May 23 2006, 02:31 PM
Just a warning and I'm not pointing fingers (Well Actually I am). Please don't email Randy Milholland about anything to do with Shadowrun or Dumpshock. Randy doesn't visit this forum and sending him an email asking if he's X or Y or Z is just going to incur his wrath and your public humilation......
You've been warned....Yang Gu.....aka Emo Samurai......
Emailing Randy about Shadowrun is like sticking your finger up an Aligator's hind side....Your just going to make him angry..... You've been warned.
May 23 2006, 02:45 PM
He's a visible public figure, and random emails are an occupational hazard.
May 23 2006, 02:47 PM
If you want to be made fun of in open public go right ahead........I'm just sending out a warning....
May 23 2006, 02:57 PM
Reading that email, I suspect "shadowrun" and "dumpshock" had very little to do with the response it got. Or is there some prior antagonism here? I seem to remember him liking Shadowrun.
May 23 2006, 03:13 PM
Randy like SR.....He has a morbid love/hate relationship with his fans....That email was a random email sent to him.....He posts "random" emails that annoy the smeg out of him.
Randy + Shadowrun = good
Randy + Shadowrun + Fans = bad
The moral of the story is "Don't be a dumbass or you'll get stung". That's all I'm saying.....
Some his Wicca hatemail was made into desktop wallpaper.......
May 23 2006, 03:22 PM
No, I really think the equation is just Randy + Emo = bad. I mean, think about how Randy presents himself—do you really think he'd react positively to someone calling themselves "emo samurai" no matter what the subject matter? Not to mention the fact that he gave permission for Randy to be whoever he wants on a message board, except for two people who would be totally unfamiliar to any non-member—it's obviously a joke when read with a calm mind, but I could see how someone with an already-negative reaction in progress might see it as stupidity.
May 23 2006, 03:34 PM
I do love the irony of posters on a webcomic board calling posters on an RPG board stupid and lame. Reminds me of a Pot & Kettle getting in a flame war.
May 23 2006, 03:36 PM
We're lame?

My world is crumbling.
Hmmm, it's either that, or I need more coffee. It's hard to tell the difference sometimes.
May 23 2006, 03:49 PM
Coffee = Always a good idea
May 23 2006, 04:15 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
I do love the irony of posters on a webcomic board calling posters on an RPG board stupid and lame. Reminds me of a Pot & Kettle getting in a flame war. |
That was a laugh. Apparently we're the pit (or I guess cesspool) of shadowrun.
Still, have y'all seen emo's subsequent flooding of comments on Randy's lj? errr... yeah.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 04:23 PM
He just didn't get the joke... and I don't think he wanted me to find his LJ.
May 23 2006, 04:28 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
He just didn't get the joke... and I don't think he wanted me to find his LJ. |
I don't think many of us who have an lj would want you to find it.
May 23 2006, 04:32 PM
Ultimately the comments are not so much Randy's. Gamers of all types can be annoying. God knows I know. I personally know Randy and we always kid him about how freaky his fans are. (We have alot of the same friends back in TX....) So yes the fan comments are akin to a Prostitute telling you to be celibate.
I think the point of his posting is, "Hey Emo Samurai: Don't be a dumbass....." That's the ultimate "point" to his posting. Don't be a dumbass.
So you could say this thread is intended to tell Emo,"Hey don't be a dumbass"....That's why I posted it.
Yeah his fans calling dumpshockers "nerds ect." has about as much credit to it as a lemming telling you about the aerodynamics of flying and how good they are at it.
Besides Aubrey use to play in my Shadowrun campaign in highschool. So "it's all good"....My point is don't send Randy stupid emails or you may be made the topic of discussion......Randy is very "dumbass intolerant".
Don't worry about his fans...They're entitled to they're views... Even if the validity may be fleeting.
May 23 2006, 04:35 PM
Humor in general is difficult to pass along in an email. I think the point is that HE DID want you to find his posting. That's my point.....
May 23 2006, 04:39 PM
Don't sweat it Emo.
From what I read, you kinda kicked ass over there.
Your Emo Leetness inspires me.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 04:46 PM
Thank you. You now have honor and shit.
And as for his fans, I think I'm on okay terms now with the ones I didn't flame egregiously.
HMHVV Hunter
May 23 2006, 04:54 PM
After reading this moronic spiel, I felt compelled to speak up in defense of Dumpshock, given that emo has damaged our apparently already shitty reputations.
Emo, screw off and stop e-mailing people you don't even know and giving them shit. You send something like that, and you wonder why he's so snappy?
