Mar 25 2005, 11:25 PM
I'm looking to have an exclusive Stunbolt for just firing off as many times as I can in one round.
From my interpretation of the casting multiple spells in one turn (SR3 P.181) and the description of what you cannot do with an exclusive spell (SR3 P.160) I think you can cast more then one exclusive spell at a time since it is splitting the dice rolled rather then a seperate skill but my brother thinks you can't cast an
exclusive spell in the mix.
So what do the gurus have to say about this?
Mar 25 2005, 11:32 PM
A Magical Action classified as 'Exclusive', such as an exclusive spell or initiating Astral Projection, means that you cannot perform any other magical function at the same time. You could not even be sustaining a prior spell and cast an exclusive spell without dropping the sustained spell.
So, in essence, no you could not cast two exclusive spells (even f they are of the same type) simultaneously.
Why would you want an exclusive Stunbolt anyway? The Drain on a Force 6 (or 7) Stunbolt is only 2[DL].
Kanada Ten
Mar 25 2005, 11:37 PM
Exclusive Actions, SR3 page 161-612 ...These feats require great concentration and cannot be performed while using any other magical skill or maintaining any other magical ability... |
Note that one cannot even maintain Spell Defense, which is also a split of the Sorcery dice.
Exclusive, SR3 page 180-181 An exclusive limited spell required more concentration than an ordinary spell, making casting and sustaing the spell an Exclusive Action. |
Simultaneous casting is still described as multiple tests and spells, so while this may be a technical loophole, I would not allow it.
Mar 25 2005, 11:51 PM
That was a quick. Thanks for the help.
Fortune:The reason for wanting a exclusive stunbolt is that the exclusive bonus counters the multiple spell p[enalty when you only do 2 spells.
And how did you calculate the stunbolt drain? SR3 P.191 says it is -1(DL) so would that not make a force 6 stunbolt 5(DL) drain?
Mar 25 2005, 11:54 PM
Drain is calculated by Force/2 (round down) and then adding any modifiers. Force 6 divided by 2 is 3, minus 1 is 2. This is described on page 183 of SR3.
Eyeless Blond
Mar 26 2005, 12:04 AM
The other reason to make it exclusive would be for learning the spell. Hitting that TN of 12 to learn a force 6 spell is not easy.
Mar 26 2005, 12:06 AM
QUOTE (Eyeless Blond) |
The other reason to make it exclusive would be for learning the spell. Hitting that TN of 12 to learn a force 6 spell is not easy. |
Yeah I know, but it's hardly worth the drawbacks when used with Combat spells.
Kanada Ten
Mar 25 2005, 11:58 PM
My suggestion on counter the multiple casting modifiers would be to apply the Aptitude edge to multiple casting Stunbolt. As a GM I might be convinced of it.
Though a better solution for you might be to take Stunball and increase the area of effect by withholding successes, each one adding a meter to the spell's radius. One could make that Exclusive to mitigate drain and thus put more dice into the test.
Mar 26 2005, 12:43 AM
QUOTE (Fortune) |
Drain is calculated by Force/2 (round down)... |
And all this time we have been using the full force of the spell to calculate drain. Now that is going to allow for
a lot more spells to be cast.
Mar 26 2005, 12:37 AM
Pleased to be of assistance to spellcasters everywhere.
Mar 26 2005, 02:03 AM
note that if you find it makes spellcasters too powerful (i don't think it does, but it's your game) using the full force as the basis for drain is an optional rule in the book.
Mar 26 2005, 02:56 AM
Another reason to take it as exclusive to resist drain is that you have a whooping high force.
My woyen is considering a force 10 powerboat but only has magic 8 at this time. make it exclusive and he will be able to cast it without taking physical drain.
Mar 26 2005, 03:50 AM
Hh. GGood luck learning it; the target number for anything above force 6 is prohibitive (and anything above Force 4 really isn't all that easy either).
Oh, and isn't it *dice* that you withhold to increase area rather than successes? Area is determined before you roll, I thought?
Kanada Ten
Mar 26 2005, 04:12 AM
Oops, you're right. It also must be Sorcery dice, so it doesn't help too much to have it Exclusive.
Mar 26 2005, 07:22 AM
QUOTE (tj333 @ Mar 25 2005, 07:43 PM) |
QUOTE (Fortune @ Mar 25 2005, 11:54 PM) | Drain is calculated by Force/2 (round down)... |
Wow! And all this time we have been using the full force of the spell to calculate drain. Now that is going to allow for a lot more spells to be cast. |
I've done both. Full force really puts the fear into your mage. They're a lot more likely to pull punches or carry a back up gun. Or get a little bio like the pain editor, which, despite the magic loss is a nice one for mages (no stun damage, +1 willpower while active).
The thing is (and I'm sure this has been debated time and again somewhere) that mages don't really need to have full force to balance them. Force 6 powerbolt means that somebody has to resist 6 (whatever) , and the caster resists 3 (whatever), assuming no modifiers apply.
Where any gutterpunk can shoot off a burst with an uzi III for 11M. A stock and shockpads(2points rc) means his target number is likely lower than the mages. If the target has average armor (say armored jacket 5/3) they have to resist 6M. Same as the mage, but the punk doesn't have any chance of hurting himself. I think high drain games work better with low power campaigns, where the other PC's have less powerful hardware, since it's about the only way to reduce a mages power. It does make for some interesting games. But unless you're going for flavor, I don't really see any reason for it.
Luke Hardison
Mar 26 2005, 03:46 PM
QUOTE (Edward) |
woyen is considering a force 10 powerboat |
For magically fast getaways!
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