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  1. SR3 Revised Thread Closed (21 replies)
  2. pre-order books (1 reply)
  3. Stat Mr. Lucky (27 replies)
  4. Commlinks and Image Link: (52 replies)
  5. Cap for High Level Magicians? (40 replies)
  6. Pitfalls of Possession (10 replies)
  7. resuscitation in SR4 (23 replies)
  8. Commlink Security (25 replies)
  9. 3d web browser (22 replies)
  10. one step closer to cyberlimbs (2 replies)
  11. Moved: Game stores getting squeezed (-- replies)
  12. Multiple guns firing as one (11 replies)
  13. Astral Combat question (6 replies)
  14. House Rule: Beginner's Luck (4 replies)
  15. New Spell Design Range Category (2 replies)
  16. simsense hacking, not binary hacking (0 replies)
  17. Shadowrun Miniatures? (5 replies)
  18. Cyberarms in Melee (7 replies)
  19. Neccessary Comlinks? (53 replies)
  20. The Crash has arrived! (1 reply)
  21. Command program (25 replies)
  22. Quick! What printing? (9 replies)
  23. The Classical Tradition (31 replies)
  24. Open Source SR4 (8 replies)
  25. Agents Yet Again (12 replies)
  26. How do you play your NPCs? (17 replies)
  27. The Hogwarts Tradition (33 replies)
  28. Ritual magic and astral barriers (90 replies)
  29. Soldiers new Cyber (fore) arm (2 replies)
  30. Tear apart my technomancer (120 replies)
  32. Can adepts travel to metaplanes? (5 replies)
  33. Regaining Consciousness (11 replies)
  34. Resource: DocWagon Ad (9 replies)
  35. Question about Raygun's site... (3 replies)
  36. Shadowrun GMing software and tools (9 replies)
  37. SR4 Character Generator? (15 replies)
  38. Shadow Run 3rd Ed Character Bulider (3 replies)
  39. Surprise! (18 replies)
  40. Floorplans I found (13 replies)
  41. What do most magicians spend their karma on? (28 replies)
  42. [RL] RFID implants in humans (8 replies)
  43. Antiarmor minigrenades (5 replies)
  44. Moved: Help with Missions characters (-- replies)
  45. Agents (10 replies)
  46. Melee House Rule Critque (86 replies)
  47. Hi to all, new GM in shadowrun (26 replies)
  48. Laser Weapons (27 replies)
  49. Game Masters Bag of Tricks (47 replies)
  50. Augmentation ISBN (6 replies)
  51. Know what I miss about Deckers? (15 replies)
  52. Not enough fluff? (32 replies)
  53. 2D6 Feet: Interview with David and Adam (9 replies)
  54. Retro Technomancerts? (20 replies)
  55. Online SR4 games (27 replies)
  56. Unified Magic Theory (19 replies)
  57. Missing Something? (4 replies)
  58. Delta Clincs... how many and who has 'em? (60 replies)
  59. Edge Questions (6 replies)
  60. Mind probe (68 replies)
  61. The art of shadowrunning (113 replies)
  62. Super Size Me (6 replies)
  63. SR 2nd Ed Decking (43 replies)
  64. Cyberarms+Cyberdecks (7 replies)
  65. Magic Questions (8 replies)
  66. Cover penalties and combat dice pools (40 replies)
  67. Death in SR4 (25 replies)
  68. I can't find Augmentation on Amazon. (4 replies)
  69. Augmentation Artwork (115 replies)
  70. House Rule: Initiation for mundane (16 replies)
  71. SIN Creation Possible? (15 replies)
  72. Is a Defensive 'Runner Possible? (16 replies)
  73. Character Dissection (45 replies)
  74. Build Point costs for Western Dragon (3 replies)
  75. Droids (63 replies)
  76. Conceptualizing the Wireless World... (48 replies)
  77. Is a vampire's essense drain permanent? (2 replies)
  78. shields (11 replies)
  79. Creating a THOR node (66 replies)
  80. Street Magic nominated for the ENnie Awards! (20 replies)
  81. Quick question: Chinese Calander (5 replies)
  82. Kill Whitey (15 replies)
  83. Ally Spirit steed? (9 replies)
  84. Quick Question: Power Foci (14 replies)
  85. Useful GM software for PPC? (9 replies)
  86. Task spirit with Materialization (2 replies)
  87. Am I Being to Harsh? (19 replies)
  88. Jumping (4 replies)
  89. Small Unit Tactics (13 replies)
  90. Bailing Out (34 replies)
  91. Possession vs Materialization (29 replies)
  92. Need names for locations (24 replies)
  93. Hacker in Combat (2 replies)
  94. Why did the spilled drink miss me? (15 replies)
  95. Cyborg beats normies in official race (73 replies)
  96. Magic Sense (4 replies)
  97. What would River use? (53 replies)
  98. The Horror of Shedim (19 replies)
  99. Hiding items (11 replies)
  100. Question for Developers re: erratta (0 replies)
  101. Spirits and traditions (1 reply)
  102. Availability (20 replies)
  103. Monofilament sword (74 replies)
  104. Orc Hacker needs some love (8 replies)
  105. Critters emerge in China (6 replies)
  106. New Mentor Spirit: Spider (14 replies)
  107. Anthroform Vehicles (45 replies)
  108. Natural Immunity (14 replies)
  109. Question bout them SINners (26 replies)
  110. Oh no, Shiawase Atomics! (2 replies)
  111. Genetech book? (18 replies)
  112. More recent version of BeCKS than v2 for SR3? (6 replies)
  113. Free Adventures (47 replies)
  114. Would you like to live in the SR universe? (244 replies)
  115. smartlinks and bows (9 replies)
  116. Brainstorming nasty tricks to pull on hackers (4 replies)
  117. Dunkelzhan Pictures? (11 replies)
  118. Fencing an Item (14 replies)
  119. Invisible in melee (1 reply)
  120. So, why does your magician run the shadows? (36 replies)
  121. Worse than blind? (32 replies)
  122. Cheat Sheets (12 replies)
  123. Edge (247 replies)
  124. To Much Tech? (102 replies)
  125. Shape <Material> spell (12 replies)
  126. Modifying Vehicles (8 replies)
  127. MMOs in 2070: (16 replies)
  128. Rules clarification question (27 replies)
  129. Power of the Media and Group Think (9 replies)
  130. My first created run (31 replies)
  131. Astral Combat base Attribute (11 replies)
  132. Why shoot grenades at people? (67 replies)
  133. Autoinjector (4 replies)
  134. SR4 Matrix and the plot (60 replies)
  135. Agents and Copy Protection (12 replies)
  136. NPC hacker and writer's block (12 replies)
  137. Lifespan for Dwarves and Metavariants? (47 replies)
  138. Oh Please God help me! (73 replies)
  139. NPC Sheets (4 replies)
  140. Emergence and the future of the present (90 replies)
  141. Guaging Attributes (42 replies)
  142. Organlegging (63 replies)
  143. Spirit spellcasting drain? (9 replies)
  144. A detailed SR4 campaign? (5 replies)
  145. panther? (22 replies)
  146. Cursed Karma (25 replies)
  147. In game rewards and motivations (76 replies)
  148. Essence loss (14 replies)
  149. Emergence Review (202 replies)
  150. Reality filter, command line, and the GUI (23 replies)
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