Talia Invierno
Jul 17 2007, 03:54 AM
"Can't look can't look can't look" |
... and, having marked her opponents, River deliberately looks away and shoots: three shots, three opponents dead.
What Shadowrun abilities does River have? What would her stats be?
Jul 17 2007, 03:58 AM
Probably a pistol.

Had to make the joke before someone else.
Jul 17 2007, 04:03 AM
I assume you've been paying attention to the blind fire thread? =) She apparently has her Intuition. =)
Solomon Greene
Jul 17 2007, 04:16 AM
A new Adept power we should houserule.
Mnemonic Targeting
The Adept makes a Mnemonic Targeting+Intuition Test, with a Threshold equal to the number of opponents she intends to attack. If she succeeds, she can attack those targets without suffering penalties for visibility modifiers.
It's rough, I just made it up, watcha think?
Jul 17 2007, 04:17 AM
should be Magic+Int, or Targeting+Magic, or something.
Solomon Greene
Jul 17 2007, 04:21 AM
I thought about making it magic, but then I think it may be too "cheap". Making a player buy it at certain point levels makes it an investment and hopefully less game unbalancing.
Talia Invierno
Jul 17 2007, 04:44 AM
I wonder -- can we create her as the standard 400 bp PC? After all, she is supposed to be a "starting" character.
I like your new adept power, Solomon Greene, and plan to introduce it to my GM
Jul 17 2007, 04:48 AM
QUOTE (Talia Invierno) |
I wonder -- can we create her as the standard 400 bp PC? After all, she is supposed to be a "starting" character. |
No, and no she isn't. They specifically say so in their own RPG (where they present weakened, watered down, stats for her that are still more kick-ass than anyone else in the group). River Tam's far from a starting character.
Jul 17 2007, 04:51 AM
erm.. how 'bout three dimensional memory and eidetic memory sense? Does blind fire matter if she still knows precisely where they are? Just a thought.
Talia Invierno
Jul 17 2007, 05:02 AM
I've read that RPG, and run it through a few tests. What a "starting" PC means there and in Shadowrun are two very different things.
I also seem to remember a vehement insistence in other threads that in many cases Shadowrun starting PCs already came into the game with "pre-game experience" ...
For the purposes of this challenge, the 400 bp limit stands.
how 'bout three dimensional memory and eidetic memory sense? Does blind fire matter if she still knows precisely where they are? Just a thought. |
I've been wondering the same thing. Also, there's her Reader ability to take into account: just how precise is that in tracing location?
Jul 17 2007, 05:34 AM
QUOTE (Talia Invierno @ Jul 16 2007, 11:44 PM) |
I wonder -- can we create her as the standard 400 bp PC? After all, she is supposed to be a "starting" character. |
She's not a character. She's an Edge. =)
Edit: Er, I mean "positive quality."
Jul 17 2007, 06:06 AM
So you think a starting Shadowrun character can (and should) be smarter than the "I'm a very smart guy" character concept in the group, good enough in melee to take out the "I'm a combat guy" character concept and a bar full of people and a room full of charging "we're all melee guys" NPCs, better with guns than the "I'm a combat guy" character concept and the "I'm a pistols guy, specifically" concepts in the group...oh, and a psychic and a pilot and an athletics ninja, etc, etc, etc.
If River's a starting character in Shadowrun, it means the rest of the crew are a bunch of 250 bp chumps. Plain and simple. She's a better shot than anyone else, better unarmed than anyone else, smarter than anyone else -- even (especially) when compared straight-up against someone operating within their chosen specialization. What's that say about the rest of Serenity's "big damned heroes," if she's a starting character?
Solomon Greene
Jul 17 2007, 06:30 AM
River's one of Whedon's super-girls. He admits that he likes the idea of having a super-powerful teen girl in his work - super-powerful and beginning don't equal out.
