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Full Version: Super Size Me
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Talking about size and weight problems on the Meta thread brought up some interesting points. Have any of you GMs out there ever made an issue or House Rule for your players who like to play BIG races such as Trolls?

My group talked about it back in the day like doing a -1 or -2 Target Number to hit a really Big Troll, but then the players who had Troll characters wanted a step reduction in DMG or PL on weapons. Deciding it might be too complecated we dropped the issue.

Of course we did the lifestyle and other problems but I'm just curious if any of you did anything game mechanics wise.
Trolls actually do have a lower Signature, so Riggers have a lower TN to get sensor lock and then for SEG.

Wounded Ronin
I never did this because even though I think it would have been a good idea the rules don't really lay any of the penalties for being huge out in a consistient way. However, it would be interesting to force the troll player to deal with trying to cram himself into the Barbie Dream House, etc.
I don't use any hard and fast rules, I just make things difficult, the troll gets stuck, can't find sufficient cover to actually benefit from the cover bonus, can't use the most convenient escape route and so on. There are lots of ways to acknowledge that trolls are enormous without going to something like giving opponents a -1 or more to hit them. I too toyed with they idea but then was afraid my troll players would want to have bigger better melee weapons (as a troll could easily wield a no-dachi in one hand) and argue that they could use bigger guns that shot bigger bullets more easily. So I just screw with them in other ways. It helps that one of my good friends in my gaming group is 6'8" so we have a reference for how it can suck to be big, and trolls are MUCH bigger then that even.
DuckEggBlue Omega
The only 'rule' I can remember having for troll size, was that trolls take up 2 seats in vehicles. Like a troll takes up 2 spots on a standard 3 person bench seat, or troll modded vehicles only having half the number of seats as their unmodded counterparts.

Not even sure where it came from, I just used it.
I think it was the Rigger Black Book. Just guessing though, but that seems familiar.
There is a boost in costs for making troll sized anything. I think it is a 25% mark up to reflect the added costs
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