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  1. Surge Questions (3 replies)
  2. France dropping concrete bombs on Libya (26 replies)
  3. Free Spirits as PC's in SR4 (169 replies)
  4. Ghost Cartels (31 replies)
  5. 15 Fantastic New Futuristic Tech & Gadget Designs (20 replies)
  6. Milwaukee in 2070 (21 replies)
  7. Do. A deer. (15 replies)
  8. 1st session with Ghost Cartels (4 replies)
  9. Temporarily stealing an agent (3 replies)
  10. [RL] What can one man do? (146 replies)
  11. Fairlight & Vogel "easter egg" (8 replies)
  12. Building a mage. Suggestions on how? (112 replies)
  13. Rogue Medicine (17 replies)
  14. Pricing an Enemy (3 replies)
  15. Global Cola: 10 Pepsi-Cola Flavors You Can’t Get Here (19 replies)
  16. Qucik Enemy question (4 replies)
  17. Milwaukee Map (9 replies)
  18. Using a Nexus on a run (12 replies)
  19. Creating Runs: How do experienced GM's do it? (66 replies)
  20. SR4A Errata (20 replies)
  21. Social Implications of Being a Technomancer (55 replies)
  22. Manatech Applications (62 replies)
  23. Technomancers and Bio/Cyber (58 replies)
  24. Feedback Request: On the Run sequel (3 replies)
  25. NPC Critter Characters (7 replies)
  26. Fixing mages that are too powerful (149 replies)
  27. Would you allow this character? (51 replies)
  28. Going Orbital (105 replies)
  29. New to the Run (36 replies)
  30. Print is not dead! (58 replies)
  31. SR3 BGC and Shamanic Spirits. (2 replies)
  32. Naturally Wired (65 replies)
  33. Can a Penile Implant be Hacked? and a few other questions. (83 replies)
  34. How many karma do you need, before your Char. becomes unplayable? (90 replies)
  35. Shamanic Masks (28 replies)
  36. Urban Brawl Campaign (8 replies)
  37. Need a *sane* Pornomancer (15 replies)
  38. Laes (straight) vs Laes cigarettes--what gives? (55 replies)
  39. Armor degradation, 4e (42 replies)
  40. Sesame Steet 2073 (5 replies)
  41. Buggin Out (8 replies)
  42. Horrors (18 replies)
  43. Swarm Drones (29 replies)
  44. Do awakened characters outshine unawakened? (219 replies)
  45. Problem with the Magic Attribute (238 replies)
  46. Things You Thought Your Players Would Do, But They Didn't (49 replies)
  47. Shadows of Winnipeg (15 replies)
  48. Amnesia (19 replies)
  49. New Map (8 replies)
  50. Rounding (18 replies)
  51. What do these pieces of cyberware do? (9 replies)
  52. Overarching Storyline (GM advice) (13 replies)
  53. If you could have one piece of Cyberware.... (50 replies)
  54. What's new? (2 replies)
  55. 5 Passes? (54 replies)
  56. Expanded Metagenetics (54 replies)
  57. You know you are a SR geek when... (226 replies)
  58. Cops in Brazil to get glasses with facial recognition (and imagelink?) (34 replies)
  59. Slightly Crispy Medic Mage (34 replies)
  60. Silky Skin Simsense Star Street Samurai (11 replies)
  61. Playing a bigot (24 replies)
  62. Do awakened characters outshine unawakened? (2 replies)
  63. Search Fu Failure (5 replies)
  64. free spirits and startin with a vessel (21 replies)
  65. Angry ghost PC (21 replies)
  66. Best Ares Viper model ? (6 replies)
  67. Elf posers come early (84 replies)
  68. Everything you'd (n)ever want to know about Assensing (8 replies)
  69. Random Downtime (22 replies)
  70. 3e players: What to steal from 4e ? (25 replies)
  71. THE WAGE SLAVE! (23 replies)
  72. SR4A Knowledge Skills (3 replies)
  73. Things to do at Gencon (108 replies)