Talia Invierno
Jul 17 2007, 07:28 AM
So you think a starting Shadowrun character can (and should) be smarter than the "I'm a very smart guy" character concept in the group, good enough in melee to take out the "I'm a combat guy" character concept and a bar full of people and a room full of charging "we're all melee guys" NPCs, better with guns than the "I'm a combat guy" character concept and the "I'm a pistols guy, specifically" concepts in the group...oh, and a psychic and a pilot and an athletics ninja, etc, etc, etc. |
A point: she doesn't start being able to do all that stuff. She's obviously got the potential -- but then who doesn't? Which is more immediately valuable: an unknown, uncontrolled potential, or the clear knowledge of one's own skills and the parallel ability to act?
For that matter: how much of her early skills might literally be the result of experimentation -- bioware or geneware, maybe? The net effect expresses as a dice pool, after all: it doesn't differentiate between where those dice came from.
(Heck, some of those episodes, you could almost use pseudo-possession rules in the way that she can't shut out her Reading abilities: in that the more she picked up, the less able she became.)
It's not until a later episode of Firefly before she uses pistols for the first time, during the rescue of Malcolm. Three placed shots. We could even say Edge for those, if we wanted. After all, we never see her using pistols again, even during the Reaver fight.
It's not until a surprise knifing of Jayne that she uses a weapon for the first time -- badly, Jayne would never have been caught if not for the surprise, and even then the damage is literally a flesh wound -- and after that not again until the end of Serenity.
It's not until Serenity when she uses unarmed combat for the first time. It's not until near the end of Serenity when she uses unarmed combat "consciously".
It's not until the end of Serenity that she demonstrates piloting skills.
It's also not until the end of Serenity that she becomes an equal with the rest of the crew -- not superior, but a fully contributing member. You'll remember, that was an issue that nearly got her and Simon thrown off the ship after she knifed Jayne.
Granted, in each case she uses the skill well -- but until that moment she literally doesn't seem to know it at all. Serenity rewrites that beginning, but still doesn't give her more than those athletic abilities and her own natural ability to learn.
There's also several things that, for all her genius, she's not. Never once do we see her as the tactician, for example. She's definitely not the negotiator, let alone the leader -- although Simon's leadership qualities have become just strong enough to clash with Malcolm's.
The character at the end of Serenity is not a beginning character, true. But that's not how we knew River in Firefly -- even at the end of Firefly.
Here's a thought: isn't there a "borrow skill" spell?
Jul 17 2007, 08:05 AM
River's not a Player Character. She's Simon Tam's Complication. (Negative Quality, for those who don't own the Serenity RPG.)
In Firefly. In Serenity, she becomes Joss Whedon's GMPC, and all bets are off.
Alternatively, you can make River; you just need dispensation from the GM to ignore the rules on how many points worth of Negative qualities you can take. She clearly took every Negaquality in the book, multiple times, to pay for her Mary Sueish character......
Yeah, maybe not. It does kinda bug me that she can out-do the other PCs in their areas of expertise - even their areas of specialization.... But then, it's stated from the beginning that she's some kind of ultra-prodigy who's been experimented on by the government, so...
Heh. It'd be interesting to make her as a PhysAd, given a 500 point starting budget and then advanced 200 Karma's worth. Does that sound like the right ballpark?
Jack Kain
Jul 17 2007, 09:17 AM
Well she's a conditioned super soldier she had all these skills the moment she set foot on the ship. However it was all buried in her subconscious. Its better to say she was a high BP adept with a unique negative quality called "Sleeper" and until the sleeper is awakened she's just a 95 pound crazy girl with little to no combat skills.
Jul 17 2007, 09:30 AM
She had all the skill groups at 1, all the augmentations and Edge. A lot of Edge.
Jul 17 2007, 09:36 AM
Talia, just to clarify, but are you genuinely trying to say that River was a starting character at the beginning of the series, and somehow (throughout the tv show, and by the end of the film) just spent karma to learn all that stuff by the end of the timeline as presented? If so, well, heck -- where's the GM with everyone else's karma? Is River Tam's player giving the GM special favors under the table, or what? What's everyone else spending it on, what skills are they increasing even half as dramatically as any ONE of hers? Where's all the xp coming from, since she doesn't even go with them on half their jobs?
