I unfortunatly, do not have the book in front of me at the time of this posting, however a conflict came up in game yesterday about the following situation.
A PC troll, with a strength of 9 was attemtping to flip a desk over on it's side. On top of the desk was a Troll who had fallen down face first on it. The action was rolled for, and apparently the player needed like 9 successes to just push the desk over. This resulted in an argument.
There is supposedly a chart that shows weight vs. strength and successes required to do certain things. In my mind, a human with a strength of 6 may as well be a body builder. A troll at strength 9? why is there even an issue of a roll? I mean, granted you could possibly glitch or something and not succeed, but, I'm an averaged sized guy, with average strength. You'd call me a 3. I can lift my own weight.
So what's a troll at STR9 lifting a 50lb desk+his own weight need 9 successes for? Does anybody know of any rules that lay the lift/carry rules out simply, or have clever house rules for STR=Weight possible to lift, anything like that?