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  1. seperate matrix rules (4 replies)
  2. Prime runners? (12 replies)
  3. Weird spell foci/anchors. (16 replies)
  4. Athletics stunts (168 replies)
  5. Confused on Wujen summoning (5 replies)
  6. Suppressive Fire (5 replies)
  7. Quotes (4 replies)
  8. DMZ Questions (15 replies)
  9. Books to buy (12 replies)
  10. what are some of you best roleplaying (4 replies)
  11. CCSS Matrix Interlink (4 replies)
  12. Elves are how old? (20 replies)
  13. the future of the sixth world (12 replies)
  14. Simple Question (4 replies)
  15. new player question (5 replies)
  16. Blue Gender (12 replies)
  17. I'm stumped. Throwing Grenades (2 replies)
  18. hatchetman (34 replies)
  19. SIN's and matching jobs (7 replies)
  20. Shadowrun -> Sci-Fi (14 replies)
  21. Got some questions (29 replies)
  22. Matrix Help! (43 replies)
  23. New Releases ... What , Where , When ! (5 replies)
  24. Is this character background idea doable (21 replies)
  25. Just sharing a link i found (3 replies)
  26. Heart Attacks (41 replies)
  27. Special forces ranks (11 replies)
  28. Roman Catholic Church in Shadowrun (12 replies)
  29. Magikal Crime (7 replies)
  30. How would you build a criminal empire in SR? (15 replies)
  31. Control Thoughts (3 replies)
  32. Arrow Price? (21 replies)
  33. Standard equipment for ye olde 'grunts' (2 replies)
  34. Economics in Shadowrun (14 replies)
  35. Bioware Birth Control? (74 replies)
  36. Defaulting Questions (13 replies)
  37. Computerizing the Matrix sourcebook (CCOC) (1 reply)
  38. Help wanted (Para) (12 replies)
  39. How much does a dose of acid weigh? (14 replies)
  40. By the Gods?! Is this legal?! (18 replies)
  41. Matrix, Scramble, and Decrypt (16 replies)
  42. Man & Machine Rerelease (25 replies)
  43. SR-Style Books (4 replies)
  44. Skillsofts and defaulting. (14 replies)
  45. Shadowrun: The Movie (24 replies)
  46. Desert Wars (2 replies)
  47. Noob questions about essense loss (24 replies)
  48. Heist movies and inspiration for runs? (33 replies)
  49. Annual SR calendar (20 replies)
  50. Seattle SB revamp... (2 replies)
  51. About Japan/the Imperial Japanese Empire in SR... (24 replies)
  52. Running the matrix (1 reply)
  53. Happy Holidays (21 replies)
  54. Merry Christmas from AH (6 replies)
  55. Dikote for improved hand razors (23 replies)
  56. Riggers and guns (21 replies)
  57. Martial Arts Maneuvers (2 replies)
  58. Most memorable character (1 reply)
  59. Shadowrun in Red Deer, Alberta (1 reply)
  60. How many 'runners make their own jobs? (35 replies)
  61. Toxics on the astral (14 replies)
  62. Cosmetic Surgery (5 replies)
  63. Centering (58 replies)
  64. Fling LOS (17 replies)
  65. Pissing off Great Dragons... (42 replies)
  66. What is Trideo? (31 replies)
  67. Magic Residue (14 replies)
  68. Maps of seattle and chicago (11 replies)
  69. Shadowrunning Music (48 replies)
  70. Characte-initiated runs (26 replies)
  71. CyberLimb ECU's (5 replies)
  72. Magical Groups (1 reply)
  73. The wraiths have come (22 replies)
  74. Mass Blindness (3 replies)
  75. Adepts and Centering (54 replies)
  76. Aid conjuring? (45 replies)
  77. Stupid Vehicles Question (10 replies)
  78. Ally Spirit's Pools and Initiative (8 replies)
  79. Shadowun computer/console game petition (17 replies)
  80. Holiday Fiction (0 replies)
  81. Magic Fingers and Reach (8 replies)
  82. Do mirrors grant line of sight? (53 replies)
  83. automobile power sources (22 replies)
  84. Has anyone run the Arcology? (15 replies)
  85. question about cyberware (4 replies)
  86. Gaddafi tries to stop Shadowrun timeline (17 replies)
  87. Live Entertainment in SR (5 replies)
  88. Shadowrun novels (2 replies)
  89. Low level pc's (30 replies)
  90. SR Adventures and Concepts (26 replies)
  91. Corvettes, Mustangs, and Muscle Cars, Oh My (9 replies)
  92. Need some advice for a One-Shot game (6 replies)
  93. New Spell that mimics Tailored Pheramones (5 replies)
  94. Invisabilaty + Paint (37 replies)
  95. Resist Pain spell questions (1 reply)
  96. Street/Gang Level Campaign (4 replies)
  97. Magic and spirits (1 reply)
  98. Long Range Spell Casting (59 replies)
  99. Entering Aztlan legally? (29 replies)
  100. Martial Arts and the military/cops (26 replies)
  101. Weirdest. Shadowrun game. Ever. (31 replies)
  102. Hoody hoo! KODT (20 replies)
  103. Music.... (4 replies)
  104. Firearm Damage Codes (83 replies)
  105. A Game of Numbers (102 replies)
  106. dounuts (34 replies)
  107. Disguise Active Skill? (8 replies)
  108. 2 Newbie Questions (6 replies)
  109. Natural Poisons (22 replies)
  110. A clean run? (22 replies)
  111. Paladins and Ghosts (13 replies)
  112. The Accidental Tourists (23 replies)
  113. Why has... (25 replies)
  114. Jamming radio-detonators (5 replies)
  115. Ebooks (35 replies)
  116. Real life Trideo (14 replies)
  117. New to Shadowrun (8 replies)
  118. Running 'runner teams composed entirely of 'mages' (44 replies)
  119. the death of dumpshock forum (73 replies)
  120. Right to Bear Arms (27 replies)
  121. SR books in Sydney (3 replies)
  122. Contacts based on resources at chargen? (8 replies)
  123. What to buy next? (23 replies)
  124. A Sprinkle of Magic (15 replies)
  125. Remote Weapon Systems (13 replies)
  126. Shadowrun Mini's (1 reply)
  127. bug spirits (5 replies)
  128. Death to Dice Pools! (18 replies)
  129. Election of 2053? (3 replies)
  130. Skillwires + Martial Arts (10 replies)
  131. Micro-camcorder question (10 replies)
  132. How honest of a GM are you? (27 replies)
  133. One more condition monitor... (5 replies)
  134. Petro Houngan PCs anyone? (3 replies)
  135. Borg gunnery.. help!? (10 replies)
  136. robotic riggers (12 replies)
  137. S-K, Lofwyr and the Tir (24 replies)
  138. Ally Spirit (8 replies)
  139. 2-Pistol Shooters (77 replies)
  140. Racism (37 replies)
  141. Skillwires (83 replies)
  142. Shadowrun Novels (13 replies)
  143. Magic (149 replies)
  144. elemental secondary effects? (15 replies)
  145. Some Questions re: Aztlan (36 replies)
  146. Gun-Kata ...a.k.a. Gun-Fu (33 replies)
  147. Gun shoots around corners . . . (2 replies)
  148. Way of the Gun (30 replies)
  149. Aspected Wujen and Shapeshifter (5 replies)
  150. The Last Samurai (49 replies)
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