QUOTE (ggodo @ Apr 11 2011, 01:00 AM)

I would love to see the stats on that if you could. I'm truly fascinated by how you can make this monstrosity. He's like the Binky of the air.
This was meant to be a gimick character inspired by the Kid Stealth Legs (typed the new name earlier). After the SURGE someone got him into professional wrestling, but the shine wore off and he quickly wound up on the streets, hence he ran the shadows.
I didn't have the original sheet, but here is a quick remake that is close. A couple of things to keep in mind, with my group we generally play starting characters with dice pools in the 12ish range for their strong areas, again, this is a total gimmick character concept. Also, at our table 400 bp characters get 8 free bp to spend on contacts, this is not included in the outline below:
Ork (20 bp)
Stats (200 bp)
Body 7
Agility 5 (7)
Reaction 3
Strength 7
Charisma 3
Intuition 3
Logic 2
Willpower 3
Special stats (50 bp)
Edge 2
Magic 5 (4 after essence loss)
Essence 5.0
Active Skills (106 bp)
Gymnastics: Leaping 6 +2
Unarmed Combat: Kickboxing 4 +2
Influence Group 2
Climbing 1
Running 1
Pilot Groundcraft 1
Palming 2
Intimidation 2
Perception 2
Dodge: Ranged 1 +2
Qualities (+1 bp)
Adept -5
Class 3 SURGE -20 (base -15, with -5 more for extra mutagenic qualities)
*Celerity -5
*Balance Receptor -5
*Elongated Limbs -5
*Functional Tail: Balance -5
*Kangaroo Legs -15 (Satyr Legs -10 and equivalent of level 5 Hydraulic jack for additional -5)
*Extravagant Eyes +5
*Impaired Logic +5
*Unusual Hair +5 (kangaroo style fur/pelt)
In Debt: 30k +30
Distinctive Style +5
Martial Arts +9 (Kickboxing +1 Damage, Kick Maneuver, Finishing Move Maneuver)
Cyber/Bio (total 64k)
Muscle Toner 2
Platelet Factories
Trauma Damper
Level 3 Ears (Could do eyes, but ears for the kangaroo flavor here)
*Select Sound Filter 4
*Spatial Recognizer
*Increased Sensitivity
*Audio Enhancers 3
Adept Powers
Great Leap 4
Free fall 4
Improved Ability Gymnastics 3
Attribute Boost Agility 1
Killing Hands
Critical Strike 2
Resources (13 bp spent with 1,000 nuyen left)
Remaining bp for more resources, contacts, or possible edge: 12
Now, here is how I figure things: Leaping 8 + Agility 7 + Great Leap 4 + Improved Ability Gymnastics 3 + Kangaroo legs 6 (2 for Satyr element, 4 for hydrojack element) + Attribute Boost Agility (with 5 dice, lets call it 2 average) = 30 dice to jump
Max of 8 meters Vertical, 22 Standing Horizontal, and 36 Running Horizontal.
Other side affect: This character has a walk/run of 20/50. With this speed, I suppose you could take out the Pilot Ground craft and increase running a little bit and he could get around fast enough on his own 2 feet. That is a walk speed of 24 Km/h or almost 15 mph. You could also jog at 110 km/h or about 37 mph taking 1 stun damage from fatigue roughly every 20 minutes.
Wall walking was never part of my concept, but you can see how easy it would be to add in.