Jun 4 2004, 02:27 AM
I believe that there were rules in 1E or 2E SR about a magically active character decking, but I haven't been able to find that in the 3E rules.
Does anyone know if any rulings on that exist, and if so, where?
Found a topic here that I missed two times...
Jun 4 2004, 05:36 AM
I assume you mean other than the Magic loss caused by losing the Essence when installing the 'ware?
Jun 4 2004, 06:24 AM
There were certainly penalties mentioned in Secrets of Power. Not sure if they had game rules to back them up, or if this was a quirk unique to Verner.
Regardless, no penalty exists for decking while Awakened beyond the inevitable essence loss or the loss of speed using a trode rig.
Jun 4 2004, 06:25 AM
In previous editions there were penalties. IIRC it was +1 TN in the matrix for each point of magic. If that wasn't it it was somehting similar. That no longer exists in 3rd edition.
Drunk Lu
Jun 4 2004, 09:52 AM
QUOTE (BitBasher) |
In previous editions there were penalties. IIRC it was +1 TN in the matrix for each point of magic. If that wasn't it it was somehting similar. That no longer exists in 3rd edition. |
As well it shouldn't, in my opinion.
But I could just be running off at the mouth.
Omega Skip
Jun 4 2004, 10:01 AM
Question: Can you perform astral projection while jacked in?
Jun 4 2004, 10:02 AM
In Matrix, it is explained that there's no penalties, and the IC explanation is that there was never any penalties despite false beliefs and street rumors...
Jun 4 2004, 10:06 AM
QUOTE (Omega Skip) |
Question: Can you perform astral projection while jacked in? |
Sure. I'd rule you suffer dump shock, since your sensory perceptions will suddenly shift from the Matrix to the astral plane, which is much like suddenly pulling the datajack out IMO.
Did you mean project into the Matrix?
Drunk Lu
Jun 4 2004, 10:08 AM
QUOTE (Namergon) |
In Matrix, it is explained that there's no penalties, and the IC explanation is that there was never any penalties despite false beliefs and street rumors... |
We've always been at war with Eurasia...
Omega Skip
Jun 4 2004, 10:11 AM
No, I definitely did not mean to project into the matrix, even though that would seriously mess things up.
Dumpshocking the mage sounds very reasonable. Of course, now I need to find a good reason why a mage would want to do this in the first place...
Jun 4 2004, 10:28 AM
QUOTE (Omega Skip) |
Dumpshocking the mage sounds very reasonable. Of course, now I need to find a good reason why a mage would want to do this in the first place... |
When do you ever need to suddenly astrally project or assense?
*To find out if that dragon breathing on you is an illusion from your roommate (again, the bastard) or if hacking that Saeder-Krupp datastore while Lowfyr was in town might've been bad timing.
*To deliver an emergency message to other shadowteam members who are cut off from radio and/or matrix communications. ("The silent alarm's been tripped and poison gas will be released soon! Run! Guys? Guys, why are you laying around on the floor of a megacorp zero-zero facility?")
Jun 4 2004, 11:14 AM
If there ever was a piece of IC that prevented anyone from jacking out, this method would be a good bypass.
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