Jul 27 2007, 05:28 AM
Very quick question just as I'm skimming Augmentation. Since there now exists a biological ultrasound system (enhanced hearing, vocal range enhancement, echolocation), can an adept now take ultrasound as an improved sense?
Ol' Scratch
Jul 27 2007, 05:52 AM
It's always depending on the GM, even with standard Ultrasound (since similar methods already exist in nature).
If you go with a strict reading of the rules, however, it doesn't matter. Improved Sense only grants the listed powers or senses duplicated by cyberware (and thus not bioware, nanoware or genetech) that doesn't include radio or other technological phenomena.
It's that last part that just leaves it all weird since, by definition, all cybernetic senses are technological phenomena. But to each their own.
Summary: Ask your GM.
Jul 27 2007, 06:14 AM
Ahh, right, I forgot it specifies cyberware only. Thusly, no improved ultrasound by RAW. Darn.
Jul 27 2007, 06:30 AM
Sure, but it's rather silly that everyone in the Sixth World forgot how to build ultrasound capable cybereyes after the Crash 2.0.
Also although I hate to use them in my arguments because they aren't up to snuff, but one of the sample characters has them installed in his/her cybereyes, but I freely admit that it proves nothing by itself considering the state the sample characters are in.
Jul 27 2007, 11:55 AM
QUOTE (Tarantula) |
Ahh, right, I forgot it specifies cyberware only. Thusly, no improved ultrasound by RAW. Darn. |
Er ... isn't there an cyberware version of the ultrasound sensor? Say, on page 331 of your hymnal?
Ol' Scratch
Jul 27 2007, 11:58 AM
Yes, but it works through "radar or other technological phenomena" which is a no-no for Improved Sense, silly as it is. I don't know a decent GM who doesn't allow it, though.
Ancient History
Jul 27 2007, 12:18 PM
Echolocation. Gotta love it.
Kyoto Kid
Jul 27 2007, 08:42 PM
...seems kinda silly when and adept can...
...generate fire or electricity from her bare hands
...hit somebody across the room with a punch
...walk over deep snow without sinking in (at least they can't do this on water...yet)
...change the shape of her face at will
...change the colour of her hair and skin at will
...see in the dark better than a cat
...sniff out scents better than a bloodhound
...yet they can't get the ability to echolocate like a bat? Even elves with those long pointy ears?
Ancient History
Jul 27 2007, 08:45 PM
1) It's an ear, not an antenna.
2) Nobody said no. Personally, I'd restrict it to passive ultrasound but that's just me. If you want a blind adept on a bicycle making clicks with his tongue, that's your bag.
Jul 27 2007, 08:51 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
If you want a blind adept on a bicycle making clicks with his tongue, that's your bag. |
Now I just gotta know: did you ever read 'Armaggedon Blues'? Because I swear that is right there in the book.
Ancient History
Jul 27 2007, 08:57 PM
QUOTE (Spike) |
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Jul 27 2007, 12:45 PM) | If you want a blind adept on a bicycle making clicks with his tongue, that's your bag. |
Now I just gotta know: did you ever read 'Armaggedon Blues'? Because I swear that is right there in the book.
Idoru by William Gibson.
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