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  1. Two weapons not simultaneously (30 replies)
  2. [News] Navy developing nanotech to improve ships (28 replies)
  3. Writing Adventure Notes for Shadowrun (17 replies)
  4. Shapeshifter (13 replies)
  5. Agents and frames, a matter of numbers... (3 replies)
  6. Houserules for losing limbs (18 replies)
  7. First Post (32 replies)
  8. Can your Shadowrunners change the world? (21 replies)
  9. Technomancer/Rigger (and err... 2nd post) (6 replies)
  10. Metahumans too cheap (23 replies)
  11. Houserule: Banishing drain being halved. (7 replies)
  12. Are reaction enhancers compatible with wired refle (15 replies)
  13. street magic (37 replies)
  14. Sustained Spell and Line of Sight (19 replies)
  15. Rape Prevention (220 replies)
  16. Troll Rasta (3 replies)
  17. 4th Edition vs. Previous editions (21 replies)
  18. Combat Pools: (22 replies)
  19. Can You Tell Me How to Get to a Shadowrun? (5 replies)
  20. Best SR4 Assassin (54 replies)
  21. Explosive Standoff Distances (2 replies)
  22. Understanding Organized Crime (11 replies)
  23. McGuffins? (54 replies)
  24. Simplified Vehicle Rules? (2 replies)
  25. Ally spirits (117 replies)
  26. Vacation in the tropics (12 replies)
  27. Gangs and Your Runners (24 replies)
  28. Analyze Device : Power Focus 1 (38 replies)
  29. Bruce Sterling vs. Gibson in Shadowrun. (47 replies)
  30. Preventing Drone Hacking (18 replies)
  31. Shapeshifters (19 replies)
  32. Ugh the Matrix is confusing (32 replies)
  33. How would clubs and such react to cyberweapons? (31 replies)
  34. Ultrasound Costs (41 replies)
  35. Books ordered by year / game edition (2 replies)
  36. Best printing configuration (2 replies)
  37. AGAIN with the allied spirits! (2 replies)
  38. Improved Invisibility (8 replies)
  39. Daedalus Suborbital (12 replies)
  40. Skill wires and actisofts (28 replies)
  41. Combat Initiative Cards (7 replies)
  42. If Deus was around today... (2 replies)
  43. Lifting/Carry rules (4 replies)
  44. Vigilantism in Shadowrun? (41 replies)
  45. World Cup 2070 (6 replies)
  46. Some cool news (5 replies)
  47. Being a brain in a jar (4 replies)
  48. All NEW stupid question! (12 replies)
  49. Eyesight (20 replies)
  50. Reality filter without a user. (16 replies)
  51. Arsenal (74 replies)
  52. The midgets of evil torment your PCs (4 replies)
  53. On the Run and Cyberarms (12 replies)
  54. Spirits and Edge (35 replies)
  55. Controlling Sim Module output? (8 replies)
  56. Jimmy Hoffa and the shadows (15 replies)
  57. More about Agents and IC (92 replies)
  58. Sim Module (3 replies)
  59. Riggers in SR4! (25 replies)
  60. Cloaking Device in Five Years (11 replies)
  61. Slow Book Availability (8 replies)
  62. Thematic discussions of Shadowrun (10 replies)
  63. Using Planetary Hours (9 replies)
  64. Another astral question (15 replies)
  65. Privacy, credibility, and reception (88 replies)
  66. CAD,MAP, building programs (20 replies)
  67. The 4th Edition Ghoul (65 replies)
  68. How do you handle metaplanar quests? (15 replies)
  69. tears of the little childern (30 replies)
  70. Lending services to groups of people (6 replies)
  71. I have the most stupid question - (6 replies)
  72. Mass confusion on AoE spells (10 replies)
  73. Forgery (26 replies)
  74. Sustaining Focus and Concentration (37 replies)
  75. SR3 Magic Rules Question (16 replies)
  76. Which book for SR3 NPC stats? (3 replies)
