James McMurray
Apr 29 2011, 04:31 PM
The Enemy quality (RC 104) says that the enemy's value is equal tot heir modified connection rating plus their incidence rating. Incidence ratings go up to 6, so that leaves a possible 19 points. What is a "modified" connection rating and how does it get that high?
Raven the Trickster
Apr 29 2011, 04:46 PM
You can have a group as an enemy, which can give quite a large modified connection rating (Runners Companion, AFB so I don't have a page number). The other way to boost it is to have multiple single or group enemies.
For example my current character has a low level gang as a group enemy and a fairly powerful single npc as another enemy. Total BP between the two of them was 15 if memory serves.
Apr 29 2011, 04:51 PM
"Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose themselves for you."
James McMurray
Apr 29 2011, 05:39 PM
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