Jul 22 2007, 10:40 PM
are there any rules for this.
and just what are the fiscal benefits of a Docwagon contract (i.e What do you get for your money?)
Jul 22 2007, 10:56 PM
Do you mean resuscitation?
The rules for First Aid and Healing start on page 242 of the rule book.
Healing magic rules on page 199 (note the Stabilize spell on page 201).
If by resuscitation you mean bringing a character back from the dead the answer is no. Death is SR is perminant. But "almost dead" and "miraculous survival" are covered by the Escape Certain Death rules on page 68.
Doc Wagon offers private paramedic and EMT services. Basically they will come to where you are dying and try to save you. How hard they try (in the face of dangerous situations, for example) depends on how much you pay (thus the different levels).
Jul 22 2007, 11:00 PM
Edited title for clarity
Edit: ugh, and spelling. Thanks.
Jul 22 2007, 11:07 PM
Jul 23 2007, 12:12 AM
So it's "obvious" what it's useful for when it comes to regular SINers how much it can affect your characters will depent largely on your GM.
The reason being that docwagon might turn out over to the authoraties, and may not make a difference in situations where you used a point of edge to stay alive.
However I'd be much more merciful with a player burning edge if they have a docwagon contract as it gives me a very nice tool for keeping them alive since the rest of the team might leave them behind. So maybe you'd lose your edge and some money, but I wouldn't make you buy up a bunch of organs because of how long you were laying on the ground.
Jul 23 2007, 11:54 AM
Doesn't one just choose Resurrection from the radial menu?
Jul 23 2007, 12:02 PM
Spoiler warning
[ Spoiler ]
Regarding resurection, dont you think that cyber zombies (below 0 essence characters) is in a way a resurection ?
While there is nothing on the subject in the books, wouldnt it be possible to "resurect" a character that died a few hours before with cybermancy ?
After all, cybermancy keeps someone alive with the help of intrusive technology and dark magical rituals.
If resurection existed in SR, then i suppose it should be that way : you come back, but changed by the experience ...
Jul 23 2007, 12:58 PM
QUOTE (treehugger) |
Spoiler warning
[ Spoiler ] Regarding resurection, dont you think that cyber zombies (below 0 essence characters) is in a way a resurection ? While there is nothing on the subject in the books, wouldnt it be possible to "resurect" a character that died a few hours before with cybermancy ? After all, cybermancy keeps someone alive with the help of intrusive technology and dark magical rituals. If resurection existed in SR, then i suppose it should be that way : you come back, but changed by the experience ...
Not really... You rather need to be alive *BEFORE* they do that to you.
Jul 23 2007, 01:12 PM
Although that would make a perfect Duncan Idaho scenario. Is he really still your friend after being brought back through cybermancy? What additions did the clinic make to his personality and programming? It would make for some fun faustian/monkey's-paw stories (but maybe not too fun for roleplaying).
Jul 23 2007, 02:39 PM
Darthmord, i said "IF" resurrection existed.
[ Spoiler ]
that's just a point of view of course, but i dont feel that having someone resurected with such practices would be that far from canon material.
Besides, that leads me to a question for mr Ancientfiles :
[ Spoiler ]
Umsondo in the Aztlan discussion is from Azania. From memory, there is a discussion between two guys in Cybertechnology, and they basicaly say that Azanians have the potential to do major Cybermantic rituals.
Project Infinity (ran by Universal Omnitech) could be set in Azania, as hints on this matter appears in Runner's Heaven.
Since Umsondo is not an immortal elf, not working for Mujaji, could he be linked to that Project Infinity since this project isnt in the hands of one of those 2 factions. And besides, Cybermancy is a form of blood magic, so if the guys from azania know cybermancy, they know blood magic, hence the link Usmondo-Cybermancy-Project Infinity.
I know that Usmondo sounds more like a mystic than someone involved in a cymbermantic conspiracy, but dont you think some kind of link might exist ?
To come back to resurection, some guys in azania have major cybermantic knowledge. They dont use this to create cyber zombies.
Some guys in azania work on a project called "Infinity".
Infinity evokes eternal life to me.
So resurection and/or immortality (like that of the IEs) is clearly an option dont you guys think ?