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:02 PM
I'm not giving Randy shit per se, just the people who actually insulted me bandwagon-style. Him being pissed I can understand; he was the one e-mailed. But the other people are basically on the intellectual and social level of a bunch of idiots cheering on a dude in a street fight.
And are you the dude who just posted on his bl0g? Why are you so fucking concerned?
HMHVV Hunter
May 23 2006, 05:06 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
Why are you so fucking concerned? |
'Cause I just happen to be a big fan of Something Positive, and I think he's an excellent author. I don't want him thinking badly of me and other S*P fans on Dumpshock by dint of the ramblings of one of the more moronic members of our community.
May 23 2006, 05:08 PM
**We** are concerned because you perpetuate a bad stereotype that we do not want to be associated with. I do not want to continually attack you, and I am finding that I am wearing out my backspace key deleting the venomous comments that you inspire, but you are making it increasingly harder to not disparage you.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:16 PM
How am I stereotypical? I thought the reason people didn't like my campaign ideas was because they were weird.
May 23 2006, 05:29 PM
No, the campaign ideas, that was okay. We sometimes have off the wall stuff. It's your presentation that wears a bit thin.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:30 PM
HMHVV Hunter
May 23 2006, 05:34 PM
Lemme put it this way: you've read S*P, right emo?
You sound like Mike (the blond-haired gamer nerd) before he learned social skills.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:36 PM
I'm not a misogynist, and I've never watched my brother beat off to gay porn. I don't argue with other nerds over nerddom bullshit unless it's to say "this is my fucking campaign, stop being a canon dickwad." And I've never complained about being a "nice guy without a girlfriend." And I NEVER complain about how the published material is vastly inferior to my stuff; in fact, I think pretty much everyone here does that more than I do.
Pretty much the only thing left is that you think I'm weird, and that's just bullshit.
May 23 2006, 05:40 PM
Emo if you read any of Randy's comics you should have known better. This all your fault for acting immature. Seriously, I'm not saying your are a dumbass only that you acted in a manner that was l like poking a rabid wolverine with a stick while playing stop the pups on said wolverines offspring.
If you don't want to be made fun of maybe you shouldn’t send Randy emails......At least don't send Randy emails of the aforementioned caliber. Randy has about as much patience for silly and stupid emails as a Parent teacher's association has for the Pedophile of the month club.
Sorry to rag on you so hard but dude just mark it off as a learning experience and move on. There's no way you can defend your actions or that anyone cares other than move on and admit you did something silly. The damage is done move along.
The more you try to defend yourself, the more immature you look. Just move on, you F***ed up. It's okay, just forget it or your going to make the problem worse.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:44 PM
Dude, I'm okay. If I was afraid of being ragged on by people over the internet, I would've stopped posting here.
And I really, really don't care how "immature I look." I'm just trying to make a point.
In high school, I'd put posters around the buildlings at night with random sayings on them, some of them philosophical, and some of them silly, one of which is the first line of my sig. One friend of mine told me that if people didn't understand my philosophy, it was worthless. I responded by saying that if people didn't understand my philosophy, they were worthless. It's the same thing here.
May 23 2006, 05:47 PM
or maybe we just don't agree with your point.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:48 PM
That's valid if backed up.
And what's the point that you disagree with on the journal?
May 23 2006, 05:53 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai @ May 23 2006, 12:36 PM) |
I don't argue with other nerds over nerddom bullshit |
Arguing over whether or not a given minor character in a minor webcomic is an accurate portrayal of you counts

May 23 2006, 05:53 PM
QUOTE (emo samurai) |
That's valid if backed up.
And what's the point that you disagree with on the journal? |
An opinion is always valid until proven otherwise. And even then, it is valid to the person who holds the opinion.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 05:56 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
QUOTE (emo samurai @ May 23 2006, 12:36 PM) | I don't argue with other nerds over nerddom bullshit |
Arguing over whether or not a given minor character in a minor webcomic is an accurate portrayal of you counts  ~J |
Oh, yeah... But that's different; it's a personal attack to be compared to Mike.
May 23 2006, 05:56 PM
why should i even bother answering that? even if i manage to guess what whacky-ass 'point' you were trying to make with that inanity, you'll just say "no, it was something else, lol ur dumb!" the truth is, i have long since given up trying to figure out why you do anything you do. some of it is for shock value, i think; some of it is genuine stupidery; and some of it is for shock value attempting to cover up genuine stupidery. differentiating between them is not a profitable use of my time.
understand, i'm not singling you out. i could lambast other users similarly. but they don't ask for it.