And I'm not just going off their actions during the series and the film itself. Again, just take a look at the character sheets as presented in Serenity's own RPG -- there, she's presented watered down and pathetic (but still better than everyone at everything, more or less), and with a footnote at the bottom of her sheet basically saying "She's not really this sucky, we just weakened her so if you guys want to play as the crew of Serenity, the other character will still bother showing up. Maybe."
River Tam isn't a character -- and she sure as hell isn't a starting one. She's a plot device, the same way a tornado is.
Jul 17 2007, 11:33 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
If so, well, heck -- where's the GM with everyone else's karma? Is River Tam's player giving the GM special favors under the table, or what? What's everyone else spending it on, what skills are they increasing even half as dramatically as any ONE of hers? |
Cash for Karma?
Jul 17 2007, 11:39 AM
QUOTE (Critias) |
If so, well, heck -- where's the GM with everyone else's karma? Is River Tam's player giving the GM special favors under the table, or what? |
Well, duh! River's being played by the GM's SO.
Jul 17 2007, 12:08 PM
She could easily be a 400 bp shadowrun character if she has more than 35 bp in negative qualities.
Negative qualities just off the top of my head:
- Hunted
- Criminal SIN
- Autistic
- Uncouth
- Uneducated
- Random Paralysis (but once she gets going, watch out)
- Phobia: Hair
- All kinds of Psychotic
She also has min maxed her attributes and has no skills except a couple of combat skills. She spends all her karma just buying off her negative qualities. It takes her several adventures before she can even speak.
Jul 17 2007, 12:15 PM
i don't recall any instances of combat paralysis. definitely phobia: hair, though.
Jul 17 2007, 12:16 PM
I guess not Combat Paralysis, but "Random Paralysis".
Also added Criminal SIN and Hairophobia.
Jul 17 2007, 12:37 PM
She has awful long hair for someone with a phobia of it.
Jul 17 2007, 02:19 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
She has awful long hair for someone with a phobia of it. |
Remember she freaked out when she saw Shepherd Books' wild hair after he washed it but before he combed it. Thus the Hairophobia.
Jack Kain
Jul 17 2007, 02:28 PM
QUOTE (Buster) |
She could easily be a 400 bp shadowrun character if she has more than 35 bp in negative qualities. Negative qualities just off the top of my head:- Hunted
- Criminal SIN
- Autistic
- Uncouth
- Uneducated
- Random Paralysis (but once she gets going, watch out)
- Phobia: Hair
- All kinds of Psychotic
She also has min maxed her attributes and has no skills except a couple of combat skills. She spends all her karma just buying off her negative qualities. It takes her several adventures before she can even speak. |
How is she uneducated? she went to school and was specially trained assassin. She's obviously familiar with modern technology.
She also has no criminal SIN as she isn't supposed to exist. The alliance won't acknowledge the existence of the program, as such she's hunted under the table.
I agree with Critias she's a plot device.
Jul 17 2007, 02:38 PM
The Adept Powers of Blind Fighting and Motion Sense lower the total penalty for Blind attacks to only a-2 within Magic Meters. So with a good pistols skill her shots were not that hard.
Jul 17 2007, 03:40 PM
Yes, I remember. I'd call that "random crazy bitch being cute-crazy today instead of crazy-crazy" (10 pt Negative Quality), not a phobia. She doesn't run around shaving the heads of every person she meets, or tearing out her own hair by the bloody, ragged, handful. There was a joke at Shepherd Books' expense in one episode to add a bit of levity; that, a phobia does not make.
Jul 17 2007, 07:42 PM
Are you guys saying your party's gunslinger can't make 3 blind fire shots in a round and kill each grunt? Bah you noobs
Jul 17 2007, 07:51 PM
I wish just once that Whedon would make a movie that didn't have Buffy in it.
