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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Just tried to go to the offical website, and instead of creamy Shadowrun goodness, I get the following:
Error establishing a database connection
This either means that the username and password information in your wp-config.php file is incorrect or we can't contact the database server at

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Being the nasty rumormonger that I am, I figure some SR4 hater made a real-life run against the server. devil.gif

But seriously, any word on what's happened?
Well, it's up now, so if they did, they sucked. smile.gif

I should replace that with a cooler error message, though.
QUOTE (Adam)
Well, it's up now, so if they did, they sucked. smile.gif
And now class, we see the spin control of a typical shadowrunning target. Notice how the corporate representitive casually passes off the event as if nothing ever happened? biggrin.gif

I should replace that with a cooler error message, though.
Yeah, you should.

Maybe model it after's 404 Error?
faugh. my ninjas failed again.
QUOTE (mfb)
faugh. my ninjas failed again.

Mm hmm. I bet you'd like the administrators to think that. When the term decker replaces hacker in all their copies of SR4, I bet we know why. wink.gif
hm. he knows too much. i see mammals in your future.
Would that be mammals that fight all the time and only exist for one purpose?
Or possibly other mammals

No kage, I'm pretty sure by his two posts that he was reffering to ninjas and not, uhm, wtf, apple computers? God I hate Mac humour.
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