May 23 2006, 05:58 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
understand, i'm not singling you out. i could lambast other users similarly. but they don't ask for it. |
Which ties into my point about presentation.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:00 PM
I meant exactly what I spent about three paragraphs explaining on that board.
May 23 2006, 06:01 PM
indeed. a large number of the posts emo makes are designed, it seems to me, to make sure any discussion of their content is mostly about emo himself. FanGirl's posts are often similar, except they direct attention at emo rather than herself. i'm honestly not 100% convinced that FanGirl isn't just emo posting under a different name.
May 23 2006, 06:04 PM
I've been ~70% convinced since ?she started posting, but haven't had time or energy to ponder it further.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:06 PM
a large number of the posts emo makes are designed, it seems to me, to make sure any discussion of their content is mostly about emo himself. |
No, they aren't. They're put there so that we can discuss the awesomeness of mechashiva and power armor. I thought that the all-caps thread title "WE NEED POWER ARMOR" would be okay, since I thought exhuberance would be fine on a fanboy forum. It wasn't until people started going "Lol too powerful" that it started being about me.
i'm honestly not 100% convinced that FanGirl isn't just emo posting under a different name. |
Why thank you; that mean's I'm quite eloquent. But really, would I post about not wanting to kill a corp kid? I am far too bloodthirsty to think of that. And the syntaxes and writing styles are too fucking different for us to be the same person.
May 23 2006, 06:08 PM
it's not what you post, it's how you post it. and as far as 'syntaxes and writing styles'... no they're not.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:09 PM
They aren't?
I read over parts of her diary, and the reason I write like her when I explain stuff is because it's, well, expository writing. I'm sure she's never posted all caps, and I would never admit that I'm simply the product of a superior educational system rather than being awesomely smart.
May 23 2006, 06:24 PM
And you're not like Mike in SP because?????
The more you post the more you convince me you are clones.....
May 23 2006, 06:29 PM
Stop feeding the self absorbed troll with multiple personalities.
Emo: Read "How to win friends and influence people". Then come back and post.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:34 PM
How are those supposed to make people genuine friends? All that does is make you a pleasant idiot like everybody else. It's boring, and it would make me boring. "Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers?" "Use their name a lot?" No, I don't want to treat anybody I would call a friend like that.
Oh, and I read the summaries; whenever the author comes out and says he's making 5 points, his book can be summarized by 5 sentences.
May 23 2006, 06:35 PM
I thought that the all-caps thread title [...] would be okay |
Allcaps is never okay.
At best it makes you look like a hyperactive 10 year old screaming "look at this! look at this!"
It's not endearing, or clever, or funny.
One friend of mine told me that if people didn't understand my philosophy, it was worthless. |
Your friend is correct. If you cannot sufficiently get you point across, if people are either too confused or too annoyed by the presentation to properly comprehend the content, then the effort is indeed worthless. You might have the most profound thing in the universe to say, but it dosen't matter if nobody can understand you. Or wants to understand you.
It is not the onus of the reader to jump through hoops to understand a message. It is on the writer's onus to make his or her message clear and understandable. If this is not achieved the writer can blame nobody but himself.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:36 PM
You're right; I lapsed most egregiously and must atone for my sins. I have forever shattered the orderly progression of this board with that thread.
May 23 2006, 06:42 PM
troll food removed. practice what you preach.
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:48 PM
I've seen far too many people use the principles in that book to replace anything resembling a personality they might have had. It seems to have the creepy sterility of a Scientology pamphlet.
BTW: quick lesson a pleasant idiot is more tolerable than an obtuse ass. |
It's not more tolerable to me.
May 23 2006, 06:48 PM
The biggest sign of your insecurity(edit:immaturity?), emo, is that you always rise to the bait.
If you truly don't care what others think of you, then stop responding to the criticisms. Just keep your threads on topic & respond only to constructive criticism and honest discourse. That will raise your perceived maturity level faster than anything else I can think of.
I think you are probably a very enthusiastic, creative guy irl. I've known many like you over the years and most were my friends. Admittedly, I had to take breaks from these friends from time to time, but still....
For the record, I do not believe that Fan Girl is an emo alt. Too much forethought goes into her posts....
emo samurai
May 23 2006, 06:51 PM
I pride myself on my lack of forethought!
And your advice is valid.
I also have to realize that many people's criticisms aren't really centered around logic; I guess I'll have to deal with that by being above their concerns about penis size.
May 23 2006, 06:58 PM
Just shut up troll.
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