Jul 18 2007, 01:19 PM
1. What do you roll when using the Magic Sense adept power for Street Magic p178?
Treat this power as the Detect Magic spell (p. 199, SR4), with a Force equal to the adept’s Magic. |
This is an active detection spell, so magic+spellcasting vs. willpower or force. But what does an adept (i.e. no spellcasting) roll? Magic-1?
2. Where does the force=magic come into play (since range is said to be magicx10 meters)?
3. Must the adept resist drain afterwards?
4. Is this power automatic or do you have to actively using it.
The Jopp
Jul 18 2007, 01:28 PM
Force equal to adepts magic rating
Dicepool = Perception Test
Jul 18 2007, 02:09 PM
QUOTE (The Jopp) |
Force equal to adepts magic rating
Dicepool = Perception Test |
Perception test seems a good solution (house rule?), but what is the force for?
Jul 18 2007, 03:35 PM
Force limits successes in spellcasting, so probably that is its effect here.
Jul 18 2007, 11:12 PM
And what about spirits? On the one hand Street Magic states "The adept can sense magical activity on the same plane." and on the other "Treat this power as the Detect Magic spell"
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