James McMurray
Jul 17 2007, 07:58 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
I wish just once that Whedon would make a movie that didn't have Buffy in it.
-Frank |
Does Toy Story count?
Jul 17 2007, 08:11 PM
QUOTE (James McMurray) |
Does Toy Story count? |
No. Being one of a team of screenwriters doesn't qualify as "making a movie." =) God bless 'im.
Speaking of the man, does anyone know what he is working on now?
James McMurray
Jul 17 2007, 08:18 PM
imdb says it's "Goners."
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0481738/ Not a heck of a lot of info there though.
Jul 17 2007, 08:21 PM
Goners is a supernatural thriller that Joss Whedon announced in Variety Magazine in 2005 and is now supposedly going to come out in 2008. Mostly, Joss has spent the last period failing to write a Wonder Woman movie.
Solomon Greene
Jul 17 2007, 08:23 PM
A Buffy/Serenity cross over set in the Marvel universe, under the Vertigo label so it can include lesbian sex.
James McMurray
Jul 17 2007, 08:28 PM
I'd go see that. Maybe even buy it.
Jul 17 2007, 08:29 PM
QUOTE (Solomon Greene) |
A Buffy/Serenity cross over set in the Marvel universe, under the Vertigo label so it can include lesbian sex. |
Goners or Wonder Woman?
Talia Invierno
Jul 17 2007, 08:32 PM
No one has actually tried a full build yet? Everyone is still coming up with arguments why she should or shouldn't fall within a build? (
ie. why not to do it in the first place

I'd question Uneducated as well -- but not as strongly as others. She's had early, abstract education; and she has
training. What she doesn't have, she seems to be
unaware of until she runs into it. In fact, she seems absolutely fascinated by some of the tech others take for granted -- and until the very end of Serenity, she doesn't really use any of it herself. (Flaw -- Tech-phobia [medical]? That one does send her off, and consistently.) The part I'd question is the inability to default -- but if we come up with some adept or mystic adept variant which allows her to steal knowledge from others (established in Serenity), it's explained.
QUOTE (Critias) |
Talia, just to clarify, but are you genuinely trying to say that River was a starting character at the beginning of the series, and somehow (throughout the tv show, and by the end of the film) just spent karma to learn all that stuff by the end of the timeline as presented? |
If you reject it out of hand, then obviously there's no point in my even suggesting it

Karma to increase skills -- or attributes -- doesn't always have to represent a clear-step learning curve, of the kind that we are most familiar with. There's other traditions that say we are already born with everything we know, and we just have to remember how to use it. In River's case, that could be a matter of learning how not to be overwhelmed by the world around her, so as to be able first to function, and then to specifically channel/control the inner pseudo-possession. I've been using the spirit term, but a custom personafix could easily give the same effect of making her unable to access abilities unless she is not "herself". In that case, all the "learning curve" karma goes to learning how to consciously access and control those abilities.
QUOTE (Critias) |
What's everyone else spending it on, what skills are they increasing even half as dramatically as any ONE of hers? Where's all the xp coming from, since she doesn't even go with them on half their jobs? |
QUOTE (Critias) |
So you think a starting Shadowrun character can (and should) be smarter than the "I'm a very smart guy" character concept in the group, good enough in melee to take out the "I'm a combat guy" character concept and a bar full of people and a room full of charging "we're all melee guys" NPCs, better with guns than the "I'm a combat guy" character concept and the "I'm a pistols guy, specifically" concepts in the group...oh, and a psychic and a pilot and an athletics ninja, etc, etc, etc. |
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
It does kinda bug me that she can out-do the other PCs in their areas of expertise - even their areas of specialization |
I place these three together -- because she doesn't. She just has the high Intuition and Edge to make it seem that way -- and after the extensive discussions on the
Stat Mr Lucky, and
Worse than blind threads, we know exactly why.
