Jun 9 2004, 06:40 PM
Quick question, Chummers:
As a relative newcomer to SHADOWRUN, I'm not too familiar with the concept of the geas (pl. geasa), used by the various types of magicians (i.e., Mages, Shamans, and others) as well as Adepts.
What I'd like to know is:
(A) Would it be possible to link a geas to a phrase used by the PC out of habit (for example, the comic-book Foreigner's trademark catchphrase, "That would be TELLING." [And YES, I KNOW it was appropriated from the opening-credit sequence of THE PRISONER]); and
(B) Could the SAME geas or trigger phrase be used for multiple Adept initiations, or what have you?
As always, thanks in advance for any advice.
A Rodent of Unusual Size
Jun 9 2004, 07:03 PM
Yes, you can use a Chanting geas for adept powers, and yes, you can apply them to multiple powers for a 25% reduction in their Power Point cost. They don't have much to do with initaition, though.
Jun 9 2004, 09:14 PM
Thanks, R.O.U.S.
Like I said, I'm not very experienced at this.
Jun 9 2004, 10:03 PM
Yes, you can use a Chanting geas for adept powers, and yes, you can apply them to multiple powers for a 25% reduction in their Power Point cost. They don't have much to do with initaition, though. |
Well, sorta.
A full mage can take a geas as an ordeal, accepting a geas for the reduced karma cost for initiation. This geas is permanent, so it can't be removed by later initiations. I'm not aware if Adepts can take this ordeal, but it could work-- all power points bought would have the geasa restriction, would be full price, and couldn't be altered later.
Geasa are usually tied to initiations, in that many mages try to get rid of them around that point. They can even accept a new one if they like, via the ordeal. So, they sorta do and sorta don't have much to do with initiations.
Jun 9 2004, 10:14 PM
Whoops. Sorry, Cain.
I forgot to mention that my character (in Sahandrian's Play-by-AOL-Instant Messenger campaign over at the Pedro's Witnesses: Redux site) is a Magician's Way Adept.
I hope that clears things up.
Jun 10 2004, 01:31 AM
Oh! Ok, that changes things.
As best I can tell, you're bound by both the adept and full mage rules. If you buy an adept power with a geas for reduced cost, you need to use the chant/incantation with every use of the power. Breaking the geas by not saying your phrase will mean you can't access the powers.
Because Magical Power is always lost first, and thus always geased first, you simply can't use if if your geasa are broken. If by some strange happenstance some of it is still availiable, then you're at a penalty to all magical tasks. You're kinda screwed coming and going, here.
Fygg Nuuton
Jun 11 2004, 08:21 PM
you could always take a singing geas for the song urgent
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