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  1. AA World-wide/City-Wide Drone Support Company (9 replies)
  2. [SR5] Archetypes (11 replies)
  3. What are some good examples of troll thrash metal (8 replies)
  4. Tir na nOg (10 replies)
  5. Improved Ability Question (85 replies)
  6. Chainsaws in 5th edition. (26 replies)
  7. Stealing cars (36 replies)
  8. Decker vs Decker (14 replies)
  9. Info on Miami (8 replies)
  10. Alchemy (37 replies)
  11. [SR5] Rigger Command test (1 reply)
  12. List of stupid/ funny wireless boni (162 replies)
  13. Low-Magic /Hybrid Characters (9 replies)
  14. Big 'D' Will Update! (24 replies)
  15. Shadowbeat rocker rules updated (0 replies)
  16. Better uses of SR skills (9 replies)
  17. So what happened in the end? (431 replies)
  18. 5th Ed. Necromancer (24 replies)
  19. A character quandry (6 replies)
  20. Why Do We Still Have Hit Points? (73 replies)
  21. Ratings on Arrows. (7 replies)
  22. Blast Spell in SR5 (32 replies)
  23. Cyberlimbs and limits (12 replies)
  24. Character themed Problem (54 replies)
  25. Hackers - sitting or running? (7 replies)
  26. Run & Gun art preview (4 replies)
  27. Using matrix actions without a corresponding skill (14 replies)
  28. Real Life and Shadowrun.. (7 replies)
  29. Cyberware costs (11 replies)
  30. Kingdom of Hawai'i (18 replies)
  31. Europe 2072 Firearms (5 replies)
  32. Fake SINs with licenses (8 replies)
  33. Ammunition ideas. (12 replies)
  34. Crowdfunding the 4th World. (1 reply)
  35. Myke Cole series-- shadowrun potential? (2 replies)
  36. Is Sensor Test required to attack? (1 reply)
  37. Kage (7 replies)
  38. Skillwires and Skilljacks, has anyone tried them? (55 replies)
  39. Coyotes (25 replies)
  40. what to do with 500 doses of Novacoke? (53 replies)
  41. Better Than Life (5 replies)
  42. Astral Spam? (1 reply)
  43. So where is my smartlink then? (4 replies)
  44. Matrix + various questions (4 replies)
  45. Electric Monocycle (9 replies)
  46. A weird experience -exposure to corp consumer culture (13 replies)
  47. Mystic Adept - raise of "adept points" after chargen (20 replies)
  48. Virtual Seattle (31 replies)
  49. Writing References (4 replies)
  50. Huh, that's interesting... (5 replies)
  51. Riggers (19 replies)
  52. SR4 arcana skill (5 replies)
  53. So I am going to shoot you with sulfuric acid :) (5 replies)
  54. New Member seeks Help with Character Build (4 replies)
  55. Magic power in SR 3 vs. SR 1 (16 replies)
  56. Knife-Gun (23 replies)
  57. TV that is close to Shadowrun (25 replies)
  58. Best company name ever (28 replies)
  59. The diary of Walker, Elven Face (132 replies)
  60. Mystic Adept (another thread) (59 replies)
  61. [RL] I think they are nerfing muscle replacement in SR (9 replies)
  62. When to roll initiative? (7 replies)
  63. Chicago info (12 replies)
  64. SR5 Priority-based Karmagen (0 replies)
  65. 4e Spirit Condition Monitors (1 reply)
  66. what are some fun diseases in the 6th world? (9 replies)
  67. What happens if a decker jacks in and there's already an active alert? (4 replies)
  68. Skilljacks, Skillwires, and Riggers (4 replies)
  69. Chase Action - Catch-Up/Break Away (3 replies)
  70. Improved Invisibility or Stealth? (9 replies)
  71. Nanosatellites (20 replies)
  72. Drakes and Dragonspeach (6 replies)
  73. Converting traditions from 4th ed to 5th (5 replies)
  74. New Show: Intelligence (4 replies)
  75. Moved: PbP game (-- replies)