As to her attributes, Logic could well involve a cerebral booster, which (even if we start at a legal 4) brings it up to a superhuman 7. "Legal", because almost certainly she'd have Intuition as her exceptional attribute: so there's another legal superhuman 7. That's 30+75+6 (for the booster) +20 (for the quality), of the 200 independent of 'ware and magic you're legally allowed. Human gives her the extra Edge point, so Edge 8 eats up only another 65 points + another 20 for the quality: 5 over the limit, but if we manage this without any other qualities we'll let these 5 points slide for now. (Yes, and the booster 3 availability as well. Points is what I'm focusing on, just now.)
None of her other attributes are superhuman at the beginning of the series. She may have 'ware, but most of her starting physical attributes are low.
At no point does River out-leader Malcolm, or outnegotiate him, or outgun him. Nor am I convinced that River would have been able to beat the Operative. Mal
did. I'd say that makes Malcolm and the Operative among the best in the world at straight-up melee (base 6 in both attribute and skill); with the Operative almost certainly specialised in sword -- and you'll note that Malcolm was unable to beat the Operative, first time they fought. (Quite possibly part of Malcolm's earned karma went to Aptitude, another part to Exceptional Attribute: and then the attribute and skill have to be raised as well; while at the same time he is also filling in a wide range of other skills.)
River's opponents in the bar aren't in the same league as the Operative. Neither are the Reavers -- their advantage is numbers and a certain kamikaze insanity, not combat skill. (We see individual Reavers being killed by different members of the team almost as a matter of course.)
At no point does River out-leader Zoé, or outnegotiate her, or outgun her. She definitely isn't superior to Zoé in tactics. We don't see Zoé too much in intensely hand-to-hand combat, so there's no point of comparison. We don't have enough information to say for certain whether Zoé is among the best in the world in any of these, but by the end of Serenity she would certainly have solid 5's across a broad range of skills and attributes: and since she doesn't start there, we know where her karma goes as well.
She certainly doesn't out Charisma (etc) Inara. Inara is considered exceptional even among Companions: but she would also be among the slowest karma earners, and almost all that karma goes straight into further Charisma/social skill growth. River is just fascinating (middling high Charisma), but without much ability to apply it. In fact, we might even be looking at Incompetence here.
River doesn't out-pilot Wash. All we know is that she can make a smooth takeoff, and it's implied that she will be competent -- but Wash is said to be one of the best of the best, and we don't see anything at all similar from River as of the end of Serenity. Wash's piloting skills do grow throughout -- but he also broadens to open new combat skills. Firefly addresses, midway, that he was never the man who went to the meets, and thus was able to have his own combat stories to match Zoé's. By Serenity, he has become quite competent during some extreme combat. He may even have initially had Combat Paralysis. If so, by Serenity, he has definitely bought it off.
River doesn't out-shoot Jayne. She has three shots that she makes with a pistol, at relatively close range and having seen exactly where her targets were. Jayne succeeds at quite a few more (including a sniper episode), and obviously has a broad range of knowledge with firearms and melee of all kinds, as well as their associated upkeep skills. Keep in mind also that just about every combat-oriented member of the team can take out Jayne, if they put their mind to it. They are already among the elite. He starts off as a broad-based grunt, pure and simple. Besides the expected improvement in what he already does, his karma actually go in part to improving his social skills!
Simon -- the "I'm a very smart guy" -- started as genius level, call it 6 in Logic and 6 (specialised) in the biotech group: but he had zero combat skills or (outside his environment) social skills. Given that he makes a decent fight of it at the end of Serenity, much of his karma may have gone to learning how to survive. River has no knowledge whatsoever in his areas of extreme competence, and the phobia might make it difficult for her even to learn.
Everyone always misses Kaylee

Another character who doesn't go outside the ship much, she has natural Aptitude with mechanics and a very decent Intuition. Her karma progression is on a scale with Inara's. Again, she learns to fight in the course of the series, and has become reasonably competent by the end of Serenity.