  74. Free Spirit PC (227 replies)
  75. Bizarre Player Questions (30 replies)
  76. Evo Corp... the dirt (67 replies)
  77. Adopting "atrib + skill" roll (ditching dice pools) (68 replies)
  78. Hardened Armor, Mystic Armor Interaction? (35 replies)
  79. Wordman's Cyberpunk auction (0 replies)
  80. How do you build an adept on 5 magic? (40 replies)
  81. [4e] Scumbag Buildpoints? (53 replies)
  82. Adepts and Retinal Duplication (25 replies)
  83. Almost killed a character Saturday night (56 replies)
  84. Poor Self Control (Compulsive Nudity) (50 replies)
  85. Caught in a Mob war (4 replies)
  86. What is a Shadowrunner? (58 replies)
  87. Tech-hating mage (50 replies)
  88. Demographics in the 6th age (23 replies)
  89. Most versatile weapon skills (98 replies)
  90. Denver? (2 replies)
  91. Two Origins Awards nominations for Shadowrun books (2 replies)
  92. Hivemind, Represent! I have a query for you all... (21 replies)
  93. Syndicates in Hong Kong (3 replies)
  94. DDH Still in Limbo? (9 replies)
  95. Legwork (20 replies)
  96. Movement modifiers (23 replies)
  97. Tailored Pheromones Clarification (19 replies)
  98. Jumping (11 replies)
  99. Here's a neat thing I found... (16 replies)
  100. Nadja Daviar? (71 replies)
  101. Ward Questions for 3rd Edition (14 replies)
  102. Erratas (29 replies)
  103. Levitate spell (14 replies)
  104. Commlink Setup for My Shaman/Face (9 replies)
  105. Replacing IPs (29 replies)
  106. So my Face just crossed both the Triads AND the Yaks... (9 replies)
  107. Fat Guy Street Samurai (34 replies)
  108. What is Pink Mohawk (200 replies)
  109. Dicenomicon Formulas for SR4? (6 replies)
  110. JSRF (1 reply)
  111. Non shiva-arms trollBow (219 replies)
  112. Firearms that make sense... (155 replies)
  113. Making custom drones? (5 replies)
  114. Gene Therapy (10 replies)
  115. Could a wingless pixie fly? (101 replies)
  116. Wanted: (31 replies)
  117. Dealing with failure (52 replies)
  118. Background count and Mana Static (20 replies)
  119. Beginnings of AR and PAN designs (28 replies)
  120. Skillwires - maximum rating (67 replies)
  121. Combathacker/Face (46 replies)
  122. Inset Spirit Stats? (16 replies)
  123. "Magical Associations"? (9 replies)
  124. Spirit Hunter Spells? (53 replies)
  125. Typical UCAS special forces squad (19 replies)
  126. Grapple Gun? (10 replies)
  127. Limits on Magic (41 replies)
  128. Winches. What would YOU do with one? (39 replies)
  129. Corp War ? (9 replies)
  130. A new take on hacker attributes (153 replies)
  131. Building Binky (33 replies)
  132. Optimizing an poorly build mage (26 replies)
  133. Gambling (35 replies)
  134. Six Armed Troll Melee Monster (48 replies)
  135. Spell Bullet Anchoring (9 replies)
  136. Genecrafted magicians? (27 replies)
  137. Group Contacts (28 replies)
  138. Sniping Skill (93 replies)
  139. April Fools run (63 replies)
  140. Skillsoft Clusters (7 replies)
  141. Dodge Ram (13 replies)
  142. Question about setting (13 replies)
  143. Pickup Trucks (51 replies)
  144. Daredrenaline and Drain Resistance (22 replies)
  145. What threats might be found in a Seattle sewer/stormdrain? (30 replies)
  146. New Program: Fallout (82 replies)
  147. Font used? (10 replies)
  148. Shadowrun: Retro Edition (48 replies)
  149. Manifesting astral entities and you (2 replies)
  150. Spy Games (6 replies)
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