Can I get a price check on Royal Jelly? (1 reply)
  146. Shadowrun in movies (8 replies)
  147. Telecom Question (25 replies)
  148. My history with CGL (169 replies)
  149. Drugs are bad, mmmkay (6 replies)
  150. Find someone astrally with a link (e.g.hairs) (1 reply)
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