Jul 18 2007, 04:35 PM
The negative quality unlucky has game mechanic penalties, but I want to extend that into the role playing aspect of the game as well. As it is, 3 of my 5 current playgroup has taken unlucky as a quality (and have all minimized their edge to boot). I consider the lack of edge and the chance that when they use that one precious point it'll blow up on them to be sufficient tradeoff for having a quality that may not get used all that often, but I want to still highlight the unluckiness of the group members.
So as an example, when the waitress brought the group their beverages, she tripped and spilled drinks on the 3 unlucky guys, but not the others. I'd like some other ideas to use that would bring out the unlucky quality without affecting game mechanics. So no slipping and falling to your death or things like that. What would you consider to be an "unlucky" turn of events?
Jul 18 2007, 04:37 PM
I don't care how unlikely it is, if there is gum within 3 city blocks of me I WILL step in it...
Large Mike
Jul 18 2007, 04:45 PM
Parking tickets. Traffic jams. Cutting yourself shaving. Oh, and for some recursive unluck, have one of them accidentally break a mirror.
Jul 18 2007, 04:49 PM
I'm a player that's often taken Unlucky (or Cursed Karma, or Bad Luck, or similar such things), and it's just the sort of thing I always took upon myself to handle. I'm, same as you, of the opinion a character's positive and negative qualities (or edges/flaws, whatever, depending on the edition and whatnot) should extend beyond just the numerical, the same way a characters attributes and skills should matter more than only in the middle of a combat or whatever.
And handling it just like you are is a fine start (spilled drinks, that sort of thing). I'd also mention to your players what you're doing and why you're doing it, in order to encourage them to start doing the same sort of things. Getting stuck in traffic happens, birds crapping on the seat of your motorcycle happens, minor vehicle breakdowns (preferably not in mid-firefight, but maybe enough to add to a few Lifestyle costs) happen, just the normal everyday crap that can make life miserable -- but still leave it bearable.
Jul 18 2007, 04:50 PM
It always rains on them when they don't have a coat or umbrella. Cars splash puddles on them. They always miss the bus or the bus/train is delayed should they be on time.
Jul 18 2007, 05:05 PM
They get arrested by Lone Star due to mistaken identity, or almost always getting a ticket for speeding, running a red light, not signalling properly, etc. (Some of these can also just be done automaticly from the Grid Guide).
If 3 out of 5 players are unlucky, some of them should consider spending karma on getting it removed. An entire team of unlucky Shadowrunners only means a team of soon to be Pedigree Ghoul Chow.
Jul 18 2007, 05:09 PM
any time they order coffee, it's cold.
Jul 18 2007, 05:11 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
any time they order coffee, it's cold. |
and has a fly in it.
Jul 18 2007, 05:13 PM
that's the soup.
Solomon Greene
Jul 18 2007, 05:32 PM
It's all the little annoyances. Get up in the morning, reach for the milk, take a swig just in time to register that it's gone bad. You spit it in the sink, which is where your cat decided to nest. Now, you have to chase a sour-milk smelling cat through the house, but not before it vomits on your favorite shirt.
That's in the first five minutes, before you shower only has cold water and you find you're out of deodorant.
Jul 18 2007, 06:40 PM
Alright that's taking it a bit far.
Really unless the GM is playing softball chars with that low of edge probably have a limited lifespan. So add a little flavor, but don't make them feel like you're persecuting them exactly.
(For example regular chars can burn edge to stay alive, and use it so they don't have to burn it. These guys don't have that luxury. For example lets say a missle is fired at their vehicle at some point. The rigger has no choice but to just take it. The resulting damage kills the unluckies inside, forcing them to burn their last edge point. The other two maybe get lucky with their edgier resistance rolls and stay standing. However now the unluckies are at 0 edge. If something happens between the crawling from the wreck and when they can next buy some edge that's it. They're done.)
Jul 18 2007, 06:48 PM
QUOTE (sunnyside) |
Alright that's taking it a bit far.
Really unless the GM is playing softball chars with that low of edge probably have a limited lifespan. So add a little flavor, but don't make them feel like you're persecuting them exactly.
(For example regular chars can burn edge to stay alive, and use it so they don't have to burn it. These guys don't have that luxury. For example lets say a missle is fired at their vehicle at some point. The rigger has no choice but to just take it. The resulting damage kills the unluckies inside, forcing them to burn their last edge point. The other two maybe get lucky with their edgier resistance rolls and stay standing. However now the unluckies are at 0 edge. If something happens between the crawling from the wreck and when they can next buy some edge that's it. They're done.) |
this assumes that one of them isn't unfortunate enough to have their edge expenditure backfire on them... presumably killing them in a much more final way. i dunno, maybe a master shedim has been stalking them, waiting to inhabit their corpse or something?
Jul 18 2007, 07:01 PM
QUOTE (mfb) |
that's the soup. |
Mr Unlucky:Waiter, there's a fly in my soup!
Waiter: I'm sorry. I'll adjust your bill; the fly costs extra.
Jul 18 2007, 07:02 PM
i don't think low-edge characters should have a shorter lifespan than high-edge characters. yes, they have fewer get-out-of-crap-free cards, but they also have more points in other areas--so they should need fewer second chances.
Jul 18 2007, 07:40 PM
While you are right they have more points in other stuff, and therefore should need less edge, it is quite probably that what they spent the points on won't get them out of whatever is threatening to kill them.
Not that you need to have an edge of 5 but at edge 1 with unlucky it's a bit like having a street sammy with reaction 1 and no dodge/gymnastics . True you'd have points to spend on more offensive abilities, but if you do get shot it isn't looking good. Such a character would tend to be in trouble more than a balanced char.
However some GMs have edge be a full "get out of the adventure" card. If they can buy their point back at the end of the night they should have long, if coma ridden, carrers.
Jul 19 2007, 03:34 AM
Thanks for the responses folks, lots of good ideas here! I'll let my players in on the deal and see how creative they can get as well. Thanks again!
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