  76. Jumped In Drone Defense (7 replies)
  77. SR?: Extreme Edition (35 replies)
  78. Augmented Maximum (2 replies)
  79. Alchemical Preparations (11 replies)
  80. What fell horrors to inflict? (18 replies)
  81. Do you guys use alchemy as magic users? (48 replies)
  82. Active Camo Armour? (8 replies)
  83. 5th Edition Matrix (13 replies)
  84. Air Spirits Can't Fly (36 replies)
  85. Matrix home-rule, looking for feedback (9 replies)
  86. Familiars (11 replies)
  87. Quick fix for TMs (14 replies)
  88. Dr. Peyton Westlake, to ER1 please (7 replies)
  89. Autofire in 5th E (25 replies)
  90. Metatype puberty and maturity rates (25 replies)
  91. Matrix Attributes for Drones (5 replies)
  92. SR5 or SR4 (277 replies)
  93. Hijacking run... (4 replies)
  94. Looking for Maps I can edit in an image editor (5 replies)
  95. SR5 and the Multiattack Myth (8 replies)
  96. How much Combat Mojo is enough? (45 replies)
  97. Inducing AI (9 replies)
  98. Changes to Seattle - a tunnel (8 replies)
  99. What is a spell? (25 replies)
  100. For the Coast to Coast A.M. crowd... (3 replies)
  101. Paid in product. (93 replies)
  102. Question about 5th hacker and commlink (2 replies)
  103. Three-Wheeled Bike-Suit (4 replies)
  104. Moved: Yet another Excel Based Character Genrator (-- replies)
  105. Pump-action Crossbow (16 replies)
  106. Meat in the 6th world (38 replies)
  107. Speed Archery (5 replies)
  108. The Real Spy Games (5 replies)
  109. Saturday Night Pit Fight (18 replies)
  110. Some Christmas Cheer! (21 replies)
  111. Spotting the thread (7 replies)
  112. Character generator (6 replies)
  113. Live action physads in an 80s rock band (3 replies)
  114. New tech toy ideas (35 replies)
  115. A New Threat (40 replies)
  116. GURPS Shadowrun (8 replies)
  117. Missed it by 2 days (29 replies)
  118. Combat hacking (alternatives) (12 replies)
  119. Tean is having problems with decking HAAALP! (16 replies)
  120. Matrix Tips and Tricks (8 replies)
  121. Making a spirit for a 'run (16 replies)
  122. Need help with SR3 decking (8 replies)
  123. Last night we fell asleep (5 replies)
  124. Vision Quests (Totem business) (4 replies)
  125. Renfield - How does it work, exactly? (23 replies)
  126. Social skills in SR5 (7 replies)
  127. [SR4] (8 replies)
  128. Astral Security (5 replies)
  129. Rules SR5: There are rules for writing programs, right? (20 replies)
  130. Shadowrun 5 Errata (534 replies)
  131. Concealment and Sensorchecks (7 replies)
  132. Ultrasound for Adepts? (30 replies)
  133. SR5 Control Thoughts vs. Control Actions? (2 replies)
  134. Lethal vs Less Lethal (67 replies)
  135. Bipods vs Internal Bipods (3 replies)
  136. House ruling SR4A + SR5 (19 replies)
  137. Full body prosthesis for a starting character (40 replies)
  138. Astral Speach (4 replies)
  139. Game (IC) threads... A Question? (3 replies)
  140. Mass transit as a Getaway Vehicle (33 replies)
  141. Invisible Castle is down? (20 replies)
  142. SR5 Spells: sustained require line of sight? (7 replies)
  143. Permanent Drain Damage (79 replies)
  144. Enchanting possibilities (12 replies)
  145. Need cyberpunk books for christmas (42 replies)
  146. Wireless Bonuses in Real Life (7 replies)
  147. New Mentor Spirits (22 replies)
  148. Increased thresholds and opposed tests (11 replies)
  149. It's Delicious, nutricious, and... WHAT? (100 replies)
  150. alt.War intro fiction (3 replies)
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