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  1. Bounty Hunting Campaign (21 replies)
  2. SR 4.0 suggestions and requests (126 replies)
  3. Throwing off the curse (20 replies)
  4. Firearms Damage Codes (8 replies)
  5. Combat Pool (3 replies)
  6. Whirling (9 replies)
  7. Riggers (30 replies)
  8. Artillery? (88 replies)
  9. SR: Reloaded or Revolutions? (55 replies)
  10. Cyber Eyes and range penelties (23 replies)
  11. A Few Answers Regarding SR4 (186 replies)
  12. Down?!? (8 replies)
  13. What's in the bag sir? (61 replies)
  14. Dangling plot threads (17 replies)
  15. SR4 Rumor Control (73 replies)
  16. Armor mods (4 replies)
  17. A Heretic's Question (25 replies)
  18. What happened to David Copperfield? (7 replies)
  19. Give monoteism some room in SR4 (143 replies)
  20. Bone lacing and essence loss (9 replies)
  21. 90210: IEs (32 replies)
  22. Artwork in V.4 (6 replies)
  23. Canon Companion Errata updated (13 replies)
  24. How to find (tabletop) shadowrun groups. (30 replies)
  25. Acceleration. (11 replies)
  26. Mages, Astral Vision and Long-Range (3 replies)
  27. Bioware and the body Index (11 replies)
  28. The SR4 developers want your input (40 replies)
  29. Cash in on SR4 (38 replies)
  30. What is going to happen to the SR3 ruleset? (7 replies)
  31. Random bit of trivia (4 replies)
  32. Mind probe (11 replies)
  33. A minor detail (1 reply)
  34. Rapid Fire Magic (15 replies)
  35. Earthdawn Crossover (96 replies)
  36. ShadowRun FASA Archive giveaway Saturday! (191 replies)
  37. Changing Detection spells (9 replies)
  38. permits (9 replies)
  39. A GM says what.... (26 replies)
  40. Worst totem ever... (120 replies)
  41. 2nd Verses 3rd (33 replies)
  42. Maximising Touch spells (21 replies)
  43. Spell locks? (15 replies)
  44. A playtester's point of view of SR4 (85 replies)
  45. Changing Manipulation Spells (7 replies)
  46. Shedim take over stuffed toy! (20 replies)
  47. Changing Combat Spells (28 replies)
  48. Shadowrun 4th edition - Cyberpunk203x ? (14 replies)
  49. Changing Illusion spells (7 replies)
  50. Changing Health Spells (19 replies)
  51. Thank you (27 replies)
  52. sustain focus, can it sustain any spell? (257 replies)
  53. NIH to destroy brain collection... (6 replies)
  54. Rolliing Dice (43 replies)
  55. Shapeshifters / Shapechangers (70 replies)
  56. Starting Availability (20 replies)
  57. AA Corps (3 replies)
  58. SoNA (0 replies)
  59. vehicle generators (2 replies)
  60. Calling all gun nuts (19 replies)
  61. Useless AAA (22 replies)
  62. The Dead Man's Book (25 replies)
  63. [SoA2064] Improved Ability (Expanded) (5 replies)
  64. The Otaku (73 replies)
  65. Armor rules (7 replies)
  66. Cold Hard Cash... (15 replies)
  67. Chargen limitations (9 replies)
  68. The African Tribal Mask of Doom (33 replies)
  69. Yet another Shadowrun magic question (14 replies)
  70. NPC's (8 replies)
  71. The stigma of Cybergeneration (47 replies)
  72. New Character Questions (5 replies)
  73. Breaking up Magic (65 replies)
  74. Matrix 2.0 (100 replies)
  75. Don't be a bitch like me. (8 replies)
  76. Virtual Knowledge (19 replies)
  77. Well known mages (69 replies)
  78. SR4 Firearms (111 replies)
  79. Five Years is Not Enough. (26 replies)
  80. Thank you McMackie! (12 replies)
  81. Possible Initiative system (16 replies)
  82. Equipment FUBOR's (25 replies)
  83. Favorite AAA (21 replies)
  84. Looking for SR website with Edges and Flaws (1 reply)
  85. "Augmented Reality" (1 reply)
  86. Converting characters (51 replies)
  87. Critters (14 replies)
  88. Matrix crash of '65? Wha? (30 replies)
  89. Blade 2 (41 replies)
  90. Is it true that Novatech will fall ? (11 replies)
  91. Latest errata for SR3 (3 replies)
  92. Tech Predictions for SR4 (40 replies)
  93. Dragons on Animal Planet? (23 replies)
  94. Firepower Ammo (5 replies)
  95. Trolls Weight (48 replies)
  96. Stealth Grapple Shank (48 replies)
  97. Free FanPro 2005 Catalog (19 replies)
  98. Who's hoping for new autofire rules? (34 replies)
  99. Eco-distraction (7 replies)
  100. Hackers Dream (6 replies)
  101. [SoA2064] SOTA Magic (56 replies)
  102. Old Signature Characters in SR4 (71 replies)
  103. Dumpshock name change (1 reply)
  104. Low key character for 85 point game set in '52 (7 replies)
  105. Initiating Psy ads, (13 replies)
  106. FanPro Announces Shadowrun 4! (3 replies)
  107. At first I was afraid... (4 replies)
  108. Playtesters...? (46 replies)
  109. Hacker vs Decker Terminology (62 replies)
  110. SR4 Matrix Overlay (12 replies)
  111. Wasting spirits... (21 replies)
  112. Info Brokers/fixers (10 replies)
  113. SIN costs? (3 replies)
  114. New border in SR4 (89 replies)
  115. [ShadowsOfEurope] What's in EuroTrids? (22 replies)
  116. New & Improved Fav Artist Poll (25 replies)
  117. Negotiating (85 replies)
  118. real-life host? (7 replies)
  119. HAVE Ars Magica, STCCG, L5R, PC Games, SG-1 Pics (6 replies)
  120. Shadowrun v4.0: The hard numbers. (48 replies)
  121. Talking to yourself (3 replies)
  122. Authors/Editors of SR4? (58 replies)
  123. Image/Display Link Question (2 replies)
  124. where'd you get your name? (157 replies)
  125. Disgust (27 replies)
  126. Shamans and Norse Gods (16 replies)
  127. Flying Monkeys (12 replies)
  128. What to expect when you're expected to run a game. (11 replies)
  129. SR Novels (0 replies)
  130. having trouble trying to sleep... (35 replies)
  131. Purchasing Question (8 replies)
  132. Real Streamlining? (37 replies)
  133. The Best Way To Kill All The PCs (52 replies)
  134. Support you FLGS (27 replies)
  135. Shadow Fortress (32 replies)
  136. Oh those pesky PCs (34 replies)
  137. How much time do your characters spend together? (12 replies)
  138. Gang enmity (5 replies)
  139. Shadowrun question (9 replies)
  140. Debt (22 replies)
  141. SR4 Style (60 replies)
  142. Shadowrun Logo (17 replies)
  143. Random thoughts re the Matrix and SR4 (44 replies)
  144. What about the current living world? (6 replies)
  145. Pulling a fast one (17 replies)
  146. SR4 (233 replies)
  147. do any developers post in here? (4 replies)
  148. New Approaches to the Game World (89 replies)
  149. Decking and Tally (6 replies)
  150. How would runner make a corp? (15 replies)
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