Let's not lose track that with River as a starting character we're really only looking at a very few attributes and (potentially) a single skill group: Close Combat. In everything else, others are far better -- and remain so.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
She clearly took every Negaquality in the book, multiple times, to pay for her Mary Sueish character...... |
Last I heard, negative qualities and a hard life were almost the antithesis of a Mary Sue character. The point of a so-called "Mary Sue" is projected ego wish fulfillment, not -- writing up a challenging character. If it is determined to see Josh Whedon's writing that way, Malcolm would come closer.
QUOTE (Critias) |
And I'm not just going off their actions during the series and the film itself. Again, just take a look at the character sheets as presented in Serenity's own RPG -- there, she's presented watered down and pathetic (but still better than everyone at everything, more or less), and with a footnote at the bottom of her sheet basically saying "She's not really this sucky, we just weakened her so if you guys want to play as the crew of Serenity, the other character will still bother showing up. Maybe." |
But just for fun -- and not least because the two RPGs use completely different criteria for "starting", even before all that magic and 'ware' stuff -- let's go solely off what we see in the series/film, shall we?
Jul 17 2007, 08:39 PM
I'd be pants at doing up a 4e build for her, but I did feel it worth mentioning that IMO, the River in the show (even the one that goes nuts in a bar and messes a few drunks up) is a distinctly different character than the Buff...er...River in the Movie.
I really think trying to place both along any kind of continuum would just make your head hurt (kinda like watching River in Serenity does).
Jul 17 2007, 09:29 PM
@ Talia Invierno, You've totally sold me.
QUOTE (eidolon) |
I'd be pants at doing up a 4e build for her, but I did feel it worth mentioning that IMO, the River in the show (even the one that goes nuts in a bar and messes a few drunks up) is a distinctly different character than the Buff...er...River in the Movie.
I really think trying to place both along any kind of continuum would just make your head hurt (kinda like watching River in Serenity does). |
There were 6 months between the end of the series and the events in Serenity. Quite a lot of growth can happen in 6 months.
Solomon Greene
Jul 17 2007, 09:37 PM
I was toying with this idea last night as I tried to sleep after my AC decided to die, making it too hot to sleep.
River can be statted twice, really - one sets of stats represents River "at rest", the other represents her when the "Miranda Directive" is in effect. River didn't really start kicking ass until the Alliance purposefully turned her on, knowing the kind of disruption she would cause.
That's really what makes her hard to stat - she has powerful abilties, but no conscious access to them. Her psyche is blasted that any contact she has with her "implanted training" is random and she doesn't seem to really understand her action - River just seems to recognize the training.
Oh, forget the phobia hair thing.
Phobia: Blue Hands
Jul 17 2007, 11:16 PM
River can do improbable awesome stuff at irregular intervals - high edge, low skills. The only thing she can apparently do for a long time is kick ass on mooks - which mostly involves not getting hit (high reaction, multiple IPs, good gymnastics skill).
So here she is: River Tam
[ Spoiler ]
B 2
A 3 (5)
R 5 (7)
S 1 (3)
I 5
L 2 (3)
C 2
W 1
Ess 3.25
Edge 7
Attributes: 205
Athletics 4
Firearms 1
Stealth 1
Close Combat 1
Electronics 1
Cracking 1
Throwing 1
Lockpicking 1
Armorer 1
Artisan 1
Escape Artist 1
Pilot Groundcraft 1
Pilot Aerospace 1
Perception 6
Skills: 142
Cerebral Booster 1 (.2 / 10k)
Mnonic Enhancer 2 (.2 / 15k)
Synaptic Booster 2 (1.0 / 160k)
Synthacardium 3 (.3 / 30k)
Muscle Toner 2 (.4 / 16k)
Muscle Aug 2 (.4 / 14k)
Plastic Bone Lacing (.5 / 5k)
Gear: 50
Double Jointed 5
Sensitive Neural Structure
Whatever knowledges you want to give her, she's got 21 points to throw around and she's got a +2 bonus on all of them. Don't forget to Edge it up on Knowledge checks when you want to freak people out with esoteric trivia that you have no reason to know.