Jul 23 2007, 04:12 PM
First, I'm not even sure if that was
earthbinder's original question at all. It was an inference I made.
But beyond that: making someone live longer and resuscitation (bringing back someone who is freshly dead) are two very different things in my mind. The rituals for cybermancy are meant to permanently bind a person's essence or spirit to their physical form. You can't very well do that if their spirit has already departed. Plus, cybermancy takes hours, if not days. Someone in the throws of death probably isn't going to wait around long enough.
If you wanted to add this to your game you might say that they can extrapolate from cybermantic techniques to bring back the dead, or more accurately, reanimate corpses, but I would say the end result is something "other" than the person who used to be. I ran a short campaign like that once, actually. Very creepy. My players loved it.
This might also be possible with the "biodrone" rules mentioned in Augmentation... muahahaha
Jul 23 2007, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (treehugger) |
Spoiler warning
[ Spoiler ] Regarding resurection, dont you think that cyber zombies (below 0 essence characters) is in a way a resurection ? While there is nothing on the subject in the books, wouldnt it be possible to "resurect" a character that died a few hours before with cybermancy ? After all, cybermancy keeps someone alive with the help of intrusive technology and dark magical rituals. If resurection existed in SR, then i suppose it should be that way : you come back, but changed by the experience ...
More machine than man...twisted and evil
Jul 23 2007, 09:28 PM
Well if you guys read the comic Invincible, there is a "bad guy" who takes bodies and pretty much makes them cyber zombies. In the comics if was using dead bodies but they ended up killing themselves (because they wanted to stay dead) so he moved to live subjects. Sounds like a cool plot.
ps. could you not cyber out a body with its own power supply and add a persona chip to bring someone back to "life". I would be interesting to kill off a important person and scramble his wires to make him to push forward your interests. Kinda like those Sodijm (SP)... you know.. the possession spirits.
Jul 23 2007, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (Cang) |
ps. could you not cyber out a body with its own power supply and add a persona chip to bring someone back to "life". I would be interesting to kill off a important person and scramble his wires to make him to push forward your interests. Kinda like those Sodijm (SP)... you know.. the possession spirits. |
I would say yes and no.
yes you could cyber up a corpse and place a power supply in its torso and make it do your bidding, BUT
IT WOULD STILL DECAY eww that dead dead stench.
this can be fixed with a permanent sterilize spell. preventing decay and other organisms from inhabiting it. but as soon as anyone looks at the target in astral the gig is up.
Jul 24 2007, 12:02 AM
QUOTE (earthbinder) |
and just what are the fiscal benefits of a Docwagon contract (i.e What do you get for your money?) |
here ya go
Once a call from a contract-holder is confirmed, most
Resuscitation service carries a high premium, as
does High Threat Response (HTR) service. In the latter case,
the client (or her heir) is expected to pay medical bills up to
and including death compensation for DocWagon employees.
Gold service includes one free resuscitation per year, a
50 percent reduction on HTR service charges, and a 10 percent
discount on extended care. Platinum service includes
four free resuscitations per year and a 50 percent discount
on extended care. There is no charge for HTR services, but
employee death compensation still applies. Super-Platinum
subscribers are entitled to five free resuscitations a year and do
not have to pay for HTR services or death compensation.
Jul 24 2007, 12:54 AM
So. I recall a rule about copying one's memories to hard file format, called braintaping.
I know it was in the book Neuromancer, as well as other systems. But i can't seem to find a reference to it again in 3rd ed SR. Additionally, i recall a section on "engram overwriting" which was "marketed to attach a desired reaction to a specific stimulus" with an example being getting someone to derive pleasure from doing math. Again, I can't remember if this is just in literature, or if I actually have read it in an SR book.
So, question A) Are these things in SR (at least as of 3rd ed)
question B) If someone were to have a genetic sample left with Doc Wagon, could they not have a full clone (hinted at in Shadowtech when dealing with replacement limbs) for Doc Wagon to "overwrite" and essentially reinstall a backed up copy of someone?
Not exactly a service Doc Wagon would advertise, as it asks the legal question of "does death clear the crime" as well as legal rights of clones, so even if it were possible, it would likely be something only available to Super-Plats- and even then it would be a one time deal only used when the patient is not only dead, but completely dismembered/exploded.