  77. Where do you draw the rape line? (64 replies)
  78. game resources (1 reply)
  79. What's the point of high force Shapechange? (29 replies)
  80. 6th world borders (9 replies)
  81. Recoil Compensation: Moses comes down the mountain (66 replies)
  82. Weapon DMG and Burst Fire (5 replies)
  83. IC pets? (26 replies)
  84. Resisting Toxins: Cybergear, etc (2 replies)
  85. Matrix Anomalies (48 replies)
  86. Making money as a Runner (65 replies)
  87. The aesthetics of cyberpunk. (8 replies)
  88. Shadowrun Okinawa (3 replies)
  89. Product Wishlist (51 replies)
  90. 4th Ed Timeline, Tool lyric reference? (28 replies)
  91. [ADMIN] Discussion About Dumpshock (1 reply)
  92. Shadowrun videogame - Ads from E3 (343 replies)
  93. Moved: Don't email Randy Milholland (-- replies)
  94. Evil overlording it over the peasants. (34 replies)
  95. Speeding up combat without House Rules (44 replies)
  96. The "interesting role-playing flaws" thread. (25 replies)
  97. Trideo? AR? Closer than we think... (5 replies)
  98. Life in the Corporate Arcology (7 replies)
  99. Show Me The Money (17 replies)
  100. Converting SR3 (and earlier) adventures to SR4? (9 replies)
  101. Complete Product List? (1 reply)
  102. SINless: the new "immigrant problem"? (18 replies)
  103. McChord Air Force Base (6 replies)
  104. Free State of Königsberg (1 reply)
  105. should it be a skill (8 replies)
  106. Levitate and mind probe, help me nerf them (28 replies)
  107. Manifest Spirits' Combat Damage (20 replies)
  108. Are dual natured beings suckers for astral attack? (7 replies)
  109. Do we have any good character sheets for SR4 yet (3 replies)
  110. hacking (9 replies)
  111. Spurs go Jingle Jangle (15 replies)
  112. Need some important dates (6 replies)
  113. Moved: What happened to the Lounge? (-- replies)
  114. Cyberlimbs-Ideas Requested (4 replies)
  115. Moved: Dumpshock conspiracy theories. :D (-- replies)
  116. Atlantis or Atlantis Project (30 replies)
  117. 3rd Ed Stealth. (38 replies)
  118. Character Sheets? (32 replies)
  119. Cyberware in prison (41 replies)
  120. Langauge Qualities (14 replies)
  121. Drops of Corruption (38 replies)
  122. The Witness (26 replies)
  123. Critter Conversion Help Requested (1 reply)
  124. Remember the card game? (2 replies)
  125. Dice and Other Accoutrements (7 replies)
  126. Computer systems (15 replies)
  127. Real Life: Iowa Decker Training Competition (4 replies)
  128. An interesting build: (11 replies)
  129. Cyberware bioware (3 replies)
  130. Hacking my way (58 replies)
  131. [News] To space, and beyond! (86 replies)
  132. pc motivation (76 replies)
  133. Drone statistics (15 replies)
  134. Safe decryption, (39 replies)
  135. Synaptic Booster vs. Incr. Reflexes (15 replies)
  136. Anal Retentive ? (22 replies)
  137. Open-Source spell formulae? (62 replies)
  138. Tasty Amber Gel (27 replies)
  139. New Contact Karma (15 replies)
  140. Technomancer Rigger confusion (17 replies)
  141. The Shadowriders (9 replies)
  142. The Fichetti Sterility Inducer? (31 replies)
  143. Year of the Comet: So What? (42 replies)
  144. SR movie- Munich (11 replies)
  145. Mobile Matrix Jackpoints? (13 replies)
  146. spell damage resistance (3 replies)
  147. Casual brainstorming about hit locations (26 replies)
  148. Parachuting?!? (13 replies)
  149. PAN and comlink questions (35 replies)
  150. AR - what is possible (38 replies)
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