Final Analysis: River's player is a cheese-head. She spent literally all of her funds on augmentations and
assumed that if the other team mates really
wanted her to fight that they would give her a weapon. Furthermore, she dumped everything into a couple of combat fields that she could sustain for a long period of time, and then expected to skate by on all other activities she might be called upon to undertake by falling back on her Edge of 7.
In combat she always goes on full defense (gymnastic dodge), and rolls a not-inconsiderable
14 dice on her defense checks against ranged attacks (15 against melee). Then she spends her next 3 IPs doing
whatever. In a fist fight she doesn't actually connect that often, and does a sizable 3P with a punch.
In the setting she rolls in, she is almost the only person with multiple IPs, as The Operative is the only enemy we meet head to head who has more.
Jul 17 2007, 11:36 PM
QUOTE (TheDrake) |
There were 6 months between the end of the series and the events in Serenity. Quite a lot of growth can happen in 6 months. |
In a comic book maybe. There's also the "she was always that awesome, it just took a while to all come out" argument. They both sound like excuses to me.
Jul 17 2007, 11:39 PM
I dunno, we've seen some other preternatural fast gunslinging/fistfighting in Firefly.
How many times have Malcom and Zoe quickdrawn and shot the crap out of a numerically superior force before their guns even cleared their holsters?
And of course, that bounty hunter guy from Objects, and we've seen Jayne Cobb in at least a couple of all-out brawls where he moves faster than mooks...
But yeah. River in the movie is beyond unreal. Frankly, I don't think you can model her fighting in the movie under SR4 rules.
I always said she was channeling The One. I'm reasonably sure that if the Operative haden't told the soldiers to stand down, she could have dodged all their bullets and killed them all.
Jul 17 2007, 11:44 PM
That explains it then, the movie came out before the augmented attribute cap on spirit possession. She was Channeling a force 12 guardian spirit so all her physical stats were in the high double digits. By the end of the movie she had changed her guardian spirit into an Ally spirit and Channeled it all the time.
It's kinda obvious when you think about it.
Talia Invierno
Jul 18 2007, 12:11 AM
Looking at the build, a couple of things jump out at me.
To begin, this build focuses entirely on 'ware, and ignores the adept angle altogether. Hmm -- there's a couple of "minor" adept powers that could definitely balance off memory and "puzzle solving" -- might even be doable under a single power point to begin, and leaves some very logical directions to grow.
(Pity the mnemonic enhancer no longer has the karma bonus. That could have worked perfectly, here.)
Intuition and Logic both seem extremely low. Consider: if we are shifting away from using actual vision to determine hits, then Intuition becomes one of her primary combat attributes. Another part of the difference could probably be compensated with Body -- if she did get hit without spending Edge, she'd almost certainly go down. (Doesn't Plastic Bone Lacing add to BD for damage resistance tests?)
Heavy 'ware emphasis on heightening her physical attributes. Attributes are relatively cheap karma-wise to raise in-game: why not leave them low at chargen? without taking the 'ware road?
She doesn't have fast reflexes initially -- nothing even resembling that until the film. The knife attack on Jayne can be explained with a point of Edge.
Athletics group 4? Maybe just limit this to Gymnastics group -- and with synthcardium, she wouldn't need it high.
I'd question Cracking 1. Not impossible that she has it, it's just nothing we've seen on-screen (I don't think?) Same thing with Lockpicking, Armorer, Escape Artist, and Pilot Groundcraft. Should she even have any Pilot skills at chargen?
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685) |
I dunno, we've seen some other preternatural fast gunslinging/fistfighting in Firefly.
How many times have Malcom and Zoe quickdrawn and shot the crap out of a numerically superior force before their guns even cleared their holsters? |
Mundane ability alone can take it very, very high: consider 6's against the average 2's and 3's. Makes quite a bit of difference for a Quickdraw test (threshold 3). Don't underestimate a lifetime of training -- and the importance of supporting fire from concealment
Jul 18 2007, 01:01 AM
River can't pilot at the start of the series. She asks Mal to teach her.