Its good for those PC's who go well out of their way to make sure everyone is very very dead. ("They're down? Shoot em all in the eye. One escaped? Send a flyspy to follow him, then snatch him off the street in my van when i have time")
Jul 24 2007, 01:14 AM
QUOTE (Dender) |
So. I recall a rule about copying one's memories to hard file format, called braintaping.
I know it was in the book Neuromancer, as well as other systems. But i can't seem to find a reference to it again in 3rd ed SR. Additionally, i recall a section on "engram overwriting" which was "marketed to attach a desired reaction to a specific stimulus" with an example being getting someone to derive pleasure from doing math. Again, I can't remember if this is just in literature, or if I actually have read it in an SR book. |
I think you maybe be thinking of Cyberpunk2020 (or some such number).
Jul 24 2007, 01:29 AM
i would say both of those exist to some extent.
copying one's memories can be done, but in real time only; that is, you can copy what the person is currently experiencing only. mind you, with some simple (non-magical) hypnosis, i expect you could trigger that person's memories and potentially record that...
as far as attaching certain stimulus to certain actions, i would say it is very possible in shadowrun. if nothing else, a milder version of a personafix BTL should be able to pull this off, imo.
as far as installing someone's memories into a clone, not possible per se. you could turn someone's memories into a P-Fix, and have it run in a commlink (or even a datajack, i suppose) implanted into a clone. not sure how well that would work without the underlying personality that a P-fix normally overrides though...
Jul 24 2007, 03:44 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
QUOTE (Dender @ Jul 24 2007, 10:54 AM) | So. I recall a rule about copying one's memories to hard file format, called braintaping.
I know it was in the book Neuromancer, as well as other systems. But i can't seem to find a reference to it again in 3rd ed SR. Additionally, i recall a section on "engram overwriting" which was "marketed to attach a desired reaction to a specific stimulus" with an example being getting someone to derive pleasure from doing math. Again, I can't remember if this is just in literature, or if I actually have read it in an SR book. |
I think you maybe be thinking of Cyberpunk2020 (or some such number).
more likely than not. There might not be such a thing as too much cyberpunk, but there is too old.
I'm going 100% theoretical here, so you might want to break out Man and Machine to follow
The data filter implant allows for editing out information as it travels from short to longterm memory. The Encephalon boosts cognitive ability on intelligence skills, calling it a background process in the brain. SPU(I/O) allows digital information to be accessed like memories. And the invoked memory stimulator randomly calls up memories, which the user cant distinguish from reality.
And this isn't even taking into account the serum used in cybermancy to keep someone's body alive, or any crazy nanotech floating around.
Jul 24 2007, 04:02 AM
QUOTE (Dender) |
So. I recall a rule about copying one's memories to hard file format, called braintaping. |
Brain taping is gurps.
Jul 24 2007, 04:04 AM
The rules about rescuscitations is... up to the GM!
If the PC has a contract, then it might be fun to do, and it could always come into play as the HoG explanation.
Jul 24 2007, 04:43 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) | could always come into play as the HoG explanation. |
I think thats a pretty cool idea. But what flaws would you give such a character?
Jul 24 2007, 12:52 PM
QUOTE (Method) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 23 2007, 09:04 PM) | could always come into play as the HoG explanation. |
I think thats a pretty cool idea. But what flaws would you give such a character? |
Well who knows what they tinkered with? Cranial bombs is only the start....
Jul 26 2007, 11:42 PM
thank guys for all the comments:
apologies for my poor spelling (Google toolbar is far to easy to get used to at home, and they don't have it in work)
the main question was are there any hard and fast rules:
i.e. Its an Extended Medicine + Intuition roll from the Medic performing with a threshold = Physical overflow success brings you back to life (i.e. physical Overflow = Body-1) but urgent medical attention is required to stabilize you else you just die again. A critical glitch means the resus fails, a glitch just adds number of 1's rolled to the physical overflow (oops i think we broke a rib)
Docwagon supplies a Top notch Medic (Pro rating 5) Medicine 5 + Intuition 5, for platinum and super Plat hes willing to spend edge to bring you back.
makes the 20bp it costs for a Plat Docwagon contract worth it (after all that would be +2 edge)
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