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  1. exotic arrows (7 replies)
  2. altering combat skill divisions (29 replies)
  3. Streetrace guide to easy rigging (11 replies)
  4. Layering Armor (51 replies)
  5. Pocket Computers (12 replies)
  6. New type of armor for riggers ... (8 replies)
  7. First adepts? (9 replies)
  8. Data Encryption/Decryption Question (p.292 BBB) (4 replies)
  9. Officer, my cat's in a tree! (8 replies)
  10. Gear Aquisition (12 replies)
  11. permits? (45 replies)
  12. Ronald Reagan, SDI and Shadowrun (103 replies)
  13. Control thoughts and infinate services (3 replies)
  14. Adepts, ambidexterity, improved combat skill (33 replies)
  15. Hiring a Runnerteam 101 (36 replies)
  16. Stealth warships! (35 replies)
  17. Looking for (3 replies)
  18. Geas(a) Question (6 replies)
  19. Flux Rating and Range (7 replies)
  20. More Questions on Magical Security (6 replies)
  21. Books to buy? (3 replies)
  22. Arcology Shut Down 2063. (6 replies)
  23. Year of the Comet: Expressions? (6 replies)
  24. Harlequin & The Big D (17 replies)
  25. How fast is that, exactly? (57 replies)
  26. Question About Spirit Energy (7 replies)
  27. Shadowrun 101 (17 replies)
  28. Ok, now you ticked me off, heading for NORAD (92 replies)
  29. Pain resistance vs. high pain tolerance (18 replies)
  30. Reputations in the shadows (22 replies)
  31. high charisma/will/intelligence scores (31 replies)
  32. Coolness factors and weapons (126 replies)
  33. Munchkinized Night One Gun Adept? (28 replies)
  34. rattan stick and claymore (40 replies)
  35. Trained to be Ghosts (21 replies)
  36. Repeater Crossbows and Silver Bullets (24 replies)
  37. Shadowrun fiction: A very long night (12 replies)
  38. Munchkins (22 replies)
  39. the great invisible flash light (9 replies)
  40. 9 of 10 Runners are Perfect? (27 replies)
  41. Cost for an Ocean going Frieghter? (21 replies)
  42. ShadowTunes. (11 replies)
  43. New GM needs help (14 replies)
  44. Silly questions about vehicle combat... (6 replies)
  45. Atlantis Found? (11 replies)
  46. Genetically modified humans? (11 replies)
  47. Photovoltaics as an Add on (5 replies)
  48. Seattle Gangs (7 replies)
  49. House rules I am considering; comments please (10 replies)
  50. Quick Question. (31 replies)
  51. Hypnotic Song quick question (11 replies)
  52. RC Cars and weapons... (6 replies)
  53. The Gipper's last sunset. (11 replies)
  54. Ghouls/Critters/Cyberware rules (13 replies)
  55. astral space and focus (9 replies)
  56. Integrating Geasea and Aspected Magic (25 replies)
  57. Flash Packs (26 replies)
  58. Limits on the effects of social skills? (15 replies)
  59. Need List of Allergies (18 replies)
  60. Simsense Recordings. How are they made? (2 replies)
  61. Heh Rayman, check it out. (26 replies)
  62. Drive: Bulldozers goes awry... (3 replies)
  63. Electricity and cyberware? (13 replies)
  64. Laws and Magic (29 replies)
  65. Missile Mastery Adept Power (11 replies)
  66. New GM needs help with NPC deckers (2 replies)
  67. movement in combat (18 replies)
  68. Program Carriers (9 replies)
  69. Assault Rifle B/R (23 replies)
  70. Question about Astral projecting (1 reply)
  71. RL Mafia to SR games? (26 replies)
  72. Astral Projection and Sustaining (16 replies)
  73. Decking while magically active... (11 replies)
  74. Lip-reading? (12 replies)
  75. Shadows of DeeCee (48 replies)
  76. Availability Chart (2 replies)
  77. Shadowrunners or In-house forces? (95 replies)
  78. 1 Essence worth of betaware (32 replies)
  79. RON SPENCER art on Ebay (1 reply)
  80. Just what is an 'assault cannon'? (69 replies)
  81. Dragons in Australia (5 replies)
  82. Munchy Face builds (51 replies)
  83. Fun with Claymores (24 replies)
  84. Harlequin (31 replies)
  85. Elemental Damage (7 replies)
  86. Articulated Arms and Ambidexterity (18 replies)
  87. Quick Deck Construction Question (58 replies)
  88. Korean Friendship Association (3 replies)
  89. The Daily Buzz (20 replies)
  90. How much karma/karma pool does (xx) have? (89 replies)
  91. Shotguns, chokes and shotshells (5 replies)
  92. UCAS Dollars (15 replies)
  93. I gots mad skillsoftz (2 replies)
  94. Music in the Matrix trailer (11 replies)
  95. Hand grenades and the (few) people who love them (22 replies)
  96. Recoil (41 replies)
  97. Cyberdeck Construction Question (5 replies)
  98. Virtual Battle! (91 replies)
  99. Law abiding citizens? (37 replies)
  100. Essence and Conjurers (10 replies)
  101. Brass knuckles... (20 replies)
  102. New applications at (7 replies)
  103. Rangefinders (4 replies)
  104. Projecting limitations (34 replies)
  105. Cicada Spirits (24 replies)
  106. Eidetic Memory vs. Mnemonic Enhancement (29 replies)
  107. Dont leave home without it (49 replies)
  108. Cost for Whole Clones (31 replies)
  109. Bad Guys (24 replies)
  110. Stuck making a street doc character (19 replies)
  111. Shadowland availability (28 replies)
  112. Quick Question (11 replies)
  113. You sank my astral Barrier, or did you? (10 replies)
  114. Magic Tables (1 reply)
  115. Adept: Way of the Magician Questions (32 replies)
  116. certified cred, untraceable? (43 replies)
  117. Knowsoft Memory Usage (6 replies)
  118. More Magic Fun (69 replies)
  119. Edges/flaws (4 replies)
  120. Awakened Australia (27 replies)
  121. Two-Weapon Melee Combat (21 replies)
  122. Obscure Specializations (31 replies)
  123. Rigger Network Encryption and Networking decks (3 replies)
  124. Camoflague (14 replies)
  125. Elementalist Question (2 replies)
  126. About mages using catalogue spell (33 replies)
  127. AZ-150 Stun Baton (21 replies)
  128. German Products (19 replies)
  129. Top Powers for Physical Magicians (18 replies)
  130. Using wireless modem/wiretaps (11 replies)
  131. Prisons and punishment (130 replies)
  132. On Astral Combat (20 replies)
  133. How do you build a host? (16 replies)
  134. Jack Itch (3 replies)
  135. Distributed Heart: new bioware (16 replies)
  136. Rigger Bits (43 replies)
  137. Chemical glands (6 replies)
  138. Loose Alliances (41 replies)
  139. Check me out, love. (17 replies)
  140. Ghoul Adpets (11 replies)
  141. What stats would you give depleted uranium lacing (273 replies)
  142. Meta Plot Ninjas, Assemble! (8 replies)
  143. Calling all Munchkins (33 replies)
  144. Critical Failure (13 replies)
  145. How much is too much? (53 replies)
  146. Rifles, stocks and shooting stance (46 replies)
  147. Lifestyle Question (36 replies)
  148. Mages and spirits possessing cyberzombies (35 replies)
  149. Quick questions about founding a magical group (8 replies)
  150. Good spot for those with limited firearms exp (28 replies)
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