River should have a very high Intuition and Logic, high Agility, average Charisma, average or slightly below Body and Strength.
She's super smart. Simon says she made him look stupid when they were kids, and he's brilliant.
She's not a great leader, speaker, or manipulator.
We don't see her shrugging off blows, or manhandling anyone. When she takes down bigger foes, it's with speed and accuracy.
She is not meant to be an RPG character. Statting her is like trying to stat Sauron from LotR, or the Reavers from Serenity, or Galactus from Marvel comics. She is Deus ex Machina, or Deus ex Whedona, whatever.
Jul 18 2007, 02:47 AM
QUOTE (eidolon) |
In a comic book maybe. There's also the "she was always that awesome, it just took a while to all come out" argument. They both sound like excuses to me. |
Which is
exactly where they spent those 6 months.
Shinobi Killfist
Jul 18 2007, 02:52 AM
QUOTE (ronin3338) |
Statting her is like trying to stat Galactus from Marvel comics. She is Deus ex Machina, or Deus ex Whedona, whatever.
F MN 75
A MN 75
S Cl 1000 Health 4150
E Cl 3000 Karma 3000
R Cl 1000 Resources Cl 3000
I Cl 1000 Popularity -1000
P Cl 1000
Galactus has each of the following powers at Cl 3000 intensity, but using them costs him 10 karma and suing them past unearthly power costs him 50 health.
Spirit, bio, energy, psychic vampirism
Absorption power
Energy, elemental and molecular conveiison
elemental and molecular creation
I'm too lazy to continue. And I woudln't even try to convert that to SR4.
Jul 18 2007, 03:18 AM
I normally wouldn't try this but I'm feeling bold.
So here's my version of River. I did break two rules:
-She has 45 points of Negative Qualities to make the numbers work
-She has both the Adept and Spell Knack Qualities. I did this so she could have the spell Area Thought Recognition, which I figured would best emulate her Reader abilities.
-I also used the optional Adept geasa rules from Street Magic, so her Adept Powers work at random
-I resisted the urge to give her cyberware, instead cramming her brain full of bioware. Under ideal circumstances, i would have squeezed in higher Synaptic Accelerators and some Reflex Recorders.
[ Spoiler ]
River Tam
Attributes 190 + 40 Edge + 40 Magic
Body: 2
Agility: 4
Reaction: 4
Strength: 2
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 6
Logic: 5
Willpower: 2
Edge: 6
Magic: 4
Essence 5.02
IP: 2
Initiative: 11
Skills 112 pts
Artisan 1
Close Combat Group 4
Escape Artist 1
Gymnastics 4
Infiltration 1
Perception 6
Pilot Aerospace 1
Spellcasting 4 This is so she can use her Spell Knack
Knowledge Skills
Area Knowledge: The 'Verse 4
+23 more points
English N
Mandarin Chinese 6
Positive Qualities 30 pts
Exceptional Intuition
Spell Knack
Negative Qualities
Not set in stone but need to add up to -45 points
Leaky Brainpan (copied from the Serenity RPG)
Distinctive Style
Traumatic Flashbacks
Adept Powers - all with the geas "Work at random times" 5.25 power pts - 25% = 3.94 power pts
Analytics - Level 3
Blind Fighting
Combat Sense - Level 3
Eidetic Sense Memory
Enhanced Perception - Level 3
Killing Hands
Nimble Fingers
Three Dimensional Memory
Spells 3 points
Area Thought Recognition
Bioware 150,000 nuyen or 30 points
Cerebral Booster (Alpha) - Level 2
Mnemonic Enhancer (Alpha) - Level 2
Synaptic Booster - Level 1
Total Cost
Attributes 190
Edge 40
Magic 40
Spells 3
Skills 112
Positive Qualities 30
Negative Qualities -45
Resources 30
Total: 400
Edit: to put in spoiler tags