Apr 5 2011, 10:41 PM
This has come up on numerous occasions at my tables and I've also wondered. Is the grapple gun listed in SR4A pg. 337, more along the lines of Batman or Rorschach?
What's dumpshock think? Can one zip up a building nice and pink mohawk like?
Or is it a sneaky quiet, slow and steady mirror shades stealth line?
Apr 5 2011, 10:44 PM
AFAIK, you have to climb the rope. If you didn't, you'd think the book would mention it, right?

That's a pretty huge assumption for a player to make.
Apr 5 2011, 10:46 PM
Well, we'd always assumed it had been able to lift someone slow and steady. Just because it's rather vague on that.
Apr 5 2011, 10:55 PM
My GM decided that you can hit the turbo button on the grappler but you have to replace the motor alot. Like almost every session. It costs to be cool.
Apr 5 2011, 10:57 PM
I certainly understand why you'd want to be Batman. I'd make them pay an additional (larger) fee for a slow, self-winching grapple gun (absolutely *can* exist). And I wouldn't let the weapon mod version do it.
Apr 5 2011, 11:44 PM
Mythbusters built one in the "Superheroes" episode. (Just watched it a few days back).
They had one arm-mounted winch EASILY capable of carrying a grown man pretty speedy 10 meters up. Weak points: They couldn't fire anything deep enough into a wall and the first cable ripped (but the second, thicker one held up)
So 2070 tech with some nanowires, ultradense batteries and perfect electromotors SHOULD be able to carry dudes around. I think they gave it a weight of 5kg in SR3? Or was it 5 pounds? Well, but i can see something like that as cyberarm accessory or clippable onto your shot cable and EVEN as a grapplegun-addon for way less than that weight.
Apr 6 2011, 12:13 AM
What about a Batarang and climbing up the building, taking time out to talk to a celebrity?
Apr 6 2011, 02:55 AM
I agree, Summerstorm: like I said, it absolutely can exist. I just don't think you can assume the default ones do it. It specifically says 'small loads' in SR4A.
Apr 6 2011, 02:09 PM
QUOTE (Yerameyahu @ Apr 6 2011, 02:55 AM)

I agree, Summerstorm: like I said, it absolutely can exist. I just don't think you can assume the default ones do it. It specifically says 'small loads' in SR4A.
So it's Gnome Batman time?
Apr 6 2011, 02:18 PM

It says the primary purpose of the winch to merely to retract the hook.
So, just houserule an add-on/mod stronger winch… but also much bigger, and expensive. Possibly noisy… or even more expensive.
Apr 6 2011, 02:22 PM
Grapple-Hand < = if it's possible for cyber, it should very well be possible for